How to Prepare for the Biology Entrance Exam

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Entrance Exam Reviewer 2020 | Common Questions with Answer in Biology and Science | PART 1
Video: Entrance Exam Reviewer 2020 | Common Questions with Answer in Biology and Science | PART 1


Biology is a fun subject, but it takes a lot of effort, especially if you have an exam. You have done all 13 labs, read all 55 chapters of the textbook, but what next? If you are interested in how to prepare for your biology exam most effectively, read this article.


  1. 1 Start early. You may think that lengthy preparation is unnecessary, but the sooner you start, the better prepared. Give yourself two months before the exam to study all the theoretical and practical material, and you will not have to rush to memorize it a couple of weeks before the exam. The earlier you start, the less you will have to repeat the evening before the exam. So start early and set aside 20 minutes every night to review old material you may have forgotten.
  2. 2 Reread your notes. Believe it or not, the notes you took in class will come in very handy in preparing for your biology exam. Read each topic fluently in your synopsis. If you do not understand something that has been written, write this thought or concept on a separate sheet entitled “Revisit” or “Understand”.You can make cards with new terms, important phrases, or the names of scientists and their discoveries. Review the material on the flashcards every day as you prepare for the exam.
  3. 3 Use tutorials. There are various textbooks for preparing for biology exams. Talk to your teacher about which one is better to use, or look at the recommendations on the website of the university you are going to enroll in. These books detail exactly the sections you need and provide an overview of the basics related information.
  4. 4 Do assignments similar to exam assignments. Follow the example exam papers from the textbooks, answer the questions of the exams of the past, which you can learn from the teacher or on the Internet. Do this by simulating the conditions of a real test: keep track of time and count points for completed tasks. This will help you get used to the exam format.
  5. 5 Understand what is expected of you. Find out what topics and sections you need to review for the exam and what will be required of you. You will likely need to demonstrate proficiency in applying formulas, ideas, and concepts, rather than just knowing the facts by heart.
  6. 6 Watch the video. There are tons of biology video tutorials on the internet - on YouTube or other video sites. Videos are often more useful than textbooks because they provide an oral explanation of the material along with a visual demonstration. They are especially useful if you need to learn how and when certain formulas are applied. As you watch the video, take short notes in your notebook to make sure you understand what is at stake.
  7. 7 Don't cram. Never try to just memorize all the information. There is too much material in a biology course to memorize overnight. If you start cramming everything non-stop at the last moment, your brain will be overworked, and you may even forget what you already know. Start preparing for the exam early, study as much as you need to, but don't cram in desperation. Close all your books the night before the exam, put your pencil aside. You have prepared to the maximum.
  8. 8 Relax. Perhaps the teacher scared you a lot with the upcoming exam, or you yourself are afraid of him, but you do not need to succumb to stress. If you were attentive in class and completed all assignments, you know the subject well. Get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before your exam and don't even think about biology. Eat a good breakfast on the morning of your exam and breathe a sigh of relief. You are on the home stretch!
  9. 9 Give yourself time. The biology exam consists of a multiple choice test and written answers to questions. Devote ample time to each section. However, do not dwell on one question, as you need to have time to answer all of them. If you have carefully prepared for the exam, you will still have plenty of time.
  10. 10 Go back to your answers and check them. If you are finished but still have time left, check all your answers carefully. You may have new thoughts and want to add or fix something. In the answer to each question, write as much of what you know and remember as possible, but do not deviate from the topic. Some of this can be the deciding factor between an excellent and a good grade.
  11. 11 Find out your rating. Unlike the usual five-point scale, to which you are accustomed, the result of such an exam will be calculated as a percentage. You need to know what is the passing grade for a particular institution. Be proud of the grade you receive: you did a good job to earn it.


  • Small details are unlikely to be important in the exam. Focus on knowing the fundamentals, processes and concepts and how to apply them.
  • During the school year, never be afraid to ask your biology teacher for help if you don't understand something. It is important for you to understand as much of the material as possible before the exam.
  • If you are buying an exam preparation study guide, make sure it is not out of date.
  • Make sure your family is aware of the upcoming exams and ask your family not to bother you while preparing.
  • While preparing for the exam, do not be distracted by the Internet, music, TV, and conversations.