How to Abuse Beer

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Intervention: Tristan Can’t Stop Drinking, Family Fears for His Life | A&E
Video: Intervention: Tristan Can’t Stop Drinking, Family Fears for His Life | A&E


The beer belly is common in both men and women, usually at an age where metabolism is reduced. The reduced metabolic rate causes fat to accumulate from excess calories, often concentrated around the abdomen due to excessive drinking. While beer is not the only culprit in your beer belly, if you suspect that delicious beers may be the cause of your waistline, you can plan to lose fat by changing your habits. Incorporate exercise into your program, and start losing weight in a safe way. Read on for more information.


Method 1 of 3: Change beer drinking habits

  1. Avoid binge drinking. What is the best way to avoid gaining weight with beer? Avoid drinking beer too much. In addition to the immediate and long-term effects of alcohol in beer, empty calories (150 -200 calories per 350 ml beer bottle) also begin to accumulate. If you regularly drink a few mugs of medium beer at night, consider it a sandwich or two that add to your daily diet that will make you gain weight.
    • When you drink too much, the liver will have to do its best to process the alcohol in the delicious beer you consume to purify the alcohol as a poison. As a result, the liver becomes less efficient and reduces the ability to convert fat into energy, which also means that the amount of fat accumulates around the abdomen. Add to this that the metabolic rate decreases as you age, so there is a beer belly.

  2. Determining how much beer is too much for you. Answers may vary from person to person. It's important to find out your resting calorie intake and start calculating calories if you want to lose weight. Add up all the beer you drink to determine how much beer is too much.
    • For most people, 1,700-2,000 calories per day is an average intake.To lose weight, that number should be reduced to 1,500 calories for the majority of people on a modest, healthy diet, or can fluctuate in the range of 1,700 calories with adequate exercise. A beer or two is acceptable among them.
    • Talk to a weight loss professional or doctor to find out how many calories you need to lose in order to lose weight. Eating fewer calories may not be suitable for everyone.

  3. Learn how to estimate the calories of alcoholic beverages. If you want to lose the belly of beer, it is important that you start to view beer as the "calorie bomb" as it really is. Despite its great effects in communication, alcohol is also a huge source of empty calories, especially when drinking too much. You should learn to calculate the calories in those beer and wine bottles, and you will be in better shape.
    • Each 350 ml bottle of beer contains between 100 and 300 calories, depending on the type and brand of beer. Dark beers such as stouts and porters and beer have a high alcohol content, essentially have more calories than light beers. Some newer, lighter beers may have fewer calories, around 50-60 calories, but usually the alcohol content is lower, so some people can drink more, making the advantage of low calorie intake limitless. brand.
    • Wine can contain the same amount of alcohol as beer, about 160-200 calories in a cup.
    • Spirits typically have around 100 calories in a 45ml cup. Wines like scotch aged in a wooden barrel have higher calories (almost 200 calories with the same amount of alcohol) due to the increase in fats and esters through a more complex aging process. The color of the wine is not related to the calories, but the way it is distilled. Cold filtered spirits have fewer calories, and the taste is also paler. Blends vary by type, but alcohol with added soda or energy drinks is often the most energetic drink at the bar.

  4. Switch to low calorie beers and drink only a few drinks. If you're a beer lover, you don't need to abstain entirely to lose your beer belly. Weight loss, exercise, and changing eating habits are all ways to get there without giving up beer. Light beers typically contain between 80-100 calories in a 350-milliliter bottle, making them easy for most weight loss regimens.
    • Keep track of calories, not beer bottles. If you are a regular drinker, you can understand that the low alcohol content in beer will make you want to drink and drink more, so low calorie intake is also useless. Don't drink too much just because you're drinking the Bud Life light beer.
    • Alternatively, you can continue to drink beer with high alcohol content and calories but only on special occasions and limited to one drink. You don't need to be too disciplined when trying to lose weight. Treat yourself to an occasional cup of Oatmeal Stout (oat beer) or Chocolate Bock (chocolate beer) if you like, as long as you know how to calculate calories and stay balanced.
  5. Stay hydrated by drinking beer while drinking. A good way to drink in fewer calories while boosting digestion and metabolism is to drink at least one glass of water with a glass of beer to stay hydrated. This is also beneficial because it makes you more full, and you will be less likely to drink beer. That's a two-job job, both making you drink less beer and reducing the effects of beer on your body.
  6. Reduce calorie intake for the day. If you want to lose some weight, you need to change your eating habits and pay attention to calorie calculation to increase the effectiveness of the workout to burn belly fat and keep the body toned. One of the obvious easiest ways is to cut back on excess beer and the empty calories attached to it.
    • Most men should get no less than 1,500 calories in a day, and 1,200 calories for women to safely lose weight. Don't lose too much calories, and keep alcohol calories low.
    • Establish a "ceiling" for the number of calories in alcohol consumed for a particular week. Stop drinking that week if you've reached the ceiling of beer calories. If you reduce total calories to 1,500 - 1,700 calories a day, the calories of beer should not exceed 100-200. Each week you can allow yourself 1,000 calories, or 5 light beer if you want to lose weight sustainably. firm.

