Ways to Stop Dizzy

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Dizziness? Answer This One Simple Question! Can Lead to Cure.
Video: Dizziness? Answer This One Simple Question! Can Lead to Cure.


Each person views shock in a different way. Some people think that it is a phenomenon when they feel their head is light or out of balance, and are shocked with others, it is when they feel things "spin around". Since dizziness symptoms are not specific and can have multiple causes, finding a way to stop or prevent a dizziness can be seen as a process of testing different ways to find a final solution. and. This article will give you a few things you can try when you experience dizziness.


Method 1 of 3: Instant Solution

  1. Sit or lie down. You may experience dizziness or a sudden head hovering when you get up or move. Immediately when you notice signs of dizziness or dizziness, sit or lie down immediately. This will help reduce the feeling of reeling, and also safer in the event of a fall.
    • If you're sitting, try to keep your head between your knees. This, like lying down, increases blood circulation to the brain.
    • Lie or sit down for 1-2 minutes, or until the dizziness is gone.

  2. Drink water. Dizziness often occurs due to dehydration. Dehydration can be the result of not drinking enough or not getting enough water for yourself during and after sports. On the other hand, dehydration can also occur when you have a medical condition that causes vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. After you've stopped dizziness, be sure to drink plenty of fluids as well as other beverages.
    • You can replace water with other beverages such as energy drinks, low-sugar teas, broths, or thin juices.

  3. Eat something. Dizziness can also occur when blood sugar levels drop, especially in people with diabetes. When you feel dizzy, try to eat a few snacks, especially those high in sugar and starch. A chocolate bar or a banana can also help.
  4. Focus on a fixed point. Dancers often focus on a fixed point when performing a rotation because this will help them avoid dizziness and dizziness. You can also apply this tip while in a similar state.
    • Focusing on a spot, such as a crack in the ceiling or a stain on the floor, can make your sensory organs think you are standing still, not spinning.

  5. Deep breath. Dizziness can sometimes be a sign of an anxiety disorder. When you have an anxiety disorder, it is difficult for you to breathe normally. But the reality is that you were trying to breathe too quickly. So, try to breathe deeply and slowly. This not only calms you down, but also reduces your dizziness.
  6. Avoid bright light. Try to avoid strong light as well as light from the TV or computer when you feel dizzy.
    • Strong light can put you off balance and make things worse.
    • Try to sit or lie down in a dark room, or close your eyes for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Do an Epley exercise. The Epley movement is a neck and head tilt exercise that can be used to relieve symptoms of dizziness. This exercise forces the stunned calcium crystals into an area inside the ear where the crystals will no longer cause dizziness. The steps of the Epley exercise are as follows:
    • Sit down and tilt your head to the tinnitus ear at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizontal.
    • Lie down while keeping your head tilted at 45 degrees. Hold this for 1-2 minutes. You will feel less dizzy.
    • Turn your head 90 degrees toward the other ear and turn to look at the ground.
    • Hold this position for a while. You will feel a bit dizzy, but it should get better after that.
    • Slowly return to the starting seated state.

