How to dry beef

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make dried meat at home
Video: How to make dried meat at home


In the history of mankind, the only way to preserve meat was to dry it. Although many new methods of preserving meat have become popular (such as freezing, chemical impregnation, etc.), many people still prefer the taste and convenience of dry meat. The moisture and fat must be separated from the meat for it to be a source of healthy protein. Follow these steps to dry the beef yourself!

  • Prep time: 5 hours or 30 minutes (30 minutes using the quick preparation kit)
  • Processing time: 1-3 hours
  • Total time: 6-9 hours


Part 1 of 2: Preparing to dry the beef

  1. Choose meat. Choosing lean cuts of meat such as tenderloin, hip, neck or butt meat will save you time in the processing process.
    • Some dried meats are now also made from turkey. Turkey has a mild flavor that makes it easy to absorb other spices. In addition, turkey is usually low in fat.
    • However, dried meats are not limited to beef and turkey. You can use many other types of meat to dry meat such as deer, salmon.

  2. Cut off fat. The fat causes the dried beef to deteriorate more quickly. Slice the meat into thin strips no more than 1.3mm (sometimes you can ask the butcher to help). To make it easier to slice meat, freeze meat for about 5 hours before slicing. You can cut according to the grain or cut the fiber; some people find it easier to chew through the flesh. Cut off the fat while slicing because the fat is difficult to dry.
    • Despite the fact that the fat will quickly spoil the meat, it will be delicious and chewy when eaten. However, some people also do not like to eat the fat on beef jerky. Because you will still feel the texture of the fat even when it is dry.

  3. Marinate the meat (optional). Use a mixture of sea salt with olive oil and vinegar or a recipe you like. If you choose to marinate meat, then refrigerate it for 10 to 24 hours to allow it to spice up. This step is not required as more liquid will take a long time for the meat to dry and cause the dried beef to become sticky. Brown sugar is a great ingredient to add.
    • Delicious marinade recipes include liquid smoke, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco and brown sugar.
    • Another delicious marinade is Belgian beer, honey, soy sauce, mustard seeds, garlic and lemon.
    • Add a spicy flavor to the dried meat with some chili. Habanero, jalapeno or Anaheim chili is the right ingredient (only in moderation) for beef dry recipes.
    • Add a new flavor to beef jerky pineapple juice (to taste Hawaiian); a little ginger (for Asian flavors); or a little bit Curry powder (for Indian flavors). Don't be afraid to experiment with spices!

  4. Marinate meat with favorite spices. Don't be afraid to use salt. The salt will help the meat dry faster. Note: Simple marinades consisting of oil, vinegar, smoked liquid and brown sugar are recommended to combine with the following spices.
    • Sprinkle a pinch of salt, pepper, cinnamon, and chipotle chili over the seasoned meat.

    • Or sprinkle on meat marinated with cilantro, cumin, cloves and (a little) nutmeg for a dry African meats.

    • Honey, dried red chili and black pepper will help create a sweet and sweet beef jerky.
    • Sprinkle crushed oregano, chili powder, garlic powder, and bell peppers over the marinated meat.


Part 2 of 2: Processing and preserving dried meat

  1. Meat drying. Now comes the most valuable part - the water drying in the meat. Using a food dryer is a standard way to prepare beef jerky in addition to using an oven (see step 3). Leave space between the cuts to allow ventilation. Avoid placing meat too far apart.
    • Anti-stick spray onto the blister in the food dryer and then stack the meat.
  2. Wait and watch. Beef jerky takes about 8 to 12 hours to fully dry and completely dry.
    • Check the dry texture every 2 hours and then every 30 minutes until the texture you want. Cut the beef dry to make sure the inner meat is done. Dried beef will turn dark brown or dark red.
  3. As an alternative, you can use an oven if you don't have a food dryer. Set the temperature to 70 ° C to warm up the oven - lower then the meat will spoil prematurely because the temperature is not hot enough to kill bacteria in the meat and will incubate the bacteria already in the meat.
    • The heat will not cook the meat, but the heat in the food dryer will cause the steam to evaporate.
    • Put the meat on the tray and place a tray underneath to let the marinade drip down from the meat.

    • Leave the meat in the oven for 1-3 hours, depending on the type of meat. It can take longer to dry meat, so make sure it's done before taking it out of the oven. Check for dry beef every 90 minutes and then every 30 minutes.

  4. Store fresh beef jerky in a dry place. It is best to use mason jars for safe storage. Put dried beef in the refrigerator or freezer until needed. Enjoy homemade beef jerky for about 2 weeks from the date of preparation. However, dried beef can be kept for up to 3 months.
    • Dried beef should be placed in a plastic bag and vacuumed to prevent damage, but this is impractical when done at home.


  • Plastic bags often accumulate moisture, causing bacteria to multiply. Storing dried meat in a jar will last for several months.
  • Actions quickly. Meat should dry as quickly as possible to limit the growth of bacteria. Cut the meat into thin pieces to dry it faster. Putting the meat in the freezer for an hour or two before slicing will make it easier to slice the meat thinner.
  • Don't let the dry meat get too dry, as it will be hard and not delicious.
  • When drying meat, if there are streaks of fat, pat dry with a paper towel. While the meat is done checking, check for streaks of fat on the meat.
  • In the past, dried meat was often smoked or salted to preserve and add flavor to the meat.
  • When oven-drying meat, use a wooden spoon to block the oven door to create a small space. This speeds up the drying process and prevents the meat from burning before drying.
  • You can also buy a meat drying kit if you are unsure of the process.
  • Use 3/4 cup soy sauce, about 100ml of smoked liquid, and 1/2 cup of coffee for marinade.
  • To make vegetarian dried meat, use seasoned wheat gluten (barley protein) or soaked tofu.
  • Use the time-adjustable water heater so you don't have to stay watch all night!
  • Use soy sauce marinade. Some of the delicious spices you can incorporate are Adobo spices, dried red chili, cayenne pepper, ginger powder, sesame oil, Cajun seasoning.
  • Try minced meat as it infuses the spices better. Use the handle to flatten the meat as desired. Or use a pizza cutter to cut it.


  • This homemade beef jerky does not contain preservatives. Therefore, be careful when storing beef jerky (eg in the refrigerator or freezer) and do not leave it too long.
  • Sun drying can damage it and you will have a hard time keeping the insects away.