Method 2 of 3: Changing eating habits

  1. Eat healthy foods before drinking alcohol. If you're going out for a beer with friends, make sure to eat something healthy and nutritious first. Healthy lean meats, whole grains, and veggies are essential ingredients for any healthy weight loss diet, while also being effective in converting your beer intake. Once you are full, you won't want to drink more and eat unhealthy foods at the pub.
    • Never drink on an empty stomach. The toxic effects of alcohol are heightened if your digestive tract is empty. In addition, the hangover after being drunk will worsen. You should always eat before drinking beer.
    • Eating nutritious food before drinking a few beers will also help you overcome the temptation of bad late-night foods. Devouring after binge eating is the main cause of beer belly, so if you want to avoid belly fat, you also need to avoid a fourth meal in the middle of the night.
  2. Always eat breakfast. Many dieters make the mistake of skipping breakfast to try to lose weight, but the fact that eating within an hour of waking up kicks in the metabolism, helping to stabilize blood sugar throughout the day, making it work. Exercise is more effective and the body is energized.
    • Try to eat at a regular time each day, starting with a high-fiber breakfast with whole grains, fresh fruit, and healthy proteins like eggs or peanut butter. Try to avoid grains and processed sugars, and start your day with refined carbohydrates.
  3. Commitment to change in your diet. Pay attention to cut back on fatty foods that are high in calories, foods that are often sold at bars and are also the ones that people often crave after drinking a few glasses. Fried chicken wings, pizza, and sandwiches are huge sources of calories and fat. Replace with lean meat, fish and fresh vegetables as much as possible. Try to avoid fried foods, cheese and red meat as much as possible.
    • People often crave snacking when drinking beer. However, instead of shopping for bar food, bring unsalted nuts or fresh fruit, or keep a few carrots at home to avoid salty potatoes and creamy cheese bars. often captivates you.
  4. Replace animal protein with other protein sources. Legumes, beans, lentils and nuts will provide adequate sources of protein to stay healthy and energized, while also helping you lose weight faster than a menu full of meat, eggs and milk, helping to cleanse. liver and kidney, and also promote metabolism.
  5. Eat cruciferous vegetables to cleanse the liver and strengthen kidney function. Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and other leafy greens are all great foods to include on your belly fat loss diet. In addition to providing excellent sources of fiber and micronutrients, these super good foods also help to cleanse organs that endure most of the alcohol you drink.
    • Your kidneys and liver have to work hard to get rid of alcohol from your body, so treating them well will boost your metabolism, helping you lose weight faster. Regularly eating the above foods and cutting the amount of alcohol from your diet will help your belly to drop much faster.
  6. Avoid saturated fats and processed foods. Refined sugars, starches and high-fat snack cakes are enemies for your waistline. Because they are high in calories and calories from fat, these foods will make it difficult to eliminate that beer belly, even if you have less calories from beer. Foods to avoid are:
    • French fries and snack cakes
    • Candy
    • Bacon, sausage and sandwiches
    • Muffins and cakes
    • Yolk
    • Fried food

