How to Cook Green Tomatoes

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Southern Fried Green Tomatoes
Video: Southern Fried Green Tomatoes


At the end of the season, you still have loads of tomatoes blue Don't know how to handle it? Here are a few tips on how to ripen tomatoes by utilizing ethyl, a natural gas that ripens fruit.


  1. Harvest regularly. Whichever method of the following is used, check regularly. If possible, choose slightly pink green tomatoes near the stalk and feel slightly softer in your hand than hard green ones. If you pick them earlier than this, the tomatoes are not old enough and will not be able to ripen. You let the green tomatoes be processed.
    • If you're not sure if the green tomatoes are old enough, cut them in half - if the inside is yellowish and has a bit of sticky water, the tomatoes are old enough and ready to ripen. Obviously the tomato you cut is not yet ripe, but observing its appearance will help you find out which green tomatoes to pick from the branch.
    • If you know that a frost is going to damage the whole tomatoes, don't pick them one by one; Pull the whole plant out of the ground, making sure some roots are still attached. Shake off the soil and hang the tree upright in a dry and sheltered area, such as in a garage. Avoid extreme conditions (direct sunlight, absolute darkness) as your tomatoes will spoil! If you do this, the tomatoes will ripen almost as if they were still on the branch.

  2. Before storing tomatoes, you need to remove branches, twigs, stems, leaves, etc. that may rub against the fruit and cause damage during ripening. If the tomatoes get dirty, wash your hands gently and let them dry before they are cooked.
  3. Use one of the techniques described below to preserve and ripen tomatoes when removed from the branches.

  4. Pay attention to rot or mold. If this happens, remove the damaged tomatoes immediately and allow the tomatoes to breathe. The cooler the place to store, the longer the tomatoes ripen. Tomato ripening may take 2 weeks under normal and warm indoor conditions. If the air in the home or the storage is too cold, the tomatoes may never ripen or taste less. advertisement

Method 1 of 4: Use a jar - to ripen a few tomatoes

  1. Collect some jars and open the lid.
  2. Add a banana to each jar.

  3. Place 2-4 medium sized green tomatoes in each jar. Don't stuff too many tomatoes in the jar; otherwise, the tomato may be crushed.
  4. Cover tightly.

  5. Place the jar in a warm, medium humidity place away from direct sunlight. Check it often - if bananas start to rot before the tomatoes are ripe, replace them. This can cook tomatoes in about 1-2 weeks. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Use a cardboard box - to brew more tomatoes

  1. Prepare a cardboard box. If so, add some foam or fruit cardboard to the bottom of the box; or maybe just newspaper liners.
  2. Place a layer of tomatoes in the box, one next to the other. If you have a lot of tomatoes, you can add another layer of tomatoes, but be gentle. Do not stack more than 2 layers if this will cause the tomatoes to be crushed on the bottom of the container. You can add more layers of tomatoes by using 6 black and white newspaper lined between layers of tomatoes. Check often to find ripe tomatoes. Do not add bananas to the box unless you plan to cook large quantities of tomatoes at the same time.
  3. Add a few more ripe bananas if you like. There is a possibility that the tomatoes will ripen anyway, as they produce ethylene gas that will interact with each other. However, bananas will help speed this process up.
  4. Place the tomato incubator in a cool, humid room away from light. The kitchen counter is the ideal place if any. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Use a nylon bag - to incubate more or a few tomatoes

  1. Collect plastic bags. Insert a few "vent" holes in each bag you plