How to remove eyelashes from the eyes

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to remove an eyelash stuck in the eye? - Dr. Sunita Rana Agarwal
Video: How to remove an eyelash stuck in the eye? - Dr. Sunita Rana Agarwal


Lashes that fall into your eyes can be very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Weak lashes can fall into your eyes when you rub your eyes, cry or walk in the wind. The eyes are a sensitive part of the body, so you need to deal with this very gently.


Method 1 of 5: Wash eyes with water

  1. Water splashed in eyes. This is the simplest and fastest way to remove eyelashes from the eyes. Dropping water in your eyes will cause the eyelashes to flow out. You should use mineral water and bottled water as they are more sterile than tap water. However, you can use tap water if there are no other options.
    • Pinch hands together, take water and fall in eyes. You can blink when the eye comes in contact with water, repeat over and over until the eyelash is gone.

  2. Open your eyes and face down in the water. This also helps to gently wash the eyelash out of the eye. You should use mineral water or bottled water if available.
    • Fill a large bowl with water. Open your eyes and slowly face down into the water until the eyes come into contact with the water. If you feel uncomfortable, blink, as long as you let the water get into your eyes.
    • If necessary, repeat as many times until the water in the bowl is washed out.

  3. Eye drops with salt water solution. Saline, like mineral water, is more sterile and safer for the eyes than tap water.
    • Pour the saline solution into the eye dropper bottle, then open the eyes wide and drip a few drops directly into the eye. If you are lucky, the eyelash will immediately float out, if not, try to reduce it a few more times.
    • If the saline solution is in a dropper with a pointed tip, you don't need to use the eye dropper, just hold the saline bottle and place a few drops in the eye. Blink, and if necessary, rinse a few more times until the eyelash is removed.

Method 2 of 5: Use a cotton swab or finger

  1. Determine where the eyelash is in the eye. If you are using a cotton swab or finger to remove the eyelash, first locate the lash and wash your hands thoroughly.
    • Look in the mirror to see where the eyelash is located. You should only use your finger or a cotton swab to remove the eyelash when it is on the whites of your eyes. The blackness of the eye is more sensitive, so if the eyelash is in the black, you need to see a doctor to remove.
    • Hand washing. You need to wash your hands with soap and dry thoroughly to remove all bacteria on your hands, avoid them getting into the eyes.
  2. Use one finger to move the eyelash to the corner of the eye (near the nose). You should stand in front of a mirror and open your eyes to perform the correct operations. However, you do not have to try to push the eyelash back to the corner of your eye, just push it away from the black (the pupil).
  3. Use a cotton swab. You will need to use a cotton swab with the cotton tip tightly curled so that the tip does not fall into your eyes. If you need to do the action many times, each time you touch your eyes use a new cotton swab to ensure hygiene.
    • Wet the tip of a cotton swab by dipping it in a saline solution. Using the saline solution will not damage the eyes. You can open the lid of the saline solution bottle and dip the tip of a cotton swab to wet it, or pour the brine solution into a bowl and then dip a cotton swab.
    • Gently touch the tip of the cotton swab against the eyelash. Try to open your eyes, or use one hand to hold a cotton swab and hold the eyelids in the other hand.
    • Take out the eyelash. If it is convenient, the eyelash will stick to the tip of the cotton swab, you can easily and safely remove it by simply lifting the cotton swab and the lash out of the eye.
  4. Remove the eyelashes with your finger. This method requires you to move or pull the eyelash out of the eye with your finger. Wash your hands well and take care not to close your eyes.
    • Wipe the eyelash with one finger. Lift your eyelids with your non-dominant hand to keep your eyes open. Use one finger of your dominant hand to gently brush the eyelash away from your eye. Try not to blink, the eyelash will follow the movement of your finger out.
    • Pull out the eyelash with two fingers. If you can't pull the eyelash with one finger, try pulling it out with two fingers. While clamping the lash, gently let the tip of your finger touch the eyeball. However, don't do this if you have long nails to avoid scratching your eyes. Once you have the lashes between your two fingers, you can gently pull it out.

Method 3 of 5: Use the eyelids

  1. Hold the upper eyelid with your thumb and index finger. You need to determine the location of the eyelash before applying this method. This works best if the eyelash is at the top of the eye.
  2. Lift and pull the upper eyelid down towards the lower eyelid. Try to gently pull your hand and let your eyelids touch. Keeping the eyelids together, blink once or twice so that the eyelash moves away from where it is stuck.
  3. Release your hand from the eyelid so it returns to the original position. Ideally, when you pull the eyelid down and blink the pupil to move, the lash will also move away from where it's stuck and stick to the inside of the eyelid so you can remove it easy, or the eyelash can fall off on its own when you lift the eyelid. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Leave the eyelashes in your eyes and go to sleep

  1. Go to bed with eyelashes in the eyes. When you sleep, the eyes will automatically remove dust and foreign objects in the eyes. The rust that you often see after waking up is a product of this self-cleaning mechanism.
  2. Do not rub or touch your eyes while sleeping. If you touch your eyes, you can cause more eye irritation and even scratch your cornea. Try to ignore the discomfort in your eyes.
  3. Check your eyes when you wake up. Hopefully after waking up, the eyelids will disappear like a miracle thanks to the self-cleaning mechanism of the eye. If the eyelash is still in the eye, it has also been moved to a position that makes the eye less uncomfortable and easier to remove, which can be removed by other methods. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: See an ophthalmologist

  1. Call the clinic first and let your doctor know the details. It only takes the doctor less than 5 minutes to remove the eyelash from the eye. Informing your situation in advance will give you more opportunities to make an appointment to see your doctor that day.
  2. See an optometrist. You can see an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Optometrists mainly treat vision problems, but they can also examine and treat eye and related problems.
  3. See an ophthalmologist. An ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in treating eye problems. An ophthalmologist will help you remove the eyelash from your eye quickly, safely, and ensure that the eye is free from infection. advertisement