How to smile more often

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Smile More
Video: How to Smile More


A smile has many benefits - it makes you look friendly and approachable, more attractive, happier, and less stressful. However, while smiles can come to many people naturally, some others appear serious or feel awkward when smiling. If you are one of them and you want to learn how to smile more, this post is for you. This article will provide you with some useful tips and tricks to help you quickly show off your pearly white teeth!


Part 1 of 2: Train Yourself to Laugh More

  1. Practice in front of the mirror. If you really want to master something, you need to practice, right? Smiling is no exception. If you're not the type to smile naturally all the time, you need to get used to the feeling of smiling and learn to reproduce it more naturally. Practice by smiling when you're alone, in the bathroom, in your bed, in the car. This way, you will feel less embarrassed.
    • Every morning, look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Focus on making your smile more natural by using your eyes. A slight curve on the lips won't convince anyone else.
    • Find a smile you like and try to remember how your face feels when you show that smile. This way, you will be able to recreate that smile in everyday situations.

  2. Think about a happy memory or someone you love. Feeling happy makes you smile, so why not take advantage of it? If you're in a situation where you know you need to smile and you want your smile to look natural, take a few minutes to remember your happy memories or the face of your loved one. .
    • These positive mental images will help improve your mood and help you laugh more naturally. In short: think about happy things!

  3. Observe people who laugh a lot. Everyone has met at least one person for whom smiling is the easiest and most natural thing in the world. Someone who can laugh at any time, with anyone and at any time. This person can also be loved by everyone, and is known to be approachable and trustworthy. These are traits that make a great smile. Spend time interacting with the person face-to-face and socially, and watching them as they smile.
    • Make a mental note of how often they smile, along with what makes them smile.Do they smile when you joke? Or do they smile even when you don't make fun of them? Do they smile just because they want to be polite, or are they really happy?
    • Now that you have a chance to learn how to lead the usual conversation of a smiley, you will feel more confident about applying the same action and incorporate more smiles into the interaction. your daily routine.

  4. Seek help from others. In this situation, a friend who is willing to help you achieve your goal of laughing more will be of great help. That person can be your lover, your best friend or your coworker - who doesn't matter as long as the person is someone you can trust and has a good sense of humor. All they need to do is give you a little nudge in situations where you forget to smile. This push will motivate you to show off your white smile.
    • You can also set up small cues, such as a wink or a subtle hand gesture, to communicate with each other from afar in a crowded room.
    • People who don't like to laugh often get upset when someone tells them to "laugh!" or "freshen up". However, if you ask a friend to help you in reminding you to smile, remember that you shouldn't be angry with them when they're just trying to do their job. Remember - it was you who asked for this!
  5. Choose a smile stimulant. Much like the "smile friend" in the previous step, a smile stimulator is something that reminds you to smile every time you see or hear it. This could be a specific statement or word, such as "please" or "thank you", it could also be a sticky note on your computer screen. you, or it could be the ringing of a phone or the laugh of someone else.
    • Once you have chosen your stimulus, you will need to make an effort to smile every time you come across it. This can make you look silly, but it will help you develop the habit of smiling when needed, and this will help you in social and business situations.
    • Another cute idea is to draw a little smiley face in a place where you can usually see it, like on the face of your hand. Do this every day and remember to smile every time you look at it, no matter where you are or who you are with.
  6. Smile at strangers. You've probably heard that smiles are contagious. This means that when you smile at someone, they can't help but smile back. Test that theory and make an effort to smile at the stranger at least once a day - whether it's someone on the street, at work or at school or the person behind you while waiting. wait for the traffic light. Imagine a gesture of friendliness that can form a chain of reactions that spread your smile anywhere. Feeling quite interesting, right?
    • In fact, many people will think you are weird and some will not return your smile, but don't let it affect you! Think of your smile as a good deed or as an act of kindness that can help bring someone a brighter day out.
    • But if the person smiles back at you (and most people do) you should be able to share this special moment with that person, a fleeting connection with someone else will set you off. feel full of life.
  7. Journal about your smile. For two or three weeks, take a few minutes at the end of the day to write a brief description of the moments that caused you to laugh and the reasons for the smile. Over time, you will become aware of patterns and interactions and events that bring a genuine smile to your face.
    • You may have seen a cute squirrel jumping on branches. Or you took the time to call an old friend. Once you become aware of the things that make you smile, you can make an effort to find them in everyday life.
    • Another great reason for a smile journal is that you can read it again when you feel sad and remind yourself of the moment when you felt truly happy. This will make you feel happier and smile all the time!
  8. Exercise your facial muscles. Relax your facial muscles by doing exercises that involve stretching and relaxing muscles to help you get a more natural smile and make your smile less awkward. One exercise that helps train the muscles involved in smile formation is as follows:
    • Take a pencil and place it between the lips. Open your mouth and let the pencil lie between your teeth, as far as you can go. Bite lightly on the pencil to maintain its position and hold this position for 30 seconds. Do it once a day.
  9. Let's pretend until it comes true. Smiling the first time will definitely make you feel strange - it can be unnatural and artificial. But don't give up. The other person won't notice the difference, and the more often you do it, the more natural your smile will look.
    • Smiling is a habit, so if you do it many times, you'll be able to smile without thinking - and this is the goal you want to achieve.
    • To make your smile less fake, smile with both your eyes and mouth. A genuine smile is marked by many folds in the muscles around the eyes, and this is exactly what you want to show off.

