How to Open a Locked Door

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Open a Locked Door Without a Key in Under 5 Seconds - Locksmith Recommended
Video: Open a Locked Door Without a Key in Under 5 Seconds - Locksmith Recommended


  • This method of breaking the lock takes a little practice, especially in the case that the lock is cheap because it can break the lock, so don't do it if there's no good reason. .
  • Get a key to smash. This key should fit into the lock you want to hit, but is not the key to that lock. As long as the key fits into the lock it can become a key to beating, by filing the peaks to the lowest depth allowed.
    • Most reputable locksmith will not make a beat key for you, but you will probably be able to buy them online. To make one yourself, you'll need some metalworking tools and a little more patience.

  • Insert the key to hit the lock until the last lock is reached. The pins in the lock are mounted around a loop, the lock will be able to rotate as long as the pins on the inside line up and stop its movement. Every little "click" you hear when you insert the key into the lock is released because a pin is being lifted by one of the key teeth and then falls to its recess. Insert the key until the only one remaining is not lifted.
  • Smash and rotate the key. Use a small rubber hammer or similar object to smash the key hard, and turn it immediately. Because the pins inside the key are divided into two parts, the impact of the beating sends the force to the lower part (five inside the door knob), then sends the force to the upper part (this upper part prevents the door handle from rotating) . If all the pins in the upper part are raised evenly, the lock will rotate.
    • It may take a few tries to turn the lock at the right time, so stick around until you succeed.
  • Method 2 of 6: Use an Unlock Kit

    1. Unlock with unlocking kits. This is a special skill that takes a lot of practice and is usually only taught to "real" locksmiths. And these kits are also limited to the niche authorized, but with a little creativity you can approximate to create this tool yourself.
    2. Crafting tools. For weak locks, a briefcase can be opened; for harder locks, a toothpick, hairpin, wire cutting pliers and a pair of tongs are needed ... It is important to use metal strong enough to make the unlock stick and the force transmission lever - the two main components of unlock tool.
      • Wind steel is the best material for this because it is difficult to break and can be easily filmed. You can earn steel wind from wooden saw blades. Pay attention to the thickness of the saw blade because it will determine the size of the unlock stick that can be inserted into the lock.
      • The force transmission lever is made in an L shape, and is used to apply force to the bottom of the lock. You can make this tool by filing a thin hexagon-shaped L-rod.
      • The unlock stick is made with shorter legs, like the letter "r". It is used to pull the latch off the doorknob so that the doorknob can rotate.

    3. Put the force lever into the lock. Press it down on the bottom of the padlock, and always apply some rotation force to it throughout the entire time working with the lock stick. If you don't, the unlocking will take longer, even if you have to start over.
      • If you are unsure which direction to turn the power lever, insert it in the lock and test it in one direction. Put your ear in, then pull out the push stick quickly. If you rotate in the right direction, you will hear a pin drop.

    4. Insert the push rod up on the transmission lever. Use its tip to find and push each pin up from the hole. Once all the pins have been pushed out of the hole the lock will open. As mentioned above, this skill takes a lot of practice to master, so you should practice on inexpensive locks first. advertisement

    Method 3 of 6: Use a Hex Wrench to Open a Door in the House

    1. Open the door in the house with a hex wrench. Most indoor door locks made in the past few decades use a special kind of door handle that allows you to open the door even when it's locked. If your doorknob has a small circular hole in the middle then that is the kind of handle we are talking about.

    2. Looking to buy a set of hex wrenches. The hexagon wrench, also known as the "Allen wrench," is usually sold for a relatively low price at most hardware or appliance stores. They are small L-shaped iron rods, standard widths of sides, either metric or imperial.
    3. Insert the long end of the hexagon into the hole on the doorknob. You may have to try one or two hexagonal sizes to find the one that fits the lock, but usually it's easy to spot. It needs to fit the hole, but without the need to sharpen or try to insert the large hexagon. If you push the hexagon straight in and swing it a little back and forth, you will feel it fit into something inside.

    4. Rotate the hexagon to open the door. Once the hexagon is in the hole in the handle, just slightly rotate it will open. You don't need to spend much effort. advertisement

    Method 4 of 6: Use an ATM card

    1. Open a simple lock with an ATM card. This trick is quite common, but the more modern a lock is, the less effective it is, although it's still useful for entering a house with an old door type where you don't have a key.
      • The hard-laminated plastic card seems to work best. You can use flexible cards (like supermarket gift cards) - so you won't worry about it getting damaged. Because sometimes you can scratch the ATM card to the point that it can't be used anymore.
    2. Insert the ATM card inside the door edge. Pull the edge of the card in the slot between the doorframe and the door lock insert, over where the locking latch clicks into the door frame.
      • Turn the card tail down behind the door latch. Make sure the card is perpendicular to the door.
    3. Slowly and firmly pull the card forward while rotating the handle. If you are lucky, the ATM card will slide down the gap between the bevelled key and the door frame, and you should be able to separate the latch from the door frame by pulling the ATM card towards you. Then the door will be opened, as long as you keep the card in place between the lock pin and the hole.
      • Obviously this trick will not work if the lock pin is fixed. This pin type does not have a side chamfer. Fortunately, you cannot lock this type of latch from the outside without the key.

