Ways to cool a room

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
12 Ways to Escape the Heat If You Don’t Have an Air Conditioner
Video: 12 Ways to Escape the Heat If You Don’t Have an Air Conditioner


The temperature and humidity are too high, making the room stuffy and uncomfortable. If you have an air-conditioning system, just turn it on and wait for the room to cool. However, not everyone has an air conditioner, and it will be expensive to turn it on all summer. Fortunately, here are a few tips to help you cool your room without the need for an air conditioning system.


Method 1 of 3: Reduce heat source

  1. Close curtains / blinds. About 30% of the unwanted heat comes from the window. Make sure to shade your windows to keep out direct sunlight and heat the room. Buy blinds or curtains if you don't have one in the room, especially for west-facing windows. When the windows are shielded, the room temperature can drop significantly.
    • Try to shade your windows from morning to evening on the hottest days.
    • If you often have to deal with high temperatures in your room, buy insulation curtains.

  2. Turn off lights, electrical appliances and unnecessary heat generating appliances. Any active device will contribute to heating the room, so you should turn off anything not in use. Computers and televisions are devices that generate a lot of heat.Incandescent bulbs are also a great source of heat. If possible, turn off all the lights in the room.
    • It's not always possible to turn off all the lights, but at least keep the light as low as possible.
    • Consider replacing incandescent bulbs with miniature fluorescent lamps (CFLs), or better yet, light-emitting diodes (LEDs). CFL and LED bulbs are much less heat-generating and are even more environmentally friendly.

  3. Clean up the mess. Piles of clothes and other clutter absorb and trap heat in the room. The fewer items a room has, the more space for the temperature to dissipate and cool down faster. The high piles of stacks also prevent air from circulating, making the room appear hotter. Put all your clothes in the closet and close the door.
    • Glance across the room for the clutter and clean up as quickly as possible.

  4. Open room windows and close all other rooms in the house. If it was hotter indoors than outdoors, the walls would probably have absorbed a lot of the sun's heat throughout the day. You can keep hot air out of your room by opening a window. You should also close any unused rooms in your home to cool down the room you're in faster.
    • Remember to close the windows when the room is a little cooler.

Method 2 of 3: Air circulation

  1. Turn on the ceiling fan and adjust fan mode. Ceiling fans are very effective at helping air circulate in the room and create airflow. The air will also be raised when circulating through the ceiling fan, and since hot air is always soaring, your room will cool faster. If the ceiling fan is not already on, turn on the fan. If the ceiling fan is running slowly, you need to set it to maximum.
    • Check if the fan blades are running counterclockwise (when viewed from below) - if not, you need to reinstall.
    • Adjusting the propeller for counter-clockwise rotation and turning the fan on at its highest setting will increase air circulation.
  2. Turn on every other fan you have. Table fans, box fans, swivel fans and wall fans also help to circulate air in the room and create a cool wind effect. A table-mounted rotating fan will help to quickly and effectively dispel the hot air. You should leave lots of fans in the room during the summer so you can turn on the fans as soon as you enter the room.
    • Turn on the bathroom fan. The exhaust fan also draws hot air out, similar to a hot steam bath.
  3. Place an ice tray in front of the fan. Transform the fan into an "air conditioner" by placing an ice tray, bowl or pan in front of the fan. This will create a cool stream of mist in the room very quickly. You can also use an ice pack, or if ice isn't available, improvise with something equally cold, like a bag of frozen vegetables.
    • Set the ice bowl up slightly if the wind from the fan does not seem to be blowing through the bowl.
  4. Place the box fan in the open window facing outwards. The fan will suck hot air out and circulate cool outside air into the room. Place a fan in the window with the most shade - that will get more cool air. Tightly close all other nearby windows and open a few on the opposite side to allow airflow to circulate throughout the house and cool quickly. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Temperature control

  1. Install a window air conditioner or portable air conditioner. One of the most effective ways to cool quickly in a room is to install a window air conditioner. This type of machine works to cool the air in only one room. The central air-conditioning system will have to cool the entire house, and that will take longer. Installing a window air conditioner is also easy, especially for sliding windows.
    • If you don't want to have an air conditioner or your window is not suitable for you, consider buying a portable device. There's no need to install it - just plug it in and turn it on.
  2. Open windows at night. Nighttime temperatures are often low, even in summer. Take advantage of cooler air at night by opening a few windows slightly before bed. Place one or two fans in front of the window for cool convection. Keep windows tightly closed in the morning to avoid hot outside air entering your home, make sure to pull curtains over windows.
    • You should also unplug all the electronics in the room at night to reduce the temperature even further.
  3. Consider buying a dehumidifier if you live in a humid climate. Humidity can make the air even more claustrophobic. If you live in an area with high humidity, you should buy a dehumidifier. This device sucks the moist air in the room and passes it through a special coil before it is pushed back out. You can purchase a dehumidifier at electronics stores.
    • Dehumidifiers are not cheap, but this is a portable device so you can bring it from room to room to maximize efficiency.
    • For best results, place the dehumidifier in the center of the room you are trying to cool.
  4. Choose the right curtains. If you use curtains, you should choose a neutral color with white plastic on the back to make it more effective against heat. Hang as close to the window as possible. Blinds are also very effective at insulating - be sure to fit them very close to the window glass to create an enclosed space with insulation. Consider buying blinds with two sides, one side is light, one side is dark.
    • In the summer, you can install a bright side facing outwards to reflect the sunlight; in winter, keep the dark side out to absorb the heat.