How to massage feet

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Basic Foot Reflexology Techniques | Reflexology
Video: 5 Basic Foot Reflexology Techniques | Reflexology


  • Declaim food. Soak your feet in warm or hot water for about 10 minutes.
    • Add essential oils or foaming gels to the water if desired.
    • Gently rub his feet after soaking to clear away stains and help the person relax.
    • Use a towel to dry your feet when finished.
  • Choose a cream, oil, or lotion to massage. Creams are usually thicker than lotions and are more effective when used to massage the feet. Oil helps to soften calluses under the feet.
    • You can buy special foot massage creams and oils at cosmetic stores.
    • Make your own cream and oil blend to use for foot massage.Incorporate the scent you like; some favorite combinations are lemon with eucalyptus, lavender, or almond and vanilla.

  • Warm up the oil or cream. This makes the person more comfortable with the massage. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 3: Do a basic massage

    1. Rub the heels of your feet. Use your thumb to do this, rub in a small circle with medium to strong force. Rub evenly over entire heel. Do the same for the upper part of the foot.
    2. Massage up and down the heels of your feet. This means that you will use your thumb to work up and down the heels of your feet. When this thumb is rubbed up, the other finger will rub down.

    3. Massage around the ankle bones. Use both hands to make a circular motion around the sides of the bone and gently rub your fingers over the bone on the surface.
    4. Use your fists to massage the soles of your feet. Clasp your hands and use your palms to press against the soles of your feet. Move your fist back and forth to gently press the leg.
    5. Foot massage. Take time to massage each finger.
      • Gently pull each toe. This causes your knuckles to make a sound, but if the person feels comfortable, just continue with the other fingers.
      • Slide your index finger into each of your feet. Move your finger back and forth between your toes, rub the undersides of each toes with your index and thumb if desired.
      • Gently bring 5 fingers together between each toe to apply some more massage oil or cream.

    Method 3 of 3: Master other methods

    1. Leg pull. To do this, you will use both hands to hold your legs and pull firmly, firmly on one side about 10 times, then move to the other side. Imagine this movement as when milking a cow.
    2. Use the Indian method. Keep the sides of your feet with your thumb in between the soles of your feet. Move your hands back and forth as if you were squeezing a wet towel. Move your legs while performing this method.
    3. Try a massage into the heel and lower leg tendons. Squeezing is a form of massage by lifting and squeezing to stimulate muscles.
      • Begin at the heels and ankles around the heel tendons, gently squeeze and pull the feet with one hand. Start gently, but increase stronger and faster over time.
      • Push the muscles from your heel tendons and up your toes. This will lift the muscles in your legs, helping to improve discomfort.
      • Slowly work your way up the lower calf with this method. The muscles here are attached to the muscles in the foot and the massage in this area makes the legs feel comfortable.
    4. Massage the leg muscles. The elongated muscle begins near the heel tendon, extends to the knee and is attached to the movement of the muscle in the foot.
      • Help the person to stretch their legs upright and use their arms to press down on the legs. Gently move the arm to press the leg with your elbow.
      • At this time, the person is lying on his stomach, you will use one hand to hold the heel and raise the leg along the arm. Push your legs toward your knees, initially with light pressure and then slowly increase more force.
    5. Ankle rotation. Keep your feet up and use one hand to rotate it around your ankle. Move the foot in a circular motion about 10 times in the same direction and then 10 more times in the other direction. The ankle joint will make a sound, but if it doesn't upset the person, go ahead.
    6. Massage your feet with an electric massage machine. Follow the request (see the manufacturer's instructions) and add some Epsom salt and massage oil to the base of the machine. Let the machine massage for about 20 minutes. The person will surely feel very refreshed; After that, complete the massage by washing the feet. advertisement


    • During the massage, if your hands feel tired, shake your hands occasionally to relieve the pressure and continue the massage.
    • Massage slowly and gently for relaxation, and a quick but deep massage to stimulate circulation.
    • Massage for a relatively long time, you should not rush.
    • Speak in a gentle, calm voice during the massage. Don't speak fast or speak in a strained voice. Let what you say make the person feel better.
    • Massage with equal force on both legs as your body needs balance.
    • When cleaning your feet, use a hot towel for added comfort.
    • To increase the massage effect, play gentle songs.
    • The person being massaged should relax and let go of his troubles.
    • Play relaxing music to help the person feel comfortable.
    • Turn on the dim lights so that the person feels relaxed.
    • Talk to the person gently and respectfully during the massage.
    • Don't spend too much time on one method. You will overdo it and make the person feel uncomfortable.


    • Do not use too much oil or cream so that your hands are slippery and will not give a massage effect.
    • Be careful not to use excessive force and create discomfort, but use enough force not to feel a tickling sensation in the soles of the feet. This will lose the person's mood.
    • Make sure the person's knees don't curl (should be straightened) during the massage. Because this makes the knee stiff and stops blood circulation. Place a pillow or towel roll under the knee of the leg that you massage for comfort and slightly bent leg.
    • If the person's legs are painful or sensitive, seek advice or the care of a medical professional.
    • If you are massaging a pregnant woman or someone with high blood pressure or diabetes, avoid using strong force on your legs as it will cause labor or increase the illness.

    What you need

    • Towels
    • Creams and / or oils
    • Warm water in a tub or basin