How to Invite a Colleague to Hang Out

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Invite Friends to Hang Out in a Polite and Cool Way
Video: How To Invite Friends to Hang Out in a Polite and Cool Way


It's not easy to invite a colleague out. You don't want to look too enthusiastic, but you want to show that you enjoy hanging out with them. You also don't want to have a workplace dilemma, but you really want to invite him / her out. In fact, workplace dating is very common and has always been supported. As long as you behave politely and respectfully when you ask your co-workers out and you are both able to maintain a professional working relationship, there is no need to worry. However, it is always helpful to check an employee handbook or talk to HR staff about workplace dating policy in the first place to avoid future troubles.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing the right time

  1. Determine if a co-worker is single. Before approaching your coworker to invite them out, make sure he / she is still single. This will help you avoid wasting your time as well as avoid embarrassing situations, and won't affect your work relationship.
    • If you make friends with a colleague, you can check his / her social media for suggestions about their partner.
    • Some social networking platforms, such as Facebook, allow the setting of a relationship status in the introduction. You can also look through a few recent photos of colleagues to determine if they have a photo of holding hands or cuddling with someone, which is a sign of a relationship.
    • If you have a trusted friend at work, ask them about a colleague you like. You should cautiously ask, "I'm thinking about inviting _______ out; do you think he / she is single?"
    • If these are not possible, you can always ask them in person. Just be cautious, and ask questions while you are talking.
    • For example, you might say, "This weekend plan sounds interesting. Will you go with your boyfriend (girlfriend) or alone?" If your co-workers are single, they will reply like, "I don't have a lover yet. I'm going alone".

  2. Be confident when opening an invitation. If you know that your co-worker is single and you want to ask him or her out, make sure you dress well and feel confident that day. Depending on your personality, do something in the morning to feel good or happy. You should also make sure you feel confident by dressing well.
    • Wear your best clothes. Just make sure it's right for the workplace.
    • Consider getting a haircut for a few days before you decide to invite your co-workers out. This will keep you looking young and make a good impression.
    • Make sure you take a shower, use deodorant, and put on nice clean clothes that day. Spend a bit more time grooming yourself, perfecting hair, facial hair and makeup (if any).
    • Check your teeth in the mirror to make sure your teeth are not contaminated with food. Use mouthwash or chew mints before you approach a colleague for fresh breath.

  3. Reach colleagues in a comfortable place. Where and how to invite a coworker out are very important factors to consider. Although he / she may also have feelings for you, he / she may hesitate or confidently approach you, so inviting them to hang out in an inappropriate place, at the wrong time, or in the wrong circumstances could cause pressure or even discomfort.
    • Approach co-workers when they are alone. If there are other people around, your co-workers will probably feel uncomfortable or stressed whether agreeing or rejecting.
    • Choose a comfortable place that makes you both feel safe. For example, don't ask them to hang out as soon as you step out of the bathroom, or in your own office, because these locations may make them feel anxious or obviously not suitable to invite anyone That go out.
    • An ideal place might be a neutral workspace, such as where the printer is at work, or when you're both standing at the kitchen counter if you work at a restaurant.
    • Make sure your colleague is not busy doing something important, because you want them to be fully aware of the offer.
  4. Be yourself. When you are chatting with coworkers, it is important to behave as you normally would. If you're concerned, they'll find out. If you try to pretend to be someone else, your co-worker will definitely recognize it and will often refuse. Just keep calm and respect them.
  5. Invite a colleague out. The most difficult part is opening up inviting colleagues to hang out. This may be terrifying, but keep in mind that you won't lose much. The worst thing that could happen is that he / she will politely refuse you, just smile and gently leave.
    • Be polite and gentle when inviting. Don't act hastily or too eagerly and act too indifferent.
    • First, chat for a while so that you don't seem like you're in a rush to invite him / her out. Ask your coworkers how are you, how they were on the weekend, or how they got a day.
    • Switch the topic naturally to invite them out. You can say, "Well, I really like talking to you. Can I have coffee for more chat, are you free this weekend?"
    • If he / she agrees, you can keep saying, "Great! What time do I make a date?" If they refuse, be polite and friendly, don't beg or make them feel awkward.
  6. Know when you should quit. If you have invited a co-worker out but they are not interested, you need to accept. Just keep inviting a colleague out even though they've made it clear that not being in love with you will lead to an unfriendly working environment, and you will be fired as a result. Remember: if your coworker doesn't like you, there are still others who want to date you.Harassing your coworkers when they don't like you will only waste time, effort, or risk losing your job.
    • If your coworker refuses, behave politely and respect them.
    • Say something to relieve any pressure, like, "No problem. I wish you a good weekend."
    • The excuse to leave. Trying to linger will make both of you awkward.
    • Be courteous and courteous to your colleague in the future, but make sure you never flirt with him / her or show romantic feelings because they are obviously not interested in you.