    Method 5 of 6: Open Car Doors

    1. Open the car door. While it is often illegal to have a car unlocking device (a special metal tool that helps open a car door), you can do the same with a metal clothes hanger. hard type.If you leave your car keys in your car but you are near a grocery store or near a friend's house with a clothes hanger available, you can avoid the hassle and time of waiting for a locksmith or rescue service to happen. households.
    2. Unscrew the spiral and straighten the hanger. You can leave the bend on top, but remove it from the neck and straighten the rest, you will have a metal tool with a bent hook tip.
    3. Turn the plastic stopper at the base of the glass panel on the side of the steering wheel window. Slide the hook end of the hanger through the rubber lining and the bottom of the glass. The hook will be on the inside of the car door.
    4. Turn the hook around to find the latch. This will usually be located about 10 cm from the car window, near the interior door lock.
    5. Get in and pull the latch. Pass the hook over the latch and pull it toward the rear of the vehicle. This way most car locks can be manually unlocked.
      • If your car door has an electric button to open the electric door, you can also slide the bottom of the hanger down from the top, and use it as a finger to press the inside button.

    Method 6 of 6: Use Power to Break doors

    1. Unblock the door. In emergencies, sometimes your only option is to use strength to get the door open. You must understand that this will destroy the door frames, locks and possibly the door as well. And this is also more dangerous than the other methods, so you should only use it when there is no other option.
      • Stand on a stable surface. Facing the door with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly. If possible, rest your hands or arms against walls, furniture, or anything else without moving when you push against the door.
      • Raise your dominant leg to thigh height. Lift your leg from your knee. Keep your feet facing the door. Don't turn the other direction or do any superfluous movements.
      • Kick in the lock on the door with your heels. This type of rock is sometimes referred to as a "pop rock". Turn your foot straight forward, so that your foot kicks in with the locking mechanism in the door.
      • Kick the door is quite safe. Our feet are constructed to absorb a large amount of impact, and shoes and sandals act as support pads. DO NOT bang the door with your shoulder, you are more prone to dislocation than opening the door.
      • Continue kicking until the lock comes out of the door frame. As long as the stone lasts long enough, this works on almost any type of wooden door.
      • If you don't see results after a few minutes, the door or door frame is probably reinforced. Take a little rest and move on, so your kicks won't weaken.
    2. Smash the door with a door breaker. For some reason you want to use a door breaker rather than calling a locksmith. An effective door breaker can be a hand held pile driver, which is originally used to drive piles to the ground.
      • Purchase a manual piling tool. It is usually about over half a meter long, with handles attached at each end.
      • Fill the cement mixture into the piling tool. Make sure the cement is completely dry before using it.
      • Use a fling motion to nudge the tip of the piling tool into the locking mechanism fitting place on the door. Move it back with both hands, and you stand parallel to the door. Then take the momentum and hit the door. Most doors will pop out after a few hits.
      • Remember that the door is likely to be completely damaged and will need to be replaced afterwards.


    • Call an expert if possible. No one can replace a locksmith (or landlord with spare keys) when you're stuck outside. The best and safest way to open a locked door is always to pick up your phone and call someone professionally trained to have it open.
    • Always start with as little damage as possible. If you can open a door with an ATM card, there is no need to break the lock or use a wooden bar to break your door.
    • Practice. If you want to be able to break locks by beating, or with the force lever and push stick, you need a lot of practice to develop your skills. There is no better teacher than experience.


    • Don't try breaking the door with your shoulder. It only works on movies.
    • Don't try to shoot at the lock. It can result in bullets bouncing and hurting you more than breaking the lock. You may also be unable to fix the lock stuck to its normal position due to the impact of the dent you shot.
    • Breaking into anything you don't own is infringing and illegal. Don't do that.
    • In some places, it is also illegal to carry a locker without certifying that you are a locksmith. Depending on the feelings of the officer arresting you, even carrying homemade tools can be illegal. Don't use them unless you absolutely need them.
    • If you lose the lock of a rental property, call the security, the manager or the landlord before attempting to try to break the lock. Maybe some of them will have a key that will open your door, remember: breaking into a rental property can be illegal, especially if you cause property damage.