Ways to sweat more

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
5 Amazing Ways to Sweat More
Video: 5 Amazing Ways to Sweat More


Did you know that sweating is actually healthy? Sweating is the body's way of cooling itself, replacing electrolytes and balancing the skin. We sweat when the weather is hot or exercise vigorously, in addition, you can make yourself sweat in many different ways. If you want, try hot spicy foods, caffeinated foods, go to a sauna or wear thick layers of heat-retaining clothing.


Method 1 of 3: Exercise

  1. Get enough water for the body. Before going to the gym or going out for a walk, be sure to drink a full glass (or two) of water. In simple terms, the more water you have in your body, the more sweat you will have to release.
    • Many health experts recommend that we drink about half a liter of water before exercising.
    • Besides, do not forget to replenish your body with water during exercise. You need to drink at least 0.25 L of water every 15-20 minutes of exercise to maintain best training performance.

  2. Spend plenty of time doing cardio (exercises that increase heart rate). Unlike other types of exercise, such as weight training, which is only short term with high intensity, when doing cardio, you will work out longer. This increases your body temperature and you sweat more to cool yourself down.
    • If you regularly work out in the gym, you can exercise with a treadmill, an overhead treadmill or an exercise bike with an average intensity of at least 20-30 minutes to increase heart rate and heat. body level.
    • Researchers have shown that, as your body becomes more in shape, you sweat more (and are willing to sweat more).

  3. Exercise outdoors. Sometimes when it is beautiful, you should leave the comfortable temperature in the gym and go out to exercise in the sun, you will have a spacious training space and be able to sweat more. Play sports, run a few laps or do yoga and exercises that don't require much equipment.
    • Work out in the late afternoon when the outdoor temperature is at its highest.
    • Be sure to stay hydrated before exercising, especially on extremely hot days.

  4. Wear long clothes. Change into cool clothes made of breathable material like neoprene and choose a cotton outfit that fits right. Clothing made of heat-insulating fabric will keep the body heat released during exercise close to the skin, thereby causing the skin to sweat more.
    • You can choose for yourself a "steam clothes" made of PVC and other waterproof materials. This garment is specially designed to keep heat and help the wearer sweating profusely.
    • Don't forget to take regular breaks during exercise and take off your clothes if necessary to avoid overheating.

Method 2 of 3: Eat and drink

  1. Eat spicy foods. The consumption of hot spicy foods will stimulate sweat glands, stimulate metabolism and even boost the immune system, is a double hit, right? You can try hot and spicy famous cuisines such as Mexican, Thai, Indian and Vietnamese cuisines.
    • Add to your food a little ground pepper, a little spicy sauce or some chili slices.
    • Have a cup of milk on the side to reduce the spiciness when you go beyond your tolerance.
  2. Use hot drinks. You can prepare yourself a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate and serve while they're still smoking. The temperature from the drink raises the body temperature from within. If you are in a warm environment, you will sweat very quickly.
    • Hot drinks are a very effective and quick way to warm up — part of the reason they are practiced by skiers, climbers and athletes in cold sports. Another very popular.
  3. Consume more caffeine. Add energy drinks like coffee, soda and chocolate to your diet. Caffeine will directly stimulate the central nervous system, the central nervous system will respond by sweating. However, you should not abuse this method to avoid restlessness.
    • If you can't drink coffee, you can choose a drink with less caffeine, such as green tea.
    • Or if you don't like other drinks, you can drink an energy drink. Each energy drink can usually contains up to 200mg of caffeine.
  4. Use alcoholic beverages. You can relax with a beer or a glass of red wine after a long day. Just a small amount of alcohol can cause blood flow to increase quickly, over time you will blush, become hot and (as you think) sweat.
    • Of course, you should only use this method when you are old enough to drink alcohol.
    • Avoid drinking too much. If you drink too much, you will not only sweat a lot, but also get drunk and fall into other embarrassing situations.

Method 3 of 3: Changing habits

  1. Stop using antiperspirants. As the name suggests, antiperspirants do exactly that — stop you from sweating. So, if you want to sweat, the first thing you need to do is to remove these products from your daily body care regimen. Your armpits and other high-temperature areas of your body sweat quickly.
    • Switch to a regular deodorizer to help prevent unpleasant odors, but not sweat.
    • You can apply a few drops of natural scents such as peppermint oil or patchouli oil to sweaty areas if you are concerned about body odor after a few days of not using an antiperspirant.
  2. Reduce indoor temperature. Lower the temperature of the air conditioner a few degrees lower than normal. This will help your body respond to the high temperature more quickly. When moving to a warmer environment, you will easily sweat even if you only do very gentle things.
    • Being in a very cold environment can make you feel uncomfortable, so adjust the indoor temperature gradually, dropping a few degrees at a time for the first week or few weeks.
    • If you live in an area where winters are not too cold, you can turn off the heater during the cold months. Not only will this help you sweat profusely when exercising or take a sauna, but also save you a lot of money!
  3. Wear thick clothes. For best results, wear thick, long-sleeved clothing, such as coats and sweaters. Synthetic fabrics such as nylon, rayon and polyester are not as breathable as natural fabrics, and will help keep heat near the skin.
    • To increase the effectiveness of this method, you can wear multiple layers of clothes.
    • Avoid wearing tight clothing continuously for many hours. The amount of sweat secreted but cannot get out stays on the skin and eventually leads to complications such as dermatitis.
  4. Take a sauna. If the other methods don't work then the sauna will definitely make you sweat. The hot and humid air in the bathroom surrounds you, clings to your skin and pushes sweat out. The amount of sweat you release will evaporate and return to the bathroom air.
    • Staying in the sauna for too long can be dangerous. You should only take a sauna every 20-30 minutes and don't forget to drink plenty of water before entering the bathroom.
    • If you plan to stay in the sauna longer than this, rinse with cool water between baths to lower your body temperature.


  • Sweating is good for the body. In fact, healthy people sweat a lot and tend to sweat faster than others.
  • Combine thick clothing with any of the methods in this article to increase your body temperature and sweat more.
  • Sweat releases salts, metals, bacteria, and more. Be sure to take a shower regularly to clear these mucus from your skin.


  • Avoid caffeine to make your body sweat if you are sensitive to it. Too much caffeine can lead to an increase in heart rate, causing you to breathe rapidly and feel restless and anxious.