How to clean adhesive on glass windows

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Remove sticky glue & residue off glass surfaces
Video: How to Remove sticky glue & residue off glass surfaces


Stubborn glue stains or paint stains can dry and harden on window glass, causing ugly stains. When you remove decals on your windshield, they can leave greasy stains. Super glue is water resistant and difficult to clean using familiar methods - but you can handle it with a combination of a solvent and scraper. Read on for the specific steps to take when cleaning glue.


Method 1 of 3: Clean dry glue

  1. Rub rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover over the stain. Pour a cap of rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover into a tissue and rub in a circular motion to soften the glue or paint. You don't need to use much - remember that a small amount of concentrated solvent is much more effective than a large amount of watering on windows.
    • Clean the stains with a regular glass cleaner. Use a clean cloth to scrub the glass cleaner on the glass surface to clean stains and stains of alcohol or nail polish remover.

  2. Use white vinegar to remove the remaining glue from the paper tape. This method is effective for window glass that has an adhesive tape that is old or dries quickly in the hot sun. Wipe the glue stain a few times with a soft cloth soaked in white vinegar. Leave it on for 1 minute, then scrub it off with another vinegar rag. Continue rubbing and adding vinegar until the glue has dried off. Dry and polish the glass with a clean rag.

  3. Use grease cleaning products. You can go to an auto repair shop - which sells a variety of products to help treat stubborn stains. Look for brands like Fast Orange, Goof-Off, and Goo Gone. These products are formulated to remove motor oil and grease from your hands, but they also work to remove residual stains from patches, tapes and glue thanks to their grease detergent.
    • The degreaser in cleaning products made from citrus ingredients is usually d-Limonene. Other products contain heptanes, a strong solvent. For safety, you should use only a little bit and in a well-ventilated area.

  4. Use WD40 oil or paint thinner. Spray product directly onto the glue stain and scrub the surface with a clean rag.
  5. Use specialized gasoline for lighters. Soak the petrol in a rag or tissue, being careful not to spill the gas. Use a gasoline-soaked cloth to scrub the glue until it is clean.
    • You can also soak the glue stain in lighter gasoline. Spray or dab gasoline directly on the glue where the glue is most concentrated. Wait about 1 minute, then wipe with a clean, damp cloth.
    • This method can also remove wax streaks from walls. Wax stains may still be dull, but gasoline can remove most of the wax. Once you've removed the stain, you can repaint the wall.
  6. Heat the glass with a hair dryer or heat gun. Leave the dryer on high and blow on the glue stain for at least one minute to loosen the bond between the glue and the glass. You can also use a heat gun to soften the glue. Set the heat level low and heat the adhesive area using a circular motion. Once the glue is soft and warm to the touch, you can use a solvent to scrub the glass or scrape with a scraper, such as a razor blade. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Clean wet glue

  1. Consider the type of glue. Your treatment with wet glue will depend on the type of adhesive that is attached to the glass. Some glues can be peeled off (almost clean) from the glass when dry; others require scrubbing with hot water and solvent; and there are some glues that never clean without damaging the glass. Check which glue was used:
    • The hot glue can be peeled off after it dries. You can wait for the glue to dry and peel off.
    • Elmer liquid adhesive can also be peeled off easily when dry.
    • Elmer dry adhesive will come off when scrubbing with hot water, but it can be harder to clean than some others.
    • All-purpose adhesive usually peels off when it dries, but you can also try rubbing it with hot water to treat it before it gets attached.
    • The super adhesive will not come off without chipping. Chances are you will scratch the windows when trying to get rid of the super glue.
  2. Act fast. The glue will be much more difficult to remove once it is attached. If you process the adhesive while the adhesive is still wet and sticky, you can remove most of the glue before it hardens on the glass.
  3. Use a damp cloth to wipe the wet glue before it adheses. Wipes and hot water will work well if the glue has not dried. You can also use a tissue, an old t-shirt, or a rough sponge. Scrub the glass for a few minutes until the glue is gone. Dry the glass when the glue is off. Check the surface of the glass again and repeat until the glue is completely removed.
    • Note that wet glue can stick to the towels and can be difficult to clean. Use an old towel that you are not afraid to spoil.
    • Wet scrubbing can cause the glue to spread around and make the glass more opaque. If water and towels are not enough to clean the glue, try a stronger solvent.
  4. Use the solvent that you use to remove the dry glue. Rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, WD-40, industrial degreasing, vinegar, and lighters will help you remove the glue that remains on the surface of the glass. Similar to treating dry glue, use a cloth or cloth impregnated with the solvent of your choice and scrub the surface of the glass until the glue is gone.
  5. Soften the glue with a hot sponge. Soak the sponge in boiling water for a few minutes, squeeze out the water, and press on the glue stain. Leave the sponge on the glue stain for a few minutes; Most of the glue will be clean when you lift the sponge. Wash the sponge to remove the glue and wipe off any remaining adhesive on the glass until it is completely clean.
  6. Pour boiling water over the glue stain. You can pour boiling water directly onto the glue stain for a few seconds. The boiling water will loosen the glue enough that you can shave it off. Try scraping immediately after heating the glue, when the bonding is still weak.
  7. Freeze the wet glue with ice. Apply an ice cube to the stain for a few minutes to freeze it. Once the glue has hardened, you can shave it clean with a butter knife or by the edge of a credit card. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Scrape off the glue from the glass

  1. Scrape off the glue when soaked or scrub with solvent. Solvents will weaken the adhesion of the glue on the glass, and the scraper will help you scrape off the glue. You should use a metal scraper, if sharp and hard, the better. Don't use a thin, weak blade - you will have to use strong force to remove the glue, and a sharp blade is dangerous if you break it.
  2. Scrape the stubborn glue off the glass with a scraper. Use the shaving tool that you normally use to clean car decals. You can also use a new razor, multi-purpose pulley or the flat end of a screwdriver. Allow the blade to tilt 30 degrees from the surface of the glass. Shave carefully and area by area on the glass. Push the blade of the razor in a smooth motion, and remember: you are shaving, not cutting; otherwise, you may damage the glasses.
    • The shaving method not only cleans the glue but is also very effective in removing thick and stubborn dry paint.
  3. Use steel bill. If you have to deal with glue stains that are particularly difficult to remove, try steel charges. Soak steel charges in water mixed with a few drops of soap and rub it on the glass. Be careful, don't rub too hard - if you press too hard, the steel charges can leave permanent scratches on the surface of the glass.
  4. Wipe the surface with a clean, dry cloth. Finish by wiping the glass with a clean cloth or with a clean cloth moistened with alcohol or vinegar. If there are spots on the windows, you can ignore the solvent and simply wipe with a clean cloth. advertisement


  • Before shaving, you should try shaving the hard-to-see part of the glass first to make sure it doesn't get scratched.
  • Try a mixture of baking soda and water. Apply the mixture to the glue stain and leave it for a while, then scrape it off with a plastic scraper. This is a cheap, fast, easy, and non-toxic way.


  • Use a razor with a handle instead of a bare razor blade. The razor blade can turn unexpectedly and cut into the hand when it hits a lump of glue.

What you need

  • Isopropyl cleaner, nail polish remover, white vinegar, store-bought grease remover
  • A razor or razor
  • Towel / rag to scrub and wipe clean