How to remove wrinkles on leather

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Unwrinkle a Leather Jacket : Leather & Fabric Care
Video: How to Unwrinkle a Leather Jacket : Leather & Fabric Care


  • For short skirts and pants, use a hook with a rubber strap and hang it at the waistband so that the entire length of the item hangs down.
  • For very long items, this hanging technique may not be effective.
  • Avoid using thin metal hooks as they will bend due to pressure.
  • Hang the clothes in a solid place. You will have to pull the item so the hanger position not only withstands the weight of the item, but also withstands your traction. Cross beams in closets, coat racks, or other locations to hang clothes will be ideal.
    • Avoid hanging objects such as a small nail on the wall or curtain tree, as they can break easily under pressure.

  • Light pull. Use your hand to gently pull the item until the creases relax. Also pull in opposite directions, that is, if the crease is straight, grab the top and bottom ends of the crease and pull gently in both directions.
    • Loosen the crease by alternately pulling at the ends and on the sides of the crease.
    • Don't last too long. The traction time of a leather item depends on its properties, but avoid dragging for longer than 3-5 seconds for safety. Let the skin rest for 3-5 seconds before continuing to pull.
    • This method is only suitable for fine wrinkles, not effective for large wrinkles or folds.
  • Method 2 of 4: Use a steam iron

    1. Buy steam irons. You can use a standing iron or a handheld iron, but try to find something that is durable and is trusted by many people. Check online reviews and consult a few before you buy.
      • Steam irons are a versatile product for wrinkle removal in leather. They can be used for clothing, shoes, and even large items like furniture.
    2. Start the steam iron. Set the steam iron to medium-low and wait for it to heat up. Test the steam into the air before spraying on the wrinkles. Not hot enough steam will condense quickly on the surface of the skin and cause damage.
      • Read the directions for use and the manufacturer's recommendations for heating times before using iron on leather.

    3. Hang leather clothes. For leather clothing, you will hang it to be. The hot steam causes the skin to relax and the self-weight of the item straightens wrinkles. Use a hook or iron stand.
      • If the leather item is too big to touch the ground, that's fine. The steam will relax the skin enough for the wrinkles to disappear.
    4. Spray steam on leather clothing. Use an iron to spray a layer of steam on the wrinkled part of the leather item. If possible, spray steam on both the inside and outside of the crease. Remember to hold the iron about 10cm away from the skin surface and the spraying time only lasts about a second, the way to move the steam iron is similar to a normal iron.
      • If the crease does not go away on its own after using steam, gently pull with your hand to make it more stretched.
      • Don't spray too much steam at a time. This can damage the skin and sewing of the item.
      • If you notice condensation on your skin, use a dry cloth to wipe off excess moisture.

    Method 3 of 4: Use the steam in the bathroom

    1. Turn on the hot water tap. Make sure the shower is hot enough to create mist that dims the bathroom mirror. Keep the water temperature warm enough for the steam to build up, but not so hot that you cannot shower.
      • If you have a temperature monitor in the bathroom, keep the water temperature around 40.5 degrees Celsius, the average temperature for a shower.
    2. Allow the steam to accumulate. During this time, close the door so that the steam cannot escape. Place the item in a hook and hang it on a shelf near the steam source, but far enough away from the shower that the water won't splash on the item.
      • Try using a towel rack or door handle to hang leather items on it.
      • Leather is not manufactured to come in contact with large amounts of water. Keep the leather item far enough from the shower so that the water won't splash on it. If you see water on your skin, pat it off with a dry towel.
    3. For sauna leather items. The longer the item is exposed to the steam, the better. Leave it in the bathroom during the shower opening and after a while after the shower turns off. Don't take the item out until the steam has started to dissolve and the bathroom air has cooled.
      • Don't wait for the bathroom to cool completely. This will return the skin to its old state and you will not be able to smooth the remaining wrinkles.
    4. Flatten the leather item. After the steam is finished, spread it on a flat surface and stretch it with your hands. Pull stubborn creases to stretch them.
      • Let the item lie on the flat surface until it cools completely before putting it on or storing it. This helps the skin to be fixed in a smooth, smooth state and does not crease again.

    Method 4 of 4: Flatten the skin with an iron

    1. Turn on your iron and set it on low. Leather cannot be, and leather is likely to be damaged if possible. You can minimize this risk by setting the iron to the lowest setting prior to skin contact.
      • Empty the iron in the iron compartment before starting, to prevent it from spilling over the skin and causing damage.
    2. Find a pad. Find a thick piece of paper or 100% cotton, like a handkerchief, and place it on the skin. Do not use thin paper or cloth, as it can burn when in direct contact with the iron.
      • Make sure the pad is clean and dry. Wipe the surface of the paper before using it.
    3. The beginning is. Leather fast hand but with light pressure. Do not leave the iron or move too slowly on the surface of the skin, even stubborn areas. This can result in skin burning and permanent damage.
      • Never place iron directly on skin. Move pads as needed to make large items or deep wrinkles.
      • Store or hang leather as soon as it is done if you don't use it right away.


    • Place leather items in a thin layer of fabric, such as cotton or muslin, if you need to store them for a long time.
    • Store leather in a dry, well-ventilated, and at a stable temperature. Temperature fluctuations can cause wrinkles, cracking and damage.


    • Tanned leather cannot withstand extreme or prolonged temperatures or humidity. Limit exposure to heat, wet or damp environments.