How to Post Videos to Facebook

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Upload A Video To Facebook
Video: How To Upload A Video To Facebook


Posting a video to Facebook is a great way to share your favorite new personal or video moments with friends. You can post videos using the Facebook page on your desktop or mobile app. Videos will be posted as posts, but you can limit viewers if you want to keep your privacy. However, you cannot post videos using the Facebook mobile version.


Method 1 of 3: Use the Facebook app on a mobile device

  1. Touch "What's on your mind?"(What are you thinking?) To edit a new post. All videos on Facebook are added as posts. So you need to choose a new post to add a video.

  2. Tap on the "Camera" button below the post edit field. You should see your latest image appear on the screen.
    • The first time you do this, you'll be asked to allow Facebook to access your camera and device storage.

  3. Tap on the video you want to post. You can select multiple videos if there are multiple videos to post at the same time. Tap "Done" to add the selected video to the post. You will see a preview of the video in the new post.
  4. Record a new video to post to Facebook. You can record a new video now instead of selecting an existing one. The procedure is different on iOS and Android:
    • iOS - Tap the Camera button in the Facebook post, then tap Camera again in the upper left corner of your Camera Roll. Tap the Video Camera button in the lower right corner, then tap the record button to start recording a video.When the recording is finished, you will tap on "Use" to add it to the post.
    • Android - Tap the Camera button in the post, then tap the Video Camera button with the "+" sign at the top of the screen. This will open the Android device's video feature to record new videos. After the recording is complete, the video clip will be added to the video list you can select.

  5. Add information to the video. You can type a few lines for the video article to add content and help viewers know in advance what they will watch.
  6. Choose the audience for the article. Tap on the viewer menu at the top to choose who can see the video you've posted. If you want your video to be private, select "Only Me". As such, the video is still posted to your timeline, but you're the only one who can watch it.
  7. Tap "Post" to post the video. When you are satisfied with the post, tap "Post" to post the video. This will take longer when you post videos of a long duration.
    • It is recommended to connect to the wireless network before posting a video to avoid using up mobile data.

Method 2 of 3: Use a Facebook page

  1. Click the "Photos" option in the left menu. You can find "Photos" in the Apps section of the menu.
    • Make sure you are using the desktop version website. Video posting is not possible on the Facebook mobile website. If you are on a mobile device and want to post videos to Facebook, use Facebook's mobile app.
  2. Click the "Add Video" button. This will open the video posting tool.
  3. Find videos by clicking "Choose File" (Select file). With this action, the file finder window will display and you can find the video you want to post from your computer. Facebook accepts nearly all popular video formats, including mp4, mov, mkv, avi and wmv.
    • Video maximum length is 120 minutes and maximum capacity is 4GB.
  4. Add a title, description and location. You can add this information by using the fields below the file. These are optional fields but can help others learn and understand your video.
  5. Select audience. Click the box next to the "Post" button to choose who can view the video. Select "Only Me" if you just want the video to show for yourself. In this case, the video is still posted to your timeline, but you are the only one who can watch it.
  6. Click "Post" and wait for the video to upload. Once uploaded, your video will only be viewed by the selected audience.
    • All videos that you upload to Facebook are posted on the News Feed. There is no way to upload a video without "posting", even if you are the only one who can watch the video.
    • Long videos take longer to upload and even take longer to process. Make sure you have a good internet connection before uploading a large video file.
  7. Find the video in Facebook's Photos section. You can find all uploaded videos by opening the "Photos" app in the left menu.
    • Click the "Albums" tab and select the "Videos" album to view all uploaded videos.

Method 3 of 3: Troubleshooting

  1. Make sure your video is not over maximum capacity. Facebook only allows you to upload videos up to 4GB and up to 120 minutes in length. Make sure your video meets these requirements if you can't post it.
  2. Make sure the video is in the right format. Facebook accepts most popular video formats, such as AVI, MOV, MP4 and MKV. If your video doesn't have one of the formats listed above, you can't post it. Converting the video to the right format will fix this problem. You should learn how to convert video formats to see how.
  3. Post videos when you have a good internet connection. If you are using a mobile device, you will have difficulty posting videos when using a wavering network connection. Post videos when you have a good Wi-Fi connection.
    • Posting videos takes longer to download, so you may have to wait a while to upload large videos.


  • You should not consider Facebook as a video hosting service, as there is no guarantee that old videos will not be deleted after a period of time or taken down if they violate Facebook's terms.