Method 2 of 3: Long Term Solution

  1. Move slowly. If you are at risk of dizziness, an important factor to keep in mind is not moving suddenly as moving too fast can cause a sudden change in blood pressure. You should move slowly, when standing up or sitting down should also slowly, if possible, stick to solid points such as handrails.
    • When you wake up in the morning, be sure to follow these steps. First, slowly get up in bed, then put your feet on the floor. Before getting up slowly, take a moment to relax and breathe.
    • Move your leg first when switching from reclining to standing. This will help your blood circulation cycle work well and minimize the feeling of lightheadedness in your head.
  2. Increase your water intake every day. Lack of water can affect your blood pressure and lead to symptoms of dizziness and dizziness. By drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day, you will no longer have to worry that your body is dehydrated. However, if you are dehydrated, use sports drinks. The electrolytes in exercise drinks can quickly rehydrate your body, and it also works faster than drinking regular water. Plus, increasing your salt intake can also be helpful in some cases.
  3. Rest much. Viral illnesses such as colds or flu can easily lead to dizziness or a feeling of lightheadedness. When you are sick with a virus, get plenty of rest to recover faster and reduce the feeling of lightheadedness.
  4. Record times when you were shocked. It sounds odd, but if you record those moments, you can spot activities or times that you were easily overwhelmed to limit the likelihood of this happening to yourself.
    • For example, you might get dizzy when you are hungry, get up too suddenly, or when you take a shower that's too hot. Finding such triggers will help you avoid them in the future.
  5. Wear flats. If you are prone to dizziness or dizziness, wearing a high heel shoe is not a good option. Flats help the storm determine your posture more accurately, so the body will also be better balanced. Also, wearing flat shoes won't cause you to twitch your ankles if you accidentally fall while feeling unwell.
  6. Get used to the environment. One of the most remarkable things about dizziness is the feeling of reeling that can cause you to fall and hurt. If you are dizzy, you need to know the topography of your home and work well so that you can reduce injuries when falling.
    • Avoid leaving the power cord in places where you could get your feet caught in shock.
    • Use a night light so that your brain doesn't lose its balance in the dark.
    • Avoid using a thick carpet as a thick carpet makes it difficult to feel and change position and position.
    • Use non-slip mats in the bathroom.
  7. Use special medicine to treat motion sickness. These medications can help relieve the symptoms of dizziness. You can buy this medication without a prescription, or if you need high dose medication, see your doctor for an accurate, effective prescription. Drugs to treat motion sickness include:
    • Dimenhydrinate. This medication is usually packaged in a variety of different forms, such as tablet, liquid or suppository. On the market, dimenhydrinate is arguably the most popular drug for anti-nausea treatment.
    • Meclizine (Antivert). This drug should not be used in children younger than 12 years old because the safety of this product has not been officially announced.
    • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Although it is more commonly known as an antihistamine in the treatment of rashes, diphenhydramine is also commonly used in motion sickness-related illnesses, and it is also readily found in Pharmacies.
  8. Limit substances affecting blood circulation. With that said, dizziness often occurs due to low blood pressure, so avoid substances that can interfere with circulation such as caffeine, tobacco, alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.
  9. Watch for symptoms that could lead to more serious problems. Dizziness is also sometimes a manifestation of some serious illness. If you experience constant dizziness, you need to see your doctor.
    • Your doctor may check to see if you have other serious symptoms. Dizziness can be a symptom of:
      • An inner ear disease such as labyrinthitis, onset of dizziness, or Meniere's disease.
      • Anxiety disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder.
      • Problems with the heart's rhythm, such as arrhythmia.
      • PoTS syndrome (overly increased heart rate) or other blood circulation problems.
      • Fainting

Method 3 of 3: Home Treatments

  1. Ginger. For hundreds of years, Ginger has been used in many natural treatments including dizziness, dizziness, and nausea. This is not only a folk medicine, scientists have proven effective in using ginger to prevent dizziness, ginger even works faster than drugs sold without. prescription. By regulating blood circulation to the brain, eating ginger can help reduce the dizziness that occurs due to poor blood circulation. You can use ginger in the following ways:
    • Take ginger essence supplements.
    • Chew a slice of fresh ginger.
    • Drink ginger tea. To make ginger tea, simply add a small slice of ginger to a cup of boiling water.
    • Suck on ginger candy or ginger lollipop.
  2. Drink celery juice. Celery can help eliminate the feeling of dizziness caused by low blood pressure. You can buy celery juice at the supermarket or make homemade biens from fresh celery and a blender.
  3. Drink honey and apple cider vinegar. Drinking three times a day a drink made by mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with two teaspoons of honey in hot or cold water will help regulate your blood pressure and ease the symptoms of dizziness.
  4. Iron supplement. If you experience iron deficiency anemia, you may need iron supplements. Watch for other signs of anemia such as fatigue, shortness of breath or headache. If you think you have anemia, see your doctor before taking any iron supplements.
  5. Use ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo is a plant that has many medicinal effects. Ginkgo tree helps treat symptoms of dizziness by increasing blood circulation to the inner ear, thereby preventing inner ear problems. You can now find products made from ginkgo trees, such as oral tablets, essences or dried leaves.
  6. Use aromatherapy. Feverfew is a good herb that can be used to treat dizziness. Not only has this chamomile been shown to relieve migraine attacks, it also reduces the inflammation that occurs in the inner ear, while increasing blood circulation. Currently aromatic chamomile is marketed in the form of tablets, capsules or liquid essences. advertisement


  • If you are dizzy, stop activities that could endanger yourself such as climbing ladders, operating machinery or driving a vehicle.