Ways to Prevent Chapped Lips

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prevent and treat dry, chapped lips
Video: How to prevent and treat dry, chapped lips


Dry lips can become chapped and painful. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including dry weather, licking lips, and the use of specific medications. This situation is especially troublesome in winter. Fortunately, you can prevent it by following a few easy habits.


Method 1 of 3: Lip Care

  1. Drink a lot of water. Dehydration can cause your lips to become dry and chapped. Try to drink plenty of water to help maintain moisture in your lips.
    • In winter, the air usually becomes dry, so you need to increase the amount of water in your body.
    • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

  2. Use a humidifier to add more moisture to the air. If you live in an area with a dry climate, you can use a humidifier to prevent dryness. You can find this device at most electronics supermarkets or supermarkets.
    • Keep the humidity level indoors between 30 and 50%.
    • Keep your humidifier clean by cleaning it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, the machine may become moldy or accumulate bacteria and many other disgusting things that can pass on germs to you.

  3. Do not leave the house in inclement weather without shielding your lips. Exposing lips to sun, wind, and cold temperatures can dry them out. Always wear lip balm or cover your lips with a scarf before going out.
    • Maintain moisture on your lips with lip balm or lip balm that contains sunscreen to prevent sunburn (yes, lips can burn too!).
    • Apply lip balm 30 minutes before you leave the house.
    • If you go swimming, be sure to reapply your lip balm regularly.

  4. Check the amount of essential vitamins and nutrients you consume. Lack of any vitamin can cause your lips to become dry and chapped. You need to make sure you get the following vitamins and minerals for your body, and consult your doctor if you are unsure whether you are getting the necessary dosage:
    • B vitamins
    • Iron
    • Essential Fatty Acids
    • Multivitamins
    • Mineral Supplements

Method 2 of 3: Using Topical

  1. Apply moisturizer. Using a moisturizer will help maintain moisture in your lips and help your lips absorb it more easily. Moisturizers are an important part of keeping your lips hydrated. Look for moisturizers that contain the following ingredients:
    • Shea Butter
    • Emu Butter
    • Vitamin E Oil
    • Coconut oil
  2. Use wind lipstick. Lipsticks help promote the healing process and prevent dry lips. You can also use lipsticks to maintain moisture and protect your lips from irritants in your surroundings.
    • Apply lip gloss every hour or two to treat dry lips and keep lips healthy.
    • Use a lip gloss with an SPF of at least 16 to protect lips from sun damage.
    • Apply lip balm after using moisturizer.
    • Look for a wind lipstick that contains beeswax, mineral fat (petroleum), or dimethicone.
  3. Apply petroleum jelly (petroleum jelly) to your lips. Similar to lip balm, mineral grease (eg Vaseline) can help retain moisture and protect lips. Using mineral grease can even help protect you from the sun that can cause your lips to become dry and chapped.
    • Apply lip sunscreen specially formulated to the lips underneath the mineral grease.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Irritants

  1. Get rid of allergens. Your lips can be allergic to certain chemicals. Flavors and colors are common culprits. If your lips are often chapped, use only products that do not contain perfumes or dyes.
    • Toothpaste is also a common agent. If your lips get itchy, dry or painful, or blistering after brushing your teeth, you may be allergic to the ingredients in the toothpaste. Try switching to products that are natural and contain no preservatives, colorants or flavors.
    • For women, lipstick is the main cause of cheilitis (contact allergies), but for men, toothpaste is the culprit.
  2. Don't lick your lips. Licking your lips can make the lips more dry. While this action seems to help hydrate the lips, it does actually cause dry lips. In fact, "lip lick dermatitis" is common for people who lick their lips too much, and it can cause an itchy rash in the skin around the lips. Instead, use a lip moisturizer.
    • Stay away from flavored lip glosses, as these will make you lick your lips more.
    • Do not apply a certain product too many times as this can also cause you to lick your lips.
  3. Avoid biting or peeling the skin of your lips. Biting your lips will remove the protective film around your lips and cause more dry lips. Don't bite or peel your lips, give your lips time to heal and do its job.
    • Pay attention to the moment when you bite or peel your lips because you may not notice what you are doing.
    • Ask your friends to remind you not to bite or peel your lips every time they see you doing this.
  4. Don't eat specific foods. Spicy and acidic foods can irritate the lips. Observe your lips after you eat and drink and look for signs of irritation. Try to eliminate these foods from your daily diet for a few weeks to see if the irritation subsides.
    • Do not use foods high in chili peppers or sauces.
    • Avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes.
    • Certain foods, such as mango peels, contain irritants that you should avoid.
  5. Breathe through your nose. Regularly breathing air through the mouth can cause dry lips and cause them to crack. Instead, you should breathe through your nose.
    • See your doctor if you have trouble breathing through your nose. You may have an allergy or other medical condition that causes a stuffy nose.
  6. Check out the medications you are taking. Side effects of some medications can cause dry lips. Consult with your doctor to find out if the medication you are taking is the cause of your dry lips. Over-the-counter and prescription medications that can cause dry lips are often used to treat:
    • Depression
    • Worry
    • Pain
    • Severe acne (Accutane)
    • Nasal congestion, allergies, and other breathing problems
    • Never stop taking a pill without your doctor's approval.
    • Consult with your doctor about using other alternative medicines or how to deal with this side effect.
  7. Know when to see a doctor. In some cases, dry lips can be a sign of another medical condition that should be diagnosed by a doctor. If you are experiencing any of the following, see your doctor:
    • The lips will continue to dry, even if you go through various treatments
    • Dry lips cause extreme pain
    • Swollen or discharge lips
    • Chapped at the corner of the lips
    • Sores near the lips or on the lips
    • The sore does not heal


  • Always make sure to drink plenty of water to keep your lips moisturized.
  • Use lip balm or lip balm in the morning to prevent dry lips.
  • Don't forget to apply a lip moisturizer in the morning. The driest lips are when you just wake up!
  • Apply lip balm before eating and wash lips after eating.
  • The main causes of chapped lips are sun, wind, and cold or dry air.
  • Wash your hands before touching your face or applying lipstick or lip moisturizer.
  • Every night before going to bed, apply honey to your lips.


  • Never eat lip balm, sunscreen lipstick, or lipstick as these can be quite poisonous.