How to get rid of mold on ceilings

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Mold on ceilings doesn't look good, is unhealthy, and is also difficult to clean. Mold can also cause permanent damage to a home, so it should always be disposed of as soon as possible. Following some simple steps below can help you remove mold from your ceiling to stay healthy.


Part 1 of 2: Eliminate the source of mold

  1. Check for leaks on the roof. Most of the mold in ceilings is caused by water flowing through a leak in the roof. If water leaks from the roof, you must fix the roof before removing mold. If not, the mold will return.

  2. Ensure adequate ventilation and air circulation. Often the bathroom and kitchen walls will get moldy due to inadequate ventilation. You can place a fan or dehumidifier in the room to help the moist air escape.
    • Some dehumidifiers can be installed on their own, others need to be installed by an expert. You should consult the owner of the home appliance store to see what kind of dehumidifier is suitable for your room.

  3. Natural light enhancement. Mold often grows in a dark place, so opening windows to let sunlight into the room will help prevent their growth in the ceiling. If you can't enhance natural light, you can try turning on extra lights to add more heat and reduce mold growth.

  4. Improved insulation. Poorly insulated homes can stimulate mold growth, including on ceilings. The effects of cold outside air on walls and warm air inside can cause condensation. In warm weather, more humid air comes into contact with the wall, causing condensation and contributing to mold.
    • Good insulation provides a barrier between the cold outside air and the warm air inside, helping to reduce the conditions for mold to grow.
    • The insulation capacity in and around the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems should be improved.
  5. Check for large mold colonies on the other side of the ceiling and discard if there are. A moldy patch on the underside of your ceiling may be an indication of a larger mold colony above. If you remove the mold from below but still have colonies on the top of the ceiling, the mold will return.
  6. Use a dehumidifier. Mold prefers warm and humid conditions. A dehumidifier removes moisture from the air, thereby reducing the ability of mold to grow and multiply.
  7. Open the door and turn on the bathroom fan about 15 minutes after showering. After bathing, you should open the door and turn on the internal fan for at least 15 minutes to allow the water to evaporate. This will help remove the moisture that mold prefers.
  8. Hang a towel in another room. Moist towels can add moisture to the room. Make sure to hang the towel dry, preferably in another room. This helps to reduce moisture, thereby reducing the conditions for mold to grow.
    • Avoid drying wet clothes on a drying rack or indoor chair if there is a mold problem. The moisture from clothes during evaporation can stimulate mold growth.

Part 2 of 2: Getting rid of mold

  1. Recognize the signs of mold. Usually, you can see mold on the ceiling. This mold is black, green, brown, or orange. Other signs of mold include cracking or peeling of paint on ceilings, discoloration, persistent black streaks, bulging ceilings and / or a damp odor.
  2. Removes mold quickly after detection. Removing mold quickly and treating the cause will help prevent adverse health effects or permanent damage to the home. This also makes the mold removal process easier and the mold grows less often.
  3. Find a safe way to reach the ceiling. Use a folding ladder, footrest, or other sturdy object for standing up. It's best to look for something with rubber feet or anti-slippery feet to avoid slipping. If the ladder or chair does not have anti-slippery feet, you should purchase a non-slip mat to place it underneath, especially if the floor is naturally slippery (for example, a brick floor).
  4. Check out the materials used to build the ceiling. If the ceiling is made of porous materials such as mortar, wood, and stone without plastering, then you will not be able to remove mold. The landmark will quickly return. You must remove and replace moldy ceilings.
    • Ceilings made of porous materials, such as sound insulation, must be removed and replaced to prevent mold from growing.
  5. Set the ladder in the correct position. Place a footrest or ladder under a moldy ceiling. Stand on a chair / ladder to reach the ceiling. Check to see if the mold can be comfortably and safely touched.
    • Removing mold when you raise your arm requires good stamina and endurance.
    • If your arm, neck, back, or wrist is having problems, removing the mold while holding your hands up for a while can be painful. In that case, you can clean up for a short break and then take a break, or have a healthier person help you.

  6. Use a paint scraper to remove the paint. If the ceiling is painted and the paint is scaly, then first use a razor to remove any remaining paint flakes. This will help remove the mold by making sure there is no longer it under the scaly paint.
  7. Use gloves to protect hands and wear old clothes. Wear gloves to protect your hands from detergents and mold. Dressing up can be easily washed with hot water to remove residue from mold that falls on or spreads in the air.

