How to Get Rid of Brown Spots Using Home Methods

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 EFFECTIVE Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation, Brown Spots and freckles
Video: 5 EFFECTIVE Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation, Brown Spots and freckles


Brown spots, also known as age spots or age spots, are part of the natural aging process. These dark spots are harmless and are most common in people over the age of 50, especially those with fair skin, who are regularly exposed to the sun or brown with a tanning bed. If the brown spots are bothering you, you can use natural remedies to gradually fade them. On the other hand, you should see your doctor if the brown spots look ominous or home remedies aren't working.


Method 1 of 4: Use lemon juice

  1. Apply lemon juice directly to brown spots. Lemon juice contains an acid that helps break down the melanin pigment, so dark spots will fade within 1-2 months. The vitamin C in lemon juice also has a whitening effect. Cut the lemon into slices and apply directly to the brown spots. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse it under running water.

    Warning: Lemon juice will make your skin more susceptible to sunburn, so avoid direct sunlight or use an SPF 30 sunscreen.

  2. Use lemon juice mixed with sugar. Squeeze one lemon juice into a bowl and mix 2 to 4 tablespoons of sugar, slowly adding sugar until the texture looks like a paste.
    • Use a brush or cotton swab to dab the mixture over each brown spot.
    • Leave the mixture on your skin for about half an hour, then rinse it off with cool water.
    • The mixture can dry out the skin, so be sure to moisturize it after each treatment.

  3. Mix the dough mixture with honey, sugar, and lemon juice. Squeeze one lemon juice into a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of sugar (depending on the amount of lemon juice) and 2 tablespoons of honey to make a thick paste.
    • Use a brush or cotton swab to dab the mixture over each brown spot.
    • Leave it on for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.
    • Honey will provide moisture to protect the skin from drying out.

Method 2 of 4: Use plant enzymes

  1. Learn about the effects of enzymes. Enzymes are the "workforce" in the biochemical world. Enzymes transform substances without being depleted, similar to natural catalytic converters. Enzymes can help break down melanin into smaller and colorless parts.
    • The foods described here contain many different types of enzymes, but all are classified as proteases.
    • The proteolytic enzymes here include papain (in papaya), aspartic protease (in potatoes), and bromelain (in pineapple).
  2. Grate a potato and mix with honey. Grate a medium-sized potato into a bowl (any white potato will work). Mix a little honey in a bowl of grated potatoes to make a paste.
    • Apply mixture to brown spots.
    • Let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  3. Make a papaya mask. Scoop the pulp of the papaya into a bowl and puree it. You can use a blender to give the mixture a smooth texture.
    • Use a cotton swab or makeup brush to apply the mask to your face and any areas with brown spots.
    • Leave until the mask dry, then wash off with cool water.
  4. Use pineapple juice or a pineapple mask. Pour a little pineapple juice into a bowl (make sure it's 100% pure, unsweetened, or squeeze it yourself). Use a cotton swab to apply the pineapple juice to the brown spots and leave until dry. Rinse with cool water.
    • You can also crush a few slices of pineapple and apply it to your face or any areas with brown spots. Leave it on until the mask dries, finally rinse with cool water.
  5. Try chickpeas. Cook ½ cup chickpeas by measuring ¼ cup beans and boiling with ½ cup water. Cook until soft beans (15 minutes if canned beans, and 1 hour if dried beans), then remove the pot from the stove and let cool.
    • Grind the cooked beans into flour when it's cooled.
    • Rub the mashed beans over the brown spots and allow to dry, then rinse with cool water.