Method 3 of 3: Exercise

  1. Try to exercise five times a week for 30-45 minutes each. In addition to reducing calorie intake, an essential part of losing belly fat is increasing exercise performance.Simply put, you need to burn more calories than you take in if you want to lose weight. The best way to do this is to start slowly and gradually accelerate as you get used to.
    • Allocate your exercise time throughout the week. Take 15 or 20 minutes to stretch your muscles each day, incorporate toning exercises like plank and squat (stand up and sit down), then alternate with muscle strengthening and cardio (heart rate exercises) every day to avoid boredom.
  2. Start at your own pace. You don't have to rush into a luxury gym to cut a few centimeters of your belly. With the right determination and motivation, you can find your favorite activities to practice properly before moving on to a more comprehensive training regime. You might consider starting your practice with:
    • Walk. Consider buying a pedometer that tracks your steps throughout the day and manages to walk around 10,000 steps - perhaps easier than you think. Instead of driving a few miles to the store, walk there, or take a few walks to break the routine and get out of the house. You should walk quickly, a little faster than your normal walking speed. Try to sweat.
    • Stretching and flexing. Losing weight doesn't have to be that complicated gym equipment. You can start around the house with simple exercises that get you moving, jump rope, pull the bar, do push-ups and crunches, using your own body as the counterforce.
    • Play basketball or sports that interest you. Working with friends will be easier. Ask a few friends who often drink beer to lose weight, practice basketball at the park or play soccer for an hour, several times a week. If you feel good, you will likely stick with it.
  3. Do exercises to tone the abdominal muscles. If you want to lose belly fat, you need to target the lower and upper abdominal muscles with daily exercises. Building these muscles in parallel with weight loss is the best way to get rid of a beer belly.
    • Do abs exercises at home with crunches and planks. Start slowly, try doing three or four reps with 30-50 reps, and five plank repetitions over 30 seconds in half an hour intervals. Then increase the speed of movement and add in cardio movements (exercises that increase the heart rate). You will build abs while trying to lose weight.
    • Consider doing yoga, pilates, or abs training programs at your local gym. They can be great ways to tone your abs and lose weight with the guidance of a professional.
    • Some people have the misconception that drinking a lot of beer and eating high-calorie foods is okay if we make an effort to train abs. That is not true. Building abs will strengthen abdominal muscles, but not being able to get rid of belly fat quickly, can even make your abdomen look bigger when you're building muscles. Eating fewer calories and losing a few pounds are the only ways to lose that fat belly.
  4. Find a cardio exercise that you enjoy. In addition to increasing strength, cardio exercises will help you lose weight and are also essential for your overall health. This activity may seem unpopular, especially for people like us, who prefer to be quiet in a bar better than at the gym, but find something that interests you. Animal will help you maintain your training.
    • Try cycling. Bicycle lanes and bicycle shops are becoming more and more popular all over the world, making cycling popular, good for health, and a trend "cool". Shop for yourself a good bike and gather friends to ride the bike after dinner. Your blood is circulating and your waistline will be thinner.
    • Go for a picnic in the woods. Long, quiet picnics are a great idea for those who don't enjoy exercising. Walking with the energy of your feet and getting close to nature is the best way to exercise for many people.
    • Try swimming. Immersed in the water and waving is a fun way to practice. This is a way to burn calories that many people do not even think it is a task. You don't even need to swim: walking slowly underwater can burn up to 200 calories an hour.
  5. Take time to relax. The person responsible for your belly is not just alcohol. Coetisol, a hormone secreted by stress is also responsible for weight gain, especially around the abdomen. If you feel pressured, take some time to relax, which is also another way to shorten your belly.
    • Make sure each night have a full, peaceful, 7-8 hours sleep. Rest during the day is an important part of relieving stress.
    • Many people use beer as a habit to relax, but try switching to herbal tea and even just sitting and sitting quietly instead of drinking alcohol to relieve stress. You might be surprised at how effective this relaxation can be.
  6. Bring a glass of beer to your workout routine, if you find it helps. Can beer and exercise go together? Absolutely! As long as you stay below the calorie ceiling, you can treat yourself to a beer as a reward for a good workout schedule. You'll find that beer much better when you know it's not contributing to your beer belly. Try cycling to a beer spot a few kilometers from home and then cycling back home. Drink a beer after swimming 1.6 km, or go out for a round after a basketball game with friends. Stay away from calories, and you'll be in good shape!
  7. Prepare for the long haul. It can take months of effort, diet, and exercise to get rid of large beer belly. Aim to lose no more than 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week, which means it may take a while to see results. This requires persistence, not speed. Start cutting back on calories, exercising and weighing in beer, and that's it. advertisement


  • Remember that muscles are heavier than fat, so you will see your body weight increase as muscles grow. To accurately assess whether the beer belly is decreasing or not, you must measure your waist and track your measurements decrease over time.
  • It's always better not to drink alcohol. Even if you cut calories, beer calories remain empty, and provide little or no nutrients. In general, it's better not to drink alcohol at all, although you can still live happily and healthily with a beer.


  • Make sure to consult your doctor before cutting calories in significant amounts. Ask your healthcare provider to refer a registered dietitian and to develop a healthy weight loss regimen.