How to get rid of spiders in the home

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Get Rid of Spiders Guaranteed (4 Easy Steps)
Video: How to Get Rid of Spiders Guaranteed (4 Easy Steps)


To get rid of spiders in your home, start with a vacuum cleaner that sucks out spiders and webs. Use a residual insecticide or call a professional exterminator. You can also try some home remedies like spraying peppermint essential oil around the house or spreading diatomite soil in corners.


Part 1 of 3: Prevent spiders from entering the house

  1. Seal your home. Seal cracks and holes leading into your home to prevent spiders from finding their way inside.
    • Use glue to seal large openings in doors and windows when closed. Seal around wires, cables, faucets and other electronic components, as all of these will lead out.
    • Replace or repair window panes. Spiders can easily find their way through even the tiniest holes.
    • Cover the vents and chimneys with a tight mesh.

  2. Do not turn on outdoor lights. Although the light does not attract spiders, it attracts insects - the favorite food source of spiders.
    • It is equally important to prevent indoor light from shining through your windows with curtains or blinds.
    • Consider using a yellow light high pressure sodium lamp. These lamps attract less insects and are therefore less likely to create a food source that attracts spiders.

  3. Move plants out of the area around the house. If you are having a serious spider problem, consider moving plants, shrubs, lianas and other plants around the house to the other side of the yard.
    • Plants attract spiders because that is where they live. When they need to find warm places and new sources of food, they will crawl toward your home and enter your home through cracks.
    • You should also remove mulch, gravel, leaves, and debris near your home.

  4. Keep your home tidy. Cleaning the house will leave spiders less shelter, even after they have snuck into the house.
    • Do not let leftovers go wild. The food crumbs will attract other insects such as ants, which in turn will attract spiders.
    • Regularly sweep and vacuum the floor. Sweep shelves, tables and chairs and avoid letting dirty dishes go out for more than a few hours.
    • Remove any clutter if possible. Old newspapers and stacks of dirty clothes are ideal hiding places for spiders to thrive in the dark.
    • Use plastic containers. It is difficult for spiders to get into tightly sealed plastic containers, but in paper boxes they can crawl in quite easily.

Part 2 of 3: Verified methods of control of insects

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum spiders and webs. One of the easiest methods to get rid of spiders is to suck up the egg sacs and spider webs when you see them.
    • This method is most effective when you are trying to get rid of a few spiders. However, if you have a lot of spiders in your home, this method may not be effective.
    • You can wipe the web with a brush.
    • Instead of killing spiders, take them outside if possible. Spiders are animals that are useful to humans, and they are very precious if you understand them.
    • Spider-web spiders are usually only on the ceiling, making them less likely to fall victim to a sticky glue trap, but they are very effective at catching ground-based spiders such as jumping spiders or house spiders.
    • Keep the trap flat to avoid curled up.
    • Throw away the trap as soon as you have caught some of the spiders.
    • Note that this method is not very effective at eliminating spider eggs and webs, so you may need to combine it with another method.
  2. Use residual insecticides. Spray into corners or cracks with a pyrethroid residual insecticide.
    • Use according to label directions to prevent poisoning for you, your family, or pets.
    • Remember that of the thousands of species of spiders in North America, only 2 are capable of causing serious harm to humans (black widow spiders and reclusive brown spiders). Other spiders can bite, but only if they are threatened, and their bites are neither poisonous nor painful.
    • Spiders are the best "pests" for insects that accidentally jump into their homes, as they kill a multitude of insects that can harm humans or spread germs. However, if you have a lot of spiders in your home, that is a warning sign that you need to act immediately, as spiders will not enter places where there is not much food.
    • Pyrethroids are a group of chemicals commonly obtained from the pyrethrum tree. This is a herb of the chrysanthemum family. Most household insecticides contain pyrethroids, some common chemicals in the pyrethroids group include bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin, and tetramethrin.
    • Synthetic insect sprays are generally not effective against spiders.
    • Understand the limitations of residual insecticides. This poison is only effective if the spider crawls through the chemicals after being sprayed. If spiders are avoided, the chemicals will not be effective.
  3. Call a professional insect killer. If the spiders in your home grow rampant and home remedies can't be handled, a professional insect killer can use stronger chemicals.
    • Note that some insecticides are very strong and you will need to leave the area for several days until the effect is gone.
    • In general, it is better to keep the spiders away or away from the house than with an insecticide. If possible, catch spiders in paper towels or glass jars and take them to the hallway so you will avoid some other insects.

Part 3 of 3: Folk remedies

  1. Repel spiders with horse chestnuts. Put a few horse chestnuts in every corner of your house and where spiders are common.
    • Chestnuts, walnuts, or the fruit of the Osage orange tree are also believed to have a similar effect.
    • It is not known why this method will repel spiders, and there is no scientific evidence or interpretation of this therapy.
    • Some people believe that horse chestnut contains a toxic chemical capable of repelling spiders thanks to its aroma. If that's the case, poke holes in the chestnuts or cut them in half to let the aroma radiate.
  2. Spray peppermint oil around the house. Fill a spray bottle with water and add 15-20 drops of peppermint essential oil. Spray on every cracks and nooks in the house.
    • It is thought that spiders cannot tolerate the smell of peppermint oil and will turn away when they smell it. Therefore this method is most effective when sprayed on the roads where spiders can get into the home.
    • To make it more effective, you can soak undiluted peppermint essential oil into a cotton ball and stuff it into cracks or hidden spaces that could be a spider hideout.
    • Try eucalyptus or tea tree oil if you don't like peppermint. They work just like peppermint oil and are used in the same way.
  3. Spread diatomite soil around the house. Spread a thin layer of this powder around cracks, corners, windows and basements. Spread it anywhere you think spiders are going.
    • This powder is made from natural fossils of an aquatic organism called diatom. This substance is safe for humans and pets.
    • When spiders crawl through diatomite soil, their outer crust is cut off and their bodily fluids leak out. Eventually the spider will dry out and die.
    • You can also protect your home and prevent spiders from entering by spreading diatomite soil around your home.
  4. Get rid of spiders with vinegar. Mix equal proportions of vinegar and water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray on common gathering places and spray directly on spiders when you see them.
    • Vinegar contains acetic acid, which is thought to cause spiders to burn and die on contact.
    • You can also place small plates of vinegar in dark corners to keep spiders away. The smell of vinegar alone is enough to repel them.


  • Spiders are more likely to enter the house in winter, so you should thoroughly clean your home once or twice a week in the winter.
  • Pour peppermint oil into a spray bottle and spray it around the house.
  • If you don't want to use vinegar, the scent of lemon or eucalyptus can also take care of the problem.
  • Eucalyptus twigs, a fragrant plant that can be purchased at craft stores and placed underneath furniture, actually repel spiders and other insects.
  • If you are an animal lover, you might want to consider keeping a cat. Cats have a predatory instinct, and many domestic cats turn to small animals like insects, insects and spiders. However, keep in mind that this is not a wise choice if you are dealing with highly toxic spiders.
  • Spiders hate cigarettes and lemons, so you can sprinkle them in water or lemon juice to keep them away.
  • Remember that spiders may look intimidating, but they are quite docile. As long as you don't disturb them, they won't disturb you.
  • Make a frog as a pet. Most spiders are afraid of frogs. Frogs will eat spiders and other insects that may attract spiders.

What you need

  • Adhesive for filling
  • Insect net
  • Sodium vapor lamps
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Glue trap
  • Residual insecticide
  • Horse chestnut
  • Love peppermint oil, eucalyptus essential oil and tea tree essential oil
  • Aerosol
  • Country
  • Vinegar
  • Diatomite soil