Ways to Prevent Bloating

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Reduce Bloating Quickly - Causes of Bloating and Tips to Debloat Fast!!
Video: How to Reduce Bloating Quickly - Causes of Bloating and Tips to Debloat Fast!!


Anyone who has had bloating knows that bloating is just one of many symptoms associated with this extremely uncomfortable condition, and some of the symptoms can be really uncomfortable. Getting into those tight jeans was hard enough and having gas too is bad. Fortunately, with a proper diet and a few pocket tips, you can easily avoid this problem.


Part 1 of 3: Eating Appropriate Foods

  1. Limit processed foods that are high in fat. In addition to being unhealthy in general, processed foods contain a lot of scum that your stomach doesn't know how to handle. Foods high in sugar and fat take longer to digest, and this will make the stomach full for a long time. And the food in the whole meal will accumulate in the same place at the same time! Oh no!
    • Sugar-free and frozen foods are not good either. Frozen foods are rich in preservatives and are often high in sodium (salt) - this is the fast ticket to the city of obese people. Sugar-free foods are also bad because alcohol-based sugars (diet sugars) will enter your stomach super fast, and the bacteria in your gut will rush into it, producing more gas. . This gas is the culprit in gas (rarely water).

  2. Choose that fiber. Fiber helps us to go to the toilet regularly, your grandmother often said that. If you are constipated, then surely your intestines will make it difficult for those tight jeans. So, take in fiber, drink more water, and go to the toilet regularly.
    • Which fruits provide the most fiber? Raspberries, pears and apples. What about vegetables? These are artichokes, peas, and broccoli. Types of grains? Pasta made from whole wheat, barley, and bran. So beans, lentils, and peas beat the entire list above because they contain twice as much fiber as the fruits, vegetables and whole grains listed there. But they are all good!
    • If you're not constipated, eating too much fiber actually causes bloating. If your bowels are moving regularly, you should temporarily avoid high-fiber foods, especially if you are prone to bloating with gas.

  3. Slowly get used to the foods that are produced by steam. Yes, food comes out of steam. Here's another saying that it's safe to eat cruciferous vegetables until you get used to them (did you see why we call it steamed food?) They're good for you - so Do not deny these vegetables, but get used to them.
    • The foods that generate steam are legumes, broccoli, cabbage, kale, cabbage, bok choy and cauliflower. As it is said, ALL of that food is SUPER good for you. So get used to it now, and then gradually increase the number. Your body will thank you.
    • Eat less carbohydrates. When the muscles store glycogen, a type of carbohydrate, they also store water at the rate of one part glycogen to three parts water. Cutting back on high carbohydrate foods like bagels and pasta means that excess water in the body also decreases.

  4. Cook vegetables before eating. Cooked vegetables are easier to digest than raw vegetables.
    • Cooking removes some of the fibers and enzymes that can cause stomach upset and bloating.

    • Try steaming vegetables. The steaming method will help minimize the loss of nutrients, as they will melt water if you cook them by boiling.

  5. Choose your drinks carefully. Water is always your best choice. But if it's bland, you can look for other flavors, or mix the fruit in (delicious) water. But the tea is also good; Not only curbing cravings, but tea also acts as an anti-gas agent.
    • Do you know anything about the sizzling bubbles in soda, pop or any other name? It doesn't come out of your stomach! these bubbles are still there and continue to bubble - it is clearly expelling more air into the gut. So stay away, as these empty calories can cause bloating too (even the diet is not good). Do you need any more reasons?

    • Acidic beverages irritate the digestive tract. As a result, your digestive system swells up and makes you feel bloated. Acidic beverages include coffee, tea, juices, and alcohol.
    • You should also avoid sugary drinks instead. Sorbitol, xylitol, and mannitol are alcohol-based (dietary sugars) sugars that actually cause bloating.

  6. Limit your salt intake. You've probably heard of this already: salt leads to gas. And the reason is, the more salt the body has, the more water the body holds. It turns out that just one teaspoon of salt contains 2,300mg of sodium, while the body just needs 200 a day. Damn it! Let's talk about your future!
    • Too much sodium in your diet can put extra burden on your heart and blood vessels (if you need more reason). It sounds pretty dangerous if we eat 10 times more sodium than we need in just one teaspoon. Luckily, most of the sodium comes only from our salt content wedge at meals. So if your meals are mostly cooked by you and don't use a lot of salt, then you're probably safe!
  7. Avoid hot spicy spices. Black pepper and paprika stimulate the stomach to secrete acid. The same goes for other hot ingredients like hot sauces and vinegar. When the stomach produces acid, it can irritate and worsen gas.
  8. Try anti-gas foods. Although you cannot put the "anti-gas" label on natural foods, some studies show that there are certain foods that are good for expelling excess water and vapor from the body. Peppermint tea, ginger, pineapple, parsley, and yogurt are among the listed foods.
    • Bananas, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, almonds and asparagus are high in potassium - a mineral with a high asparagine content - are natural diuretics. These foods also defeat flatulence.
    • Include peppermint and parsley in your menu. Most herbs have no effect on the stomach, but these two are especially helpful in treating flatulence. Parsley has diuretic properties, allowing the digestive system to be rinsed. Peppermint helps to increase bile circulation, allowing fats to be digested more easily.

