How to Invite someone out

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Invite Friends to Hang Out in a Polite and Cool Way
Video: How To Invite Friends to Hang Out in a Polite and Cool Way


Inviting someone out is an important step in the early stages of a new relationship. Maybe you want to invite a classmate, colleague, or someone you met at a party. Even if you might feel nervous at first, don't get too stressed out asking someone out. Let the person know that you want to hang out with them one day, or invite them to a specific event. Have the confidence to invite someone to accompany you on a whim.


Method 1 of 3: Give a general invitation for the next time

  1. Invite naturally. If you're planning on inviting someone, don't be too pressured. Stay calm when you offer to invite someone out and appear confident. Take a breath and speak in your usual voice.
    • You will look too eager to say "You are so cool and I really want to be with you longer".
    • Be normal to invite a classmate by saying, “Hey man, every time we talk, I talk about boring topics. Let's go out to play sometimes ”.
    • If you have a good time with someone at a party, you could say, "This is a great meeting, would you like to see each other again from time to time?"

  2. Use a specific common interest as an excuse to invite out. It would be difficult to invite someone out without a reason. If you are inviting someone with the same interests, you can use that advantage. You could say that sometimes having time to do something together is fun.
    • If you are always chatting with a colleague about the TV series "The Zombie", invite them to come home and watch the movie together. You know that both of you have some free time during the broadcast and this is a fixed time, that person will leave when the movie is over.
    • Maybe you met someone at the gym. Since the two of you are usually at the same gym at the same time, ask them to practice together. You can say, "We can become each other's coaches and encourage each other to work harder."
    • You can also tell someone, "Did you notice that we always draw pictures at the same place and at the same time, tomorrow we meet and draw pictures together?"

  3. Confidence that the other party will agree. It doesn't work when you ask someone to hang out but tell yourself they will refuse. Be confident that you are an interesting person that people will enjoy hanging out with and that they will agree. When you are confident and ask in person, the person will be more open-minded than when you shyly ask them out.
    • Don't say “Maybe you're always busy and have a lot of friends, but we can hang out from time to time if you want to. It's fine if you don't have time ”.
    • For example, think of a colleague you want to ask to hang out with. You can talk to them at the break room like, "Let's play somewhere after work everyday". Invite simply, show your excitement, and let it go.
    • If you're with someone at a club every week, say something like, “You know, we meet here every week. Someday we go to eat after the meeting ”. Speak directly and confidently they will agree.

Method 2 of 3: Suggest a specific time to hang out

  1. Let your partner know what time is right for you. When you invite someone out, make sure you know when you're free. Think of 3 days in the next 2 weeks where you have free time to do something. Recommend these dates to the person and ask if they are available these days.
    • If you ask someone to meet on an unknown date, hanging out usually won't happen. If they recommend 3 specific dates, they are more likely to agree to one of the three days you suggested.
    • Maybe you always spend an evening of the week on an activity. For example, tell the person you're usually free on Tuesday nights and ask if they'll be available next Tuesday.
    • You can say "I want to go out on Saturdays in the next 2 weeks, would you like to go shopping and have lunch with me?"
  2. Invite them to an upcoming event. If you are planning a party or group meeting, even if you are not the host, invite that person to attend. Since this event takes place at a specific time, if they cannot come, they just refuse to attend, not reject you. This is also less stressful than inviting them out with you alone.
    • If you plan to have a football party. invite them to attend. This is a popular event with a specific timeline, so many people will attend.
    • Maybe you don't have any specific plans coming up. Talk to your group of friends to invite someone you want to know.
    • It doesn't have to be a private event. You can ask them if they want to go to a local festival and go for a walk. On the other hand, maybe they will attend a relaxing event for everyone.
  3. Plan for the weekends after that. On weekdays, people usually have specific schedules, and they are usually free on the weekends. If you often meet people at work / study environments during the week, invite them out on weekends. This will allow you to have time slots in the morning, afternoon, and evening to plan outings.
    • Weekends are ideal because people usually stay up late on Friday and Saturday evenings, and they have more spare time on Saturdays and Sundays.
    • Weekends are also often more full of events, such as local theaters, farmers markets, festivals, concerts, and parties.
    • You might say something like, “After a hard week, I want to take a breather this weekend. Do you want to go to shooting school on Friday after work? "

Method 3 of 3: Spontaneous invitation

  1. Invite them to eat. If you're at work or out of class at lunchtime, you can invite someone to eat. If you both have a bento, sit together to eat. If not, ask if the person would like to have lunch with you. This works because both of you need to eat and drink, so there is less pressure to offer.
    • It doesn't have to be an instant meal. You can invite someone to dinner after work or meet for a while after you're done.
    • If you leave a party at night, ask if they would like to have late at night at a nearby restaurant.
  2. Go out after school or meeting. If you meet the person at work, club gatherings, or classes, ask them if they want to go somewhere to play after they're done. You can ask them during a meeting if they want to hang out after the meeting is over, or ask them as soon as the meeting is over to see if they want to do something with you.
    • Maybe they're busy with this or that, but usually people will be free after a scheduled event has ended. Make use of this time in their schedule.
    • You could say "I have a few free hours after school, will you go for a walk with me?" This is a simple, low-pressure way to invite someone out based on the circumstances.
    • When you leave the classroom after school or a work meeting, you can say “I'm going to Highlands Coffee for a drink. Would you like to come along? " Going out to eat together after work is common, so people will consider this kind of question normal.
  3. Invite someone to go wherever you are going. Whenever you plan to do something and see someone you want to hang out with, invite them to join. Because you will do it no matter what they say, no matter what they say, it won't be a big deal. If it's someone you meet every day, there are plenty of opportunities to invite them out.
    • This works when you are leaving the dormitory to go to the movies, out of the apartment building for a hike, or when you leave the company for outdoor sports, such as flying saucers.
    • Make it a habit to invite people to join you wherever you go. After a while, you'll get used to asking someone out and as a result they'll agree and join you.