Part 2 of 2: Making Yourself Happiness

  1. Think about all the good things life has to offer you. Whenever you have negative thoughts, remind yourself of the good things in life. Friends, family, chocolates, skydiving, alcohol, your puppy, the internet - anything that makes you feel better!
  2. Listen to funny music. Music has the power to change people, to remove all their worries, to help them feel better and to bring them calm. You can choose any kind of music - from Beethoven to Britney Spears - as long as it makes you feel more in love and full of energy.
  3. Stay away from negative people. Just as smiles and laughter are contagious, so do malicious and aggressive teasing. This is why you should make an effort to stay away from gossipers, people who cause problems for others, or people who appear often with a scowl on their heads with a dark cloud on their heads. Surround yourself with positive, happy people and you will find that you can unconsciously smile.
  4. Follow a hobby that helps you relax. The more comfortable you feel, the better the world will be and the easier it will be for you to smile. A relaxing hobby will give you the opportunity to spend time with yourself and slow down without the pressure of interacting with others. Consider doing yoga or sailing. Or simply spend an hour or two soaking in the tub.
  5. Perform spontaneous actions. Life revolves around adventures and making use of every opportunity that you get. Add a little excitement to life by doing spontaneous things from time to time, such as taking a walk in the rain, sketching an object or someone that attracts your attention, or randomly. Call friends to organize a night out. You will have many beautiful memories - each of these will contribute to the formation of a happy life.
  6. Do one good deed every day. Taking time each day to do a good deed will make you feel better about yourself, and you can also make the world a better place.You don't have to do something big - you can make a small donation to a charity, keep the elevator doors for someone else, buy coffee for the people behind you - anything that helps your day. the other becomes easier or better. Their grateful smiles will cheer you up all day.
  7. Make time for laughter. People say that laughter is the best medicine, so take your daily dose by watching funny videos online, reading the caricature corner in a daily newspaper or meeting a happy friend. bustle. Laughing releases endorphins that make you even happier, making it easier for you to smile!
  8. Surround yourself with family and friends. Spending time with loved ones is a great way to boost your overall health and well-being. They can drive you crazy sometimes, but you won't trade them for something else. Spend time with the people you love, enjoy their presence, and appreciate what makes them special. If you can do this, it won't be hard for you to find the motivation to smile. advertisement


  • Make sure to have good oral hygiene to avoid embarrassment when smiling and ensure that your smiles always look great!


  • Smiles can be contagious!