How to make chocolate milkshakes

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
3 Milkshake Recipe | Chocolate Milkshake | Oreo Milkshake | Kitkat Milkshake
Video: 3 Milkshake Recipe | Chocolate Milkshake | Oreo Milkshake | Kitkat Milkshake


  • Whole milk makes a fat shake, but low-fat or skim milk is healthier.
  • For a really thick milkshake, add 1-2 tablespoons (15-30ml) of whipped cream.
  • The shaved ice will make the milkshake taste less. Use more milk if you want to thin it, and place it in the freezer for a few minutes if it's too thin.
  • Add chocolate if needed. If you are using vanilla ice cream or want to add a more chocolate flavor, add one of the following ingredients:
    • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of chocolate sauce, blend for about 10-30 seconds. Use 4 tablespoons (60 ml) of chocolate sauce if combined with vanilla ice cream.
    • Melt a few square pieces of chocolate or a handful of chocolate chips in a water bath or microwave each for 10 seconds, stirring the chocolate every time. If you are using only chocolate, you need ¼ cup.
    • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder will add flavor to the chocolate shake, but not strong enough if cocoa alone is used.

  • Grind or mix the ingredients well. It is easiest to use a blender, milkshake maker or hand blender in the light blend mode. If you don't have one of these tools you can exercise using a spatula to mix well.
    • The soft cream will be easy to mix well with a few short machine grinds or use a fork instead of a spatula. If you find it difficult to mix, you can chop it up using a plastic spatula or spoon and crush it into a machine or bowl.
  • Drink milkshakes in a cold cup. Taste it before you pour the shakes into a cup to see if you need more milk (to thin it down) or add cream (to thicken). You can garnish it with a little whipped cream, and / or sprinkle with a little chocolate shredded or see some new combinations below.
    • Enjoy a milkshake with a spoon or straw.
  • Method 2 of 2: Supplementary Materials

    1. Add some candy. You will create a special dessert with these hard ingredients. For a delicious finish, add the candies after the milkshake has been ground. Place the candy on top of the shake or blend it for a few seconds so that it doesn't affect the texture. Here are a few ways to do it:
      • Crush 1 or 2 chocolate biscuits or 1 brownie into small pieces.
      • Add the baked marshmallow marshmallows or even a s’more (baked marshmallow sandwich).
      • Buy or make small donuts. Keep the cake dry by attaching it to the large straw.
    2. Add some wine. A little bourbon, Bailey's, Kahlua or your favorite wine will add a refreshing sensation when you want to pamper yourself. Add 1 small cup (3 tablespoons / 45 ml) or depending on taste.
      • You can reduce the amount of milk you add when you add alcohol to keep it from thinner.

    3. Completed. advertisement


    • You can use any type of chocolate: black, milk or any flavor.
    • If using small chocolates, make sure they are not cold enough to make them easier to grind.
    • A straw with a small spoon tip is best for scooping ice cream cubes or other ingredients.
    • For a healthy shake, you can use 2% fat or skim milk and replace the cream with ice cubes. It takes longer to blend finely and the finished product is more like an ice blend than a milkshake but worth a try if you want to cut back on calories.
    • Most people like chocolate milk that has a sweet taste and lots of sugar, but you can always change the taste according to your preference.

    What you need

    • Blender, milkshake maker or big bowl + hand blender, spatula or fork
    • High cup for drinking milkshakes
    • Straws