How to fight (for girls)

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


It's not just boys who fight: so do girls! If you are about to fight another girlfriend and are scared, then this article will help you. Finding ways to mediate is always a better solution, but if you can't, then you need to learn to protect yourself.


  1. First, try to find another solution. You should talk to a parent or teacher before the fight.Try to find a way to solve the problem without resorting to violence. You may not want to appear weak in front of other girls, but if they just play with you because you are tough, they won't be honest. They are not and will never be able to be good friends either.
    • Fights can have a lot of consequences. If you seriously injure another person, even if they are the initiator, you will still be fined or punished in accordance with the law. This happens even if you accidentally seriously injure them, so it's better to avoid violence if possible.

  2. No fighting on school grounds. It's a good idea to choose an offshore location because when fighting in school you are more likely to be suspended or even expelled. Note, however, that even if there is a fight away from the school, you may still be dealt with by the school because fighting is an unacceptable behavior and problem-solving approach.

  3. Always find supportive allies. Chances are that the other girlfriend fights very well or her friends will jump in and fight with it, so you must take the same precautions. This will help you avoid serious injury. With a few friends, the fight might get smaller because people won't let it go out of control. Tell your friends you don't want to make a big deal out of it, they just need to protect you!

  4. Avoid being the first to touch. You should avoid the fight if you can. Tell her or convince her: whatever you do, don't hit first. If you hold your stance and don't say anything excessively, you probably won't need to hit.
    • Try to talk to prevent the clash. You could say things like: "I'm getting bored of arguing like this. It won't change anything. Can't we river water without breaking wells?" or "Will that really solve the problem? It would be better if we had fun with everyone."
  5. Find weaknesses. When she talks, stay calm and assess how weak she is. If the person is shorter than you - attack from above. If you're taller, focus on your legs and stomach. If your partner has long hair, grab her hold and pull her head down so she can't see.
  6. Bow to support the fist. If the opponent is about to punch, tilt your head so that the punch hits your forehead or the top of your head. Doing so will cause the opponent's hand to hurt and not dare to continue punching. Moreover, this also helps your body to suffer less damage, your skull is very hard!
  7. Turn to the side to avoid being punched in the stomach. If your partner tries to punch you in the stomach, turn around so that the punch hits only your side. This will help protect your body from getting too badly injured.
  8. Rock if falling to the ground. Absolutely avoid falling to the ground, but if you fall, kick to prevent the opponent from approaching, then find a chance to get up, but don't turn your back on the opponent. If these methods don't work, curl up to protect your body.
  9. Avoid hitting with your fist. A lot of people hold their hands the wrong way and end up hurting themselves. Instead, you can grab a fist and strike with your elbow.
  10. Aim for areas prone to pain. If you are attacking an opponent, attack sensitive areas such as the groin, chest, abdomen, face, knees, feet, and hands.
  11. Let the other party lose their strength. Avoid the attacks as much as you can, let the enemy attack and attack continuously. Soon she would get tired and the fight would end sooner.
  12. Use lock levers. Try pinching the opponent to the ground to finish the match. The best way to do this is to use the opponent's own body to defeat them. Grabbing the opponent's little finger and pushing it towards the elbow, the entire arm will move along. Next, you will bend your arms behind your back and push the opponent to the ground, rest your knees up between her back, and hold hands until she calms down.
  13. Trick the opponent. In a match, fooling the opponent is one of the wisest ways. You can pretend to swing your hand like you're about to punch, when the opponent grabs the hand, you can quickly kick right into the danger.
  14. To act. When fighting, if you get punched or kicked but it doesn't hurt that much, act. Lie on the ground and scream and scream, your opponent will laugh at her and by the time she doesn't notice, get up and strike, this is a fight anyway! advertisement


  • You should wear an extra shirt underneath the shirt so that if the outer shirt is torn, there is still no problem.
  • Wear leggings or sports shorts. Wearing jeans will be difficult to move, and leggings are also harder to pinch.
  • Make sure to tie your hair neatly so that your opponent won't be able to grab it. If you have long hair, put a bun on your head.
  • If you have a piece of clothing torn - just keep hitting. Shame was one thing, and getting beaten up was another.
  • Always stand with your feet wide so that if you push, you can still stand.
  • Don't move hands or feet first. If caught, the teacher or boss will think your opponent is the one making the war.
  • If you don't mind getting into trouble, go ahead naturally, and hit hard. If you let your opponent hit first, you will not know how strong the attack is and you will most likely be defeated.
  • If possible, always turn your back on the wall to prevent someone from sneaking.
  • Consider cutting your hair short or clip it up.
  • Protect your neck from being strangled by an opponent.
  • Make sure you have a supporter present with you, in case you get beaten. With more or less hit, the chance of serious injuries will be very high.
  • Hold on to yourself and avoid prying into other people's stories or lifestyles when it's not needed. However, this doesn't mean you should keep quiet when you really need to talk.


  • Fighting is not the way to solve every problem you have with other people. Not only are you at risk of injury, you could also face the risk of being expelled from school, or having a criminal record, negatively affecting your future future.