Ways to Get Rid of Dry Facial Skin

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fix your Dry Skin in 3 Steps! | Skincare Made Simple | The Budget Dermatologist
Video: Fix your Dry Skin in 3 Steps! | Skincare Made Simple | The Budget Dermatologist


Our facial skin is extremely sensitive, so facial skin is often more prone to dryness than other areas of the body. Here are a few tips and techniques to help you get rid of dry, itchy, and flaky skin on your face.


Part 1 of 4: Form a proper dry skin care routine

  1. Use warm water instead of hot water when washing your face. Warm water expands pores and makes it easier to wash your face, while hot water will dry out your skin faster.
    • The ideal water temperature to wash your face is a little warmer than normal. Heat is a natural exfoliating factor, so hot water is great to use if you want to get rid of dead skin cells and oils, but if your facial skin is getting dry, you should avoid using it. hot water.
    • If you absolutely need to use hot water to wash your face, quickly rinse your face with cold water right after to reduce the amount of heat build up on your skin.
    • Similarly, on hot days, you should go inside and quickly sprinkle water on your face to cool down your skin. The humidity in the air will usually help the skin retain some of its natural moisture, but you will be able to retain more moisture if you cool your skin on a regular basis.

  2. Only use mild facial cleansers. Body soaps are often not good for the face, so look for a cleanser specifically designed for the face.
    • Many skin cleansing soaps contain sodium lauryl sulfate - a surfactant known to strip the skin of moisture. Use soap-free skin cleansers or non-foaming products that are safer for your face.
    • You should also avoid aromatherapy skin cleansers, as they often contain alcohol and will cause severe dryness and astringent skin.
    • Consider using a skin cleanser that contains ceramides - a type of fat molecule commonly found in the outer layer of the skin. Synthetic ceramides can help maintain the skin's moisture content.

  3. Pat your skin dry. After washing your face, do not use a dry towel to rub it on your skin. Instead, use a soft, dry towel to gently pat dry your face.
    • To minimize possible irritation, simply pat your skin dry for 20 seconds or less.
    • Use a soft cloth but make sure it's made of absorbent fibers. You can use a cotton towel.
    • The best way is to pat your face dry so that it is still moist, not wet. However, if you use certain creams (such as those containing Hydrocortisone) be sure to dry your skin 100% before applying the cream to dry areas. This will prevent the cream from being thinned and reduce the concentration of the drug on the skin.

  4. Use moisturizer after washing your face. You should apply moisturizers or lotions to your skin immediately after washing your face. It's best to apply the cream to your skin while it's still damp, as applying moisturizer on wet skin prevents excess moisture from leaving the skin's surface for a long time.
    • If you don't know which moisturizer to choose, you can choose any facial moisturizer or cream, but if you are using a moisturizer and you want to find stronger moisturizers. In a little bit, you can look for varieties with ingredients made from shea butter, ceramid, stearic acid, or glycerin. These are moisturizers that can replace the skin's outer protective layer that helps the skin retain its internal moisture.

Part 2 of 4: A special treatment for dry skin

  1. Use a baby towel instead of an exfoliating solution. Instead of using powerful exfoliating products to remove excess oil and remove dead skin, use a baby towel to wipe the skin, baby towels are not only effective but also at the same time does not irritate your face.
    • You need to exfoliate regularly to get rid of dead skin cells, but if you exfoliate too harshly, you can do more damage to the outer layer of skin and aggravate dry skin. .
    • Baby towels are usually softer than regular towels, and many baby towels are even made from smooth, luxurious materials such as satin. To be able to use this towel to exfoliate, sprinkle a little water on your face and gently massage in a circular motion.
  2. Use moisturizing wax to protect your skin. Occasionally applying a layer of lotion on areas that are normally dry on the face can help maintain the skin's natural moisture.
    • This is especially helpful in the winter, when the face is constantly exposed to harsh, dry air. In winter, apply a layer of moisturizing wax before going outside, especially if you plan to spend a long time outdoors.
    • During the rest of the year, apply some moisturizing wax to dry skin. Let it sit for 10 minutes before gently rinsing skin with water. You can repeat this procedure twice a week.
  3. Use fresh milk to wash your face. It may sound strange, but milk is a natural cleanser and moisturizer.
    • Soak baby towels in ice cold water, wring out excess water to prevent water from spilling out. Cover your face with a towel and let it sit for 10 minutes.
    • The lactic acid found in milk is a natural and gentle cleansing agent. It can reduce redness and help remove dead skin.
    • The fats in milk can provide more moisture to the skin, help the skin get the necessary amount of water and make the skin plump and softer.
    • Keep in mind that skim milk will not provide enough moisture to your skin, so use only 2% of this type of milk or regular whole milk.
    • If you suspect that the nightly cleanser you are using could be quite potent for your skin, you don't need to throw it away immediately. Using fresh milk two or three times a week as a substitute for conventional skin cleansers will help provide the rest it needs to the skin.
    • Fresh milk cannot remove makeup, so it's a good idea to rinse off the makeup of your face before using fresh milk.
  4. Use an aloe mask. Aloe plant contains properties that help soothe irritated and red areas, and hydrate dry, flaky skin.
    • The best way to do this is to use natural aloe. After washing your face with water, break a fresh aloe leaf and gently massage the aloe vera leaves on your face. Let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
    • You can apply an aloe mask once a week.
    • If you can't find fresh aloe plants, you can use regular aloe vera gels or a mask with aloe vera extracts.
  5. Apply a small amount of hydrocortisone cream on the eyelids. The eyelids are an area that often experiences dry skin. If the skin on your eyelids is dry and itchy, carefully apply a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream to your eyelids to relieve itching and hydrate the skin.
    • The reason the eyelids are so prone to dryness is that the eyelids are quite thin and lack the horny layer. And so the eyelids are also at risk for thinner wear if you use the hydrocortisone cream too much or for too long.
    • Rinse the eye makeup off before applying hydrocortisone cream and be sure to avoid getting it in your eyes. Be careful, the cream can flow into the inner surface of the eye, no matter how careful you are. (At least one doctor thinks that regular contact with hydrocortisone cream may cause glaucoma.)
    • You can take this treatment twice daily, but be careful when using it regularly and for a long time.
  6. Try using eggs to cover your face from time to time. Split a chicken egg into 2 parts; Stir the egg whites. Apply on face. Let stand for 10 minutes and rinse. Do the same thing with the yolks. Pat your skin dry. Then use moisturizing lotions to moisturize the skin. And you can enjoy a soft, smooth skin. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Avoid skin irritants

