How to come up with the topic to talk to your boyfriend

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend (15 Best Topics)
Video: Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend (15 Best Topics)


Tired of the ungainly silence while chatting with your boyfriend? After becoming acquainted with someone for a while, it can be difficult to come up with a new topic to talk to. However, it is not entirely impossible. Follow these steps to keep the conversation interesting and enjoyable, whether you are talking in person, chatting online or texting.


  1. Ask about topics that you know he likes. In general, people feel comfortable talking about themselves or their interests. Why? Because that's what they know very well and think about. Here are some ideas for you:
    • One of his days
    • Past experience (e.g. where he lived as a child, what he liked to do, who was the most important person in the family)
    • His hobby
    • Activities that he likes
    • The book, movie or the kind of music he likes.

  2. Stay informed. If you have the time to follow the news, you will collect a wide variety of topics. Keep an eye on current events, short comedies or stories that are emerging online. When the conversation seems to be mild, ask your boyfriend if he already knows the events. If so, you can talk about your thoughts. If not, now is the perfect time to tell him.

  3. Talk about hypothetical situations. If so, would you choose to be blind or deaf? Will you choose to eat just spinach or listen to Christmas music 8 hours a day for the rest of your life? Think of interesting, funny, or treacherous situations, and ask him how he likes it. When he does respond, you can ask him to make a point to defend his point.
    • Play the role of rebuttal. Say all the downsides / downsides of what your boyfriend said so he'll have to reconsider his choice. However, make it clear that you're just trying to make the conversation more interesting - you're not really trying to disagree with him.
    • Other hypothetical questions: "What keeps you awake all night?" "If you could go back in time, what would you change?" and "You can't live without something?" (or "If you could only keep 10 things, what would it be?").

  4. Have him talk about something you don't know yet. It could be a thing about himself or an interesting fact. Whatever it is, you will definitely learn a few things. If you want to be more specific, ask him about something new about his hobby.
    • Remembering old memories is also an interesting thing. Ask about his first memory, his first day of school, his first toy and his first birthday party. It was a great way to get to know things important and his childhood.
  5. Ask mischievous questions. This can lead to interesting, entertaining questions when you're in a good mood. Questions such as: "Do you still believe in Santa Claus?", "If you had to choose between TV and the internet, what would you leave out?" and "If there are no more watches, what do you think this life will be like?". Always keep the conversation light and humorous, there is no wrong answer!
    • Tell him some funny stories and laugh together (as long as he has a sense of humor).
  6. Praise. Tell him how you like a certain date, and why. For example, you could say, "I love being brought to dinner by you. It's a very nice restaurant and it makes me feel more special."
  7. Discuss the future. Talk about what you would love to do later - maybe you want to visit Crete, have a role in a play, write a novel or live on a boat. Ask about his dreams. Here are some suitable topics:
    • Where do you want to go to school?
    • What major do you want to study?
    • Where do you want to live?
    • Where do you want to travel?
    • Hobbies he wants to do later on
    • What kind of job do you want?
  8. Play game. Be it boarding, playing video games or playing video games online - whatever you choose. While you are competing, you can gently tease your boyfriend. If you are playing on the same team, you can discuss strategy and gameplay. Try the following games:
    • Chess
    • Tic-tac-toe
    • Play charades
    • Post speed
    • Hippocampus
    • Sorry games
  9. Active listening. The art of conversation with others includes listening to encourage the person to talk more. Show your boyfriend that you are genuinely interested in what he says by acknowledging everything, using positive statements and gestures as he speaks, summarizing everything to let him know. that you were really attentive.
    • If the relationship is still new and you often experience uncomfortable silence, try talking for no more than an hour first. Talking too much can make an interesting relationship boring and monotonous.
    • Let him know you are still there. Short chats can end in pretty quick silence.


  • Be yourself and don't fake it. You will be quite nervous trying to be "perfect" in his eyes. Remember, he chooses you for himself.
  • Always be yourself when you are with him.
  • To be yourself, you need to be honest about your thoughts.
  • When teasing him, make sure he understands so he doesn't feel embarrassed. That can lead to dreadful silence or simply a bad impression.
  • Relax! Anyway, he's your boyfriend. If the conversation is over, the silence will pass quickly before you know it.
  • Always tell your boyfriend how you feel.
  • Please flirt. Many guys like the excitement of being hunted for in a relationship.
  • Tell him if you're shy or quiet - he loves you so he will understand.
  • Hold his hand while talking. For some, this will make them less confusing.
  • Sometimes when there is nothing left to say, the two of you can no longer use words to kiss.
  • Ask him for a walk. This can create a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere.


  • Don't lie just to have something to say.
  • Topics to avoid when the relationship is new: marriage, children, expensive gifts, and his lack of family affection. Always be wary of all conversations about the two of you "as a couple" until you know that "we are meant for each other".
  • Forget about old love. Having to listen to your stories about them can embarrass him, especially if you praise or disparage them. He will wonder what you think of him and will not like all comparisons.
  • Do not confess to suggest the topic to talk. Only when you are ready to confess your love. He will be uncomfortable with this if you use it to fill gaps in the conversation, and neither will you.
  • Avoid complaining or whining. No one can stand grievances for too long, and when it becomes a habit, it will show a great lack of self-esteem and a willingness to lower others just to find out what to say.
  • Don't brag or talk about your friends. This will make you very ugly.