  8. Make a mold removal solution. There are many options that can be used as a mold removal solution. The most common is a combination of 2 tablespoons borax, 1/4 cup vinegar and 2 cups hot water to kill mold, deodorize the air, and reduce the chance of mold coming back.
    • Borax is a natural cleaning product that does not emit toxic fumes, is a deodorant and an anti-fungal agent, and a natural mold inhibitor. Borax is also a mineral product with a low toxicity and is often quite effective compared to the cost.
    • Vinegar is a natural, safe and mildly acidic ingredient that kills 82% of all mold species. Vinegar is non-toxic, does not emit toxic fumes, is a deodorant and can be purchased cheaply in supermarkets. Vinegar can be sprayed directly onto the surface and let alone.
    • Bleach is an effective mold killer and will remove stains caused by mold. However, bleach produces toxic fumes, which can damage the surface of the material and does not penetrate porous materials. The chlorine in bleach sits on the surface of the porous material, while the water is sucked in, creating a humid environment for mold to grow. Use bleach mixed with water in the ratio of 1:10.
    • Hydrogen peroxide is a good alternative to bleach because it is safe to use and does not harm the environment. Hydrogen peroxide has antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and can remove stains from mold. Spray 3% hydrogen peroxide directly on the mold.
    • Ammonia can be used on hard surfaces but is not effective against porous surfaces. Besides, ammonia is a strong, toxic chemical that you absolutely must not mix with bleach because it produces toxic gas. You can mix ammonia with water in a 1: 1 ratio used for cleaning.
    • Baking soda kills mold, is safe and helps remove airborne odors. Baking soda can even absorb moisture to prevent mold. Since baking soda kills fungi other than vinegar, it is possible to combine these two ingredients together in a mold removal solution. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water.
    • Tea tree oil is a natural and effective fungal killer. Although expensive, tea tree oil is harmless to humans and pets, and has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Make sure the tea tree oil is from the tea tree Melaleuca alternifolia and mix 1 teaspoon of essential oil with 1 cup of broth as a mold killer.

  9. Wear goggles and a mask or breathing mask. These protect eyes from detergent that falls from the ceiling during cleaning. Since some mildew cleaners can eat lightly on skin, it's important to protect your eyes. In addition, dead mold spores are easily spread through the air, so you need to wear a mask or breathing mask while cleaning to avoid inhaling these harmful spores.
    • Ensure adequate ventilation while cleaning ceilings to avoid inhaling mold spores in the air.
    • You can even use plastic to isolate other areas of your home to prevent the spread of mold spores. Cover doors and vents with a plastic sheet, and direct the fan toward the open window to push out the mold spores.
  10. Spray cleaning solution on mold you see on the ceiling. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it directly onto the mold on the ceiling. Be careful not to spray too much, causing the water to drip down.
  11. Use the rough surface of the sponge to scrub mold. Scrub back and forth to make the mold come off. Take a break as needed, especially if the mold is large. You can also descend the ladder / chair to change positions to reach the entire area where mold grows.
  12. Wash the sponge frequently to prevent the spread of mold. When using the cleaning cloth, you should change to a new cloth or continue washing the current shoulder pad. If not, instead of removing it, you increase your risk of spreading mold throughout your ceiling.
  13. Spray cleaning solution again. After removing the mold you see, spray the mold-killing solution in another layer on the ceiling. This will reduce the chance of the mold coming back in a few days.
  14. Let the ceiling dry. Turn on the fan if there is a fan in the house. Or if it's a warm day, keep windows open to let in. This will help dry the ceiling and blow out mold spores.
  15. Sand the ceiling. If the ceiling changes color or you plan to repaint it, sand it. Scrub the area that was once covered by the mold to remove any remaining traces and give a strong foundation to the new paint.
    • If you need to repaint the entire ceiling, for example because a new paint color won't work or the part exposed, you must sand the entire ceiling.
  16. Re-paint the ceiling with special formula paint. Paint the ceiling again with waterproof paint. Waterproofing paint will prevent the mold from returning, especially if condensation is the cause of the mold. You should ask the owner of a home appliance store to find and buy paint products for your needs and follow the instructions. advertisement


  • Always clean up mold as soon as you find it. This will help prevent mold from becoming dangerous and / or causing permanent damage to your home.
  • Test the cleaning solution on a small area of ​​the ceiling to make sure the solution doesn't damage the ceiling.
  • Make sure to find the source of the mold and fix the problem before you proceed with cleaning. If not, the mold will return.


  • Absolutely do not paint on a moldy ceiling. Mold will grow through the new paint. So always get rid of mold first.

What you need

  • Folding ladder or footrest
  • Sponge and / or cleaning cloth
  • Water in a bucket or spray bottle
  • Goggles
  • Mask or breathing mask