Part 2 of 3: Evaluate whether dating is a great idea

  1. Evaluate if there is any element of power. The main case that makes dating co-workers a bad idea (in fact it's the only reason in many workplaces) is that one of you is in a higher position. Dating with a boss, manager, or boss can give you excessive work bias. Likewise, dating an employee (if you're the boss) can make them feel pressured to hang out with you, feel uncomfortable or insecure about breaking up in case the relationship goes down.
    • Only date someone your level. As long as there is no power factor between the two of you, you will feel confident dating someone (if you are allowed to date at work).
    • Even if you are on the same level now, there is always a chance that one of you will get a promotion in the future. The promotion is good for your career, but it can dramatically change the nature of your work relationship.
  2. Define your company policy on dating colleagues. Many workplaces have specific guidelines, rules, or even prohibit workplace dating. Before expressing your feelings, it's important to know if your boss allows work dating, to avoid the risk of either of you being fired.
    • Some companies require employees to report any emotional workplace relationships to their superiors. Other places have adopted stricter policies.
    • You will need to describe the nature of the relationship in writing, which can be difficult if you are both investigating and have yet to "admit" anything.
    • Be cautious if your relationship is at risk of affecting either person's productivity, you could both be fired if this romance makes the work environment unprofessional.
    • Check out the company's policy manual (you will usually get it on assignment or be accessible online). If a manual about this is not available, ask someone in human resources or a similar position about any of the policies where you work.
    • Keep in mind that even if dating at work is allowed, you can still be in big trouble if you show affection in public, flirt at work, use cuddly words, or favor your crush. mine.
  3. Consider if you and your coworkers are working together. Even if you're both on the same level, there's always a risk of going into an unprofessional work relationship if the relationship goes awry. If both of them can behave properly when this is the case, then everything will be fine. However, if you have to work together, things can get complicated when breaking up.
    • Seriously ask yourself if you and your coworkers can continue working together if you just broke up.
    • An effective way to guess this is to recall your last breakup pain. Can you and your ex sit at the same table and work on a project together?
    • If you think you can't continue working with your co-workers after the breakup, it's best not to date them in the first place.
    • If you think you can both handle it properly, then go ahead and invite your co-workers out.
  4. Think about what would happen if the relationship ended. Even if the two of you don't have to work together or work together, the pain of breaking up can still affect your ability to work. Meeting at work every day can make you feel uncomfortable, especially if one of you still has feelings for the other person. This doesn't mean your dating won't go well; instead, it just means you should weigh all the possible outcomes before you act.
    • Your work capacity will determine if either or both of you feel uncomfortable working close together.
    • Either of you will probably choose to leave the department or both will quit the company.
    • If you are already friends with a co-worker and you want to ask him / her out, you may need to seriously talk to them about what you would do if your boss pressured you to end the relationship. relationship. Prepare a backup plan that you both agree with.

Part 3 of 3: Invite a coworker out as usual

  1. Prepare in advance what you will say. Don't try to improvise on the spot. When you approach colleagues, whether they like you or not, vague or vague plans will often fail. Please behave as usual, but think ahead of what you will say before you speak.
    • If you're not sure if your coworkers like you, asking them to do something the usual is more likely to be successful than solemnly inviting them to dinner or a movie date.
    • Decide in advance what you should do - for example, go for coffee, or have a beer together after work (if you're both old enough).
    • When you ask a colleague to hang out, invite him / her to join whatever events you have planned.
    • Instead of giving a vague invitation like "Do you want to go out with me?" Instead, you should offer something like, "If you have time, I'd love to invite you to have a coffee or something so I can talk."
  2. Invite a colleague to join certain social events you plan to join. If you are concerned that you are acting too enthusiastic, casually ask him / her to do something with you that you are planning to do. Just make sure you choose the right event to invite a co-worker, such as a concert or street festival.
    • The advantage of inviting someone out this way is that you naturally invite them while chatting.
    • If you are chatting with a colleague, he / she will probably ask you what you are going to do over the weekend. This is a great opportunity to talk about your plans, and invite them to come along.
    • You could say something like, "I'm going to the concert this Saturday. I have one ticket left - do you want to come with me?
  3. Suggest a fun "contest" of ideas for a first date. This means the two of you will contest first to see who has the most interesting idea. Inviting coworkers out this way can be very effective if you and your coworkers have had regular interactions and close conversations with each other. The point here is to talk as usual and not to upset them.
    • This will only work if you and your coworker are flirting and it's clear that you both like each other.
    • Naturally try to suggest the "contest". It is not easy because you have to time and act perfectly, otherwise it will get weird and confuse them.
    • If someone at the company went through a bad date recently, you could say something like, "I feel sorry for Hung after that bad date. My ideal first date. is _______. What about you? "
    • When your colleague responds to his / her first date of a dream, you could say something like, "Wow, that sounds very interesting. Do you want to apply it to reality? Is it real? "


  • Understand workplace dating rules and follow them. Find out if you need to report your relationship, and if necessary, who you should report to.
  • Usually, you should keep your work relationship a secret, rather than letting your boss, superiors, or human resources know (if company policy requires you to report). Don't show affection when you're working, because this will upset other co-workers.
  • Maintain a professional style when working. You don't have to ignore each other or act like you don't know each other, but don't hold hands, kiss, or cuddle at work.


  • Don't use company email to invite coworkers out or send love letters. If computers are tracked or discovered, you may be fired. Colleague flirting emails will be used as evidence against you in the case of workplace sexual harassment.
  • Don't treat professional or professional meetings as a date. Make a clear distinction between work communication from personal contact.
  • If you misunderstand "signals" or behave indecently, you may be sued for sexual harassment.
  • If your love affair upsets others at the company, they'll probably complain to the board of directors. Even if it doesn't violate company policy, always behave professionally in the workplace. Be careful to avoid risks.