    • Actively loaded with potassium. Potassium regulates fluids in the body by balancing sodium levels. Foods high in potassium are bananas, potatoes, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, almonds and asparagus.

  9. Make use of probiotics probiotics. Probiotics are a form of "probiotics" that are commonly used to regulate the digestive system.When the gastrointestinal tract is regulated, gas problems are significantly reduced.
    • A bacterial imbalance in the gut can cause bloating, which is why restoring balance with probiotics can help you get rid of those symptoms.

    • Yogurt is the most common source of probiotics, but you can also get probiotics as a supplement.


Part 2 of 3: Eat Right

  1. Don't be in a hurry. The busy lifestyles of many of us easily lead to bad habits, including rushed meals. When you eat fast, you can accidentally swallow whole air with food; This gas becomes trapped and causes gas. It sounds silly, but it is!
    • Try chewing food 30 times before swallowing; You probably don't want to follow this rule, but it's a great way to become more conscious of how you eat and adjust accordingly. And wait to see how it affects gas!
  2. Eat less and divide into several times. Eating smaller servings means being kinder to your stomach - and your waistline - so try eating 4-5 small meals a day instead of 3 full meals. This will keep your metabolism going and prevent hunger which can lead to big meals. Moreover, this is also for everything to go smoothly.
    • Have you ever felt miserable after Thanksgiving? Yes, it is. Get rid of that feeling and never let it come back. Eating less and dividing into several meals will continuously energize the body, and you will not have to loosen up after each meal. Eating is for enjoyment, not exhaustion!
  3. Avoid eating full late at night. Especially the carbohydrates. Eating food at night only makes you feel puffy in the morning. Your body stays hydrated all night, and you will feel like a sponge when you wake up. So the main meal should be at noon. This will give you time to "settle" it!
  4. Don't use a straw! Nor do anything that unnecessarily get air into your stomach. That means both eating and talking. The more air you swallow with food, the more it has to be processed in your body. It had to be resolved anyway, and so it turned to gas. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Physically Not - Full - Gas

  1. Managing flatulence monthly. The "red light" days were the worst. Then you have to deal with a bloated stomach again. But menstrual bloating is no different - you should still limit salt intake, exercise and eat the foods we mentioned above. Comfort yourself that it will be over in a few days!
    • If you want to try to cure it, calcium and magnesium can help. Take a supplement if you feel like you are going to feel full. And what else can help? Midol anti-menstrual pain medication.
  2. Be careful when chewing gum. If you copy your mouth or blow out gum, it's just as bad as if you were using a straw or talking and eating - you were swallowing excess air. This gas needs to escape somewhere, and it stays in the intestines for a while. So, if you absolutely have to chew gum, be sure to close your mouth!
  3. Think about possible food allergies. Many people have a wheat allergy (a specific protein) or milk (latose intolerance) and don't realize that is the reason why they suffer from gas. On the other hand, many people self-diagnose, and misdiagnosis, resulting in missing out on the healthy stuff on a well-balanced menu. In short, what if something doesn't seem right? See your doctor.
    • There are low-lactose dairy products for you, if this is the case (or if you want to experiment). Ripe cheese and yogurt are lower in content, so how can it affect your diet? And if you eat it with other foods, the result may be different.
  4. Avoid stress. Stress can also cause many problems, and gas is just one of them. This is because the hormone cortisol spikes when we are stressed, leading to a number of effects, including cravings for sweeteners and fats. One of the best ways to control blood cortisol levels is to exercise a few minutes a day. However, you are the one who knows you best. What could calm you down?
    • If you've never tried it before, consider meditating or yoga. Both of these methods have been shown to help lower cortisol levels, and in addition, yoga burns calories! Just 15 minutes of personal time each day can also be beneficial for your body and your mind.
    • Simple breathing exercises can also help reduce strees in the long run. Sit in a quiet place, breathe and focus when you count to 10.

    • You need treatment if you have serious problems with anxiety and depression.

  5. Quit smoking. When you have gas, you should stop smoking to avoid the air getting into your body. But for overall health, you should also quit smoking because it is a disaster for you. Smoking can cause breathing problems, lung cancer, atherosclerosis and heart disease, to name just a few. Smoking is very expensive and affects those around you. Do you need any more reasons?
    • This is never late. Your body will begin to repair itself as soon as you stop smoking. You should see your lungs improve in a few weeks. Therefore, you should try for yourself, for your own money and for those around you.
  6. Exercise regularly. Moderate exercise can help regulate the handling of food and air, and reduce the likelihood of flatulence.
    • Cycling for 30 minutes a day, three or more times a week can be enough to significantly reduce the number of bloating.

    • Other examples of moderate exercise are 3km walking for 30 minutes, 15 minute rope skipping, 30 minute water dance, 30 minute underwater aerobic, 20 minute swimming and 10 minute running 1.6 km .

  7. Watch out for possible food allergies. Usually mild allergies and intolerance are the cause of flatulence.
    • Allergens can include milk, peanuts, almonds, gluten, wheat, legumes, soybeans, eggs and corn.
    • Watch out when flatulence occurs. If bloating occurs right after you eat a certain food, bring it to your doctor. Your doctor will examine you more closely and will make a more accurate diagnosis.


  • Pineapples can also help with gas. Skip canned foods that come with fruit!