How to stop your menstrual cycle

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop a Period from Coming | You Need To Know This
Video: How to Stop a Period from Coming | You Need To Know This


If you have periods like most women, you may want to stop or slow down your period from time to time. Maybe it's because you're going on vacation or the "red light" comes in at an inconvenient time. There are some home remedies you can try to stop your period. However, taking birth control pills is a more effective way to control your menstrual cycle. If your periods are heavy or prolonged, talk to your doctor who will have a way to help you treat.


Method 1 of 2: Stop menstruating early

  1. Take high doses of ibuprofen to stop or delay your period. Some women can delay the red light by taking 800 mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours. However, keep in mind that this is higher than the recommended dose on an over-the-counter ibuprofen bottle, so you should consult your doctor before trying this method.
    • Another option is to take 500 mg of naproxen 3 times a day.

  2. Try having sex on a red light day. Having sex with a partner or masturbating on a red light day can shorten your menstrual cycle. When you "peak," an orgasm can cause the uterine lining to fall off more quickly as the vaginal muscles contract.
    • While it doesn't work for everyone, it can be helpful, plus it has other benefits, such as menstrual cramps.
    • If you want to stop menstruating briefly in love, try a menstrual plate. This device is placed near the uterus, and you can comfortably have sex without worrying about getting dirty.

  3. See an acupuncturist for prolonged menstrual periods. Acupuncture can help if you have persistent menstrual periods or heavy bleeding, also known as menstruation. Some women find that their menstrual symptoms get better or the menstrual period is shortened with acupuncture.
    • Ask your doctor to refer an acupuncturist in your area. If your doctor doesn't know a specialist, try searching online for an acupuncturist with many good reviews.
    • When doing acupuncture, the acupuncturist will insert small needles into different points of your body. Most people don't feel pain because acupuncture needles are tiny.

  4. Reduce the amount of menstrual bleeding or prolong with chasteberry (European virginity). This supplement is also known as chaste tree (the virgin tree). Try drinking 15 drops of the liquid extract once per day. You can add it to tea or other drinks to make it easier to drink.
    • Some women with prolonged menstrual periods find this product helps them shorten the length of their periods.
  5. Ask your doctor about birth control pills to skip your menstrual cycle. Birth control pills can help regulate menstruation, but you can also take them to skip a cycle or stop periods altogether. Most birth control packs include 21 active pills and 7 placebo pills. To skip a menstrual cycle, you won't take 7 placebo pills, but instead take a new pack. Usually, the placebo pills are of a different color, such as white, while the rest are yellow.
    • Always talk with your doctor to determine if this is safe for you.
    • You can also stop menstrual cycles completely by taking a pill in succession, i.e. you buy a birth control pill without the placebo pills or skip the monthly placebo pills.
    • The IUD can also help reduce menstruation in the long term. The hormonal ring will gradually reduce your period and can stop your period completely within a year.This device delivers low dose hormones for a long time, and you can put the IUD for up to 5 years.
    • Your Ob / Gyn can help you. It is a small device that is placed in the uterus. You will not feel anything after the IUD insertion.

Method 2 of 2: See a doctor to treat heavy and prolonged periods

  1. Pay attention to heavy menstrual bleeding. Some women have heavy periods, but it is considered excessive when the blood seeps through a tampon or tampon within 1 hour and occurs for several consecutive hours. Another symptom of this condition is that you must use more than one type of sanitary product at the same time, such as using a tampon while using a tampon at the same time.
    • Another symptom of a menstrual period is that you have to get up at midnight to change a tampon or tampon and be unable to do normal activities because of heavy menstruation.
    • You can also see coin-sized blood clots in tampons.
  2. Be aware that your menstrual cycle lasts more than a week. A menstrual cycle usually lasts only 3 to 7 days. If your cycle lasts more than a week the exam is considered over-normal. See your doctor if your menstrual periods are too long or your cycles don't stop.
    • If your period is heavy for many more days, you may begin to notice signs of anemia, including symptoms like extreme fatigue and shortness of breath.
  3. See an obstetrician or gynecologist if you have severe or persistent menstrual symptoms. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms. They may also want to talk about your medical history, so be prepared.
    • You should also monitor the amount of tampons or tampons you use during a menstrual cycle so your doctor knows how much blood is lost.
  4. Prepare for the visit. If you experience heavy menstrual bleeding symptoms, your pelvic exam will be done. During the examination, you will be asked to undress and lie on the examination table. You will spread your legs apart so the doctor can examine the vagina.
    • The doctor will insert an instrument called a speculum into the vagina. You will feel a bit uncomfortable, but not too painful.
    • Your doctor will also perform a smear of the cervix, which is a sample of the cells in your uterus. They may also take a small tissue sample for biopsy.
    • If possible, your doctor may wait until your period is over before you can start a visit.
  5. Prepare for blood tests, ultrasound and other diagnostic tests. Diagnostic tests will help the doctor determine the disease and appropriate treatment. To test the blood, the technician draws blood from your arm and sends it for testing. During the ultrasound test, your doctor will scan the transducer on your abdomen and uterus to look inside.
  6. Talk to your doctor about treatment. The treatment method will be based on the diagnosis. If nothing is serious, your doctor may just suggest that you take hormone therapy, such as birth control pills. In addition, your doctor may also recommend that you take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen for menstrual cramps or iron supplements if you have anemia.
    • For other problems with the lining of the uterus, surgery may be needed. For example, you may need to remove the uterine lining, or even remove the uterus.