How to Get rid of bloating

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Reduce Bloating Quickly - Causes of Bloating and Tips to Debloat Fast!!
Video: How to Reduce Bloating Quickly - Causes of Bloating and Tips to Debloat Fast!!


Bloating, belching, and gas are all natural symptoms and are usually caused by air being swallowed or food being broken down during digestion. Although deflation is considered a taboo in society, this is completely normal behavior that any healthy person experiences every day. However, if you have too much gas in your abdomen, it can be quite inconvenient or painful. You can follow the advice in this article to minimize or avoid gas buildup and avoid abdominal pain caused by gas.


  1. Change your habits. Most gas is caused by swallowing too much air. This could be from overeating, drinking alcohol, chewing on hard candies and gum, and smoking. If you do these on a regular basis, you should minimize them for your benefit.

  2. Keep a journal about the foods you eat. The truth is that some foods, such as beans, can cause bloating, but your body may be especially sensitive to certain foods. Make a list of all the foods you consume each day for a week. Also, keep track of how many times you deflate per day. You will be able to quickly see a correlation between your eating habits and the number of times you pass a day.

  3. Take medicines. You can take over-the-counter medications that contain simethicone, which can help eliminate bloating. You can find medications that contain simethicone in many forms, including pills, chewable pills, and liquid pills.You can also look for other anti-flatulence medications that are available at local injections.

  4. Use drugs made from activated carbon. You can find medicines that help reduce the amount of gas that many foods produce. Activated carbon will also help reduce the odor of the gas that sometimes accompanies flatulence.
  5. Light exercise. When you feel bloated, do light exercise, or do any physical movement, it will help you to speed up digestion and prevent gas build-up in your gut (bloating). Taking a 10-minute walk right after each meal can be quite helpful.
  6. Limit food that causes gas. To reduce gas and bloating, you can limit your intake of gas-rich foods. You don't have to stop using them altogether, just limit your intake.
    • Baked beans, cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, brussel and cauliflower, carbonated drinks, gum (especially if it contains sorbitol), apples, bananas, peaches , hard candies, and potatoes all cause bloating.
    • Avoid processed foods. Your body will not be able to fully digest the chemicals that are used to prepare these foods and will often lead to gas.
    • Excessive gas accumulation in the abdomen can also be caused by a poor ability to absorb food, such as when you are lactose intolerant.
  7. Chew food well and eat slowly. If you eat too quickly, you will swallow more air into your stomach, causing gas and gas. Eating slowly will help you relax and help you digest food more easily.
  8. Drink water all day. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will prevent bloating and constipation, but taking a full sip of water can actually build up air in your abdomen and cause more bloating. You should focus on drinking small sips of water during meals and throughout the day of activity.
  9. Drink tea. Many teas are effective in minimizing and eliminating gas accumulation. You can drink peppermint tea, fresh ginger tea, or lemon tea once a day and look forward to the results. You can also use dry or fresh ingredients as they will give the same results.
  10. Chew some nuts. Anise seeds and caraway seeds help move air through your digestive tract. If you can tolerate their taste, you can chew a handful of seeds throughout the day and track the results.
  11. Reduce anxiety. when you are anxious or stressed, your breathing increases and makes you swallow more air into your abdomen. Practice breathing deeply when you're anxious to reduce bloating. advertisement


  • Gas accumulation and bloating can increase during a woman's menstrual cycle, and this is a common side effect.
  • If you are suffering from constipation or diarrhea, you may experience bloating.
  • Lying on your stomach can help eliminate the buildup of air.


  • Even if gas is a fairly normal and common condition, see your doctor if the problem doesn't go away. Seek medical help if you notice a dramatic change in your toilet habits or if you have oddly lost weight. A painful chronic accumulation of gas can be a sign for many other problems, such as Crohn's syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).