  1. Avoid causing skin irritation when shaving facial hair. Men usually pay more attention if their facial skin is dry. Improper shaving can make the skin drier, so be sure to pay attention to shave carefully to avoid worsening the condition.
    • Shaving removes both facial hair and oil, and removing natural oils from the skin causes dry skin.
    • To minimize the damage to the skin caused by shaving, you should shave after washing your face as it will be softer and easier to remove. Always use a sharp blade as a sharp blade will make shaving easier than a blunt blade.
    • When shaving, be sure to use shaving cream or gel and move the razor in the direction of the hair growth.
  2. Avoid irritating your eyelids when using too much mascara. For women, cosmetics can be the cause of women trying to get rid of dry skin on their face. Mascara, in particular, can damage the eyelids.
    • Use specialized makeup removers instead of regular facial cleansers for best results. Ordinary skin cleansers do not completely remove the makeup, and as such, a few layers of cosmetics will remain on your skin even after washing your face. A dedicated makeup remover will completely clean your makeup.
    • Try to stop using mascara and other cosmetics to rest your skin for at least a few days a week.
  3. Cover your face when needed. When in the sun, use sunscreen to protect your face from dangerous UV rays. In winter, when the climate is cold and dry, put a scarf around the lower part of your face before going outside.
    • Sun damage is one of the main culprits behind skin problems, including dry facial skin. You should use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 every day. If you are concerned about using strong sunscreen on your face, you can look for facial lotions that have their own SPF and use them instead of sunscreen.
    • You should also protect the skin on the lips by using a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15.
    • In winter, dry air will often strip your skin of its natural moisture, especially if you are not covering it. Use a shawl or a hat or hat with a mask to shield your face and protect your skin from the harsh winter air.

Part 4 of 4: Increasing humidity in the habitat

  1. Use a humidifier. Dry air is the main cause of dry skin. Using a humidifier in your bedroom at night can help prevent the air from becoming too dry while providing enough moisture to your skin.
    • Try to keep the humidity level in your room around 50%.
    • It is especially important to use a humidifier at night because the time you rest will be the time your body begins to regenerate the skin. The air that is too dry can cause your skin to peel off faster, meaning you may wake up in the middle of the night and notice some flaking of some areas of your face unless you are sure to keep your bedroom. I have enough moisture.
    • As an alternative, you can also place a pot of water near a fireplace or place plants that can create moisture in your bedroom, such as Boston palm trees, bamboo ferns, or ornamental figs.


  • In order to keep your skin hydrated and have healthy skin, including your face, you should provide the necessary amount of water for your body both internally and externally. Drink from 6 to 8 glasses of water (250 ml per cup) per day to keep your body hydrated and help your body function optimally. Avoid drinking dehydrating beverages, such as alcohol and caffeine, as they cause more dehydration than hydration.

What you need

  • Gentle facial cleanser
  • Soft towels
  • Moisturizer
  • Sharp razor (if needed)
  • Shaving cream or shaving gel (if needed)
  • Makeup remover (if needed)
  • Sunscreen
  • Scarf
  • Humidifier
  • Baby towel
  • Moisturizing wax
  • Fresh milk
  • Aloe extract
  • Topical creams containing Hydrocortisone