Method 3 of 4: Try other therapies

  1. Apply white yogurt directly to your face. As a dairy product, yogurt contains acids that help lighten dark spots. The beneficial bacteria in yogurt are also helpful, as they contain enzymes that can break down proteins like melanin.
    • Apply white yogurt on dark spots to fade away.
    • Let the yogurt dry, then rinse it off with cool water.
  2. Mix the yogurt with herbs. Certain herbs can aid yogurt in getting rid of spots on the skin. You can apply a mixture of yogurt and herbs to your face and other areas of skin with brown spots. Wait for the mixture to dry, then rinse it off with cool water. The following herbs contain antioxidants and bioflavonoids that lighten brown spots when combined with yogurt:
    • 1 tablespoon mustard powder
    • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
    • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  3. Try castor oil. Castor oil contains antioxidants that protect and lighten the skin tone. Place a few drops of castor oil on a cotton swab and dab it over brown spots. Let the oil seep into the skin and don't need to rinse off!

    Advice: Castor oil can stain clothes and can be difficult to remove, so be careful when applying.

  4. Take vitamin E. Vitamin E has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and healing properties that can help fade dark spots on the skin. You can cut or puncture a vitamin E capsule and apply directly to brown spots. Let the vitamins absorb through the skin and do not need to wash! advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Know when to need medical treatment

  1. See your doctor as soon as possible if the brown spot becomes darker or changes shape. Although aging spots appear to be normal and harmless, they can sometimes be a sign of skin cancer. Contrary to age spots that often maintain their appearance, cancer-causing spots become darker and change shape, such as growing or uneven. You can identify potentially carcinogenic spots with ABCDE's rule, which means that the first letters in English indicate the following symptoms:
    • Asymmetric shape (asymmetric shape)
    • Borders (uneven contour)
    • Colors (different colors, such as multiple shades of brown, black or skin tone)
    • Diameter (large diameter (above 6mm) or variable)
    • Evolving (progression, such as changing size, shape, and color)
  2. Consider seeing a dermatologist for sure cancer screening. It is better to be careful when it comes to health. A dermatologist will check your brown spots to make sure there are no cause for concern. In addition, your doctor can help you distinguish between what is normal and what is not.
    • If you are unfamiliar with a dermatologist, get referrals from your primary health care provider or do a search on the internet.
  3. Take a skin sample for a biopsy. Your doctor will recommend a skin biopsy if they suspect a spot is wrong. You will be numbed to anesthetize the area before taking a skin sample for biopsy. The doctor then uses a scalpel to remove a small piece of skin and send it for a test to make sure the dark spot is benign.
    • The process of taking the biopsy sample can be uncomfortable but painless.
  4. Ask your doctor if prescription bleaching cream is right for you. If over-the-counter bleaching creams are ineffective, prescription creams may help. These creams can fade aging spots for several months if you use them regularly.
    • For example, your doctor may prescribe a bleaching cream called hydroquinone cream. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe retinoids and mild steroids to use with hydroquinone cream to speed up the treatment.

    Advice: While using bleaching cream, be sure to use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 when outdoors, as your skin will be very sensitive to the sun.

  5. Talk about options for dealing with persistent aging spots if you're really concerned. If home remedies don't work and the brown spots are bothersome, you can choose treatments done in a dermatologist's office. These methods are usually more effective than home remedies. Here are a few options to choose from:
    • Laser or light therapy can fade brown spots, although it may take 2-3 sessions to see results.
    • Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and dissolve the pigmentation of aging spots. This therapy is a bit uncomfortable and may result in scarring.
    • Skin abrasion or super abrasion is the way to remove the outermost layer of the skin and can fade brown spots. However, you will need several sessions, in addition redness and scabs may occur.
    • Chemical peels are a way to remove the outermost layer of skin and replace it with a new one. With many treatments, this can fade aging spots, but you may experience redness and discomfort.


  • One of the most effective treatments is prevention! Brown spots are exacerbated when exposed to sources of UV rays, such as the sun or tanning beds. You should protect your skin with SPF 30 sunscreen and avoid browning your skin with a tanning bed.
  • Clean up makeup before trying any of the above treatments. Wash your skin thoroughly to remove any oils and lotions that could interfere with treatment.


  • If you suspect a brown spot, do not hesitate to see your general practitioner or dermatologist. If there is a cause for concern, early detection will have a big difference in treatment.
  • Be sure to watch for any abnormal skin changes. Have a loved one check for areas of skin that you can't see well, such as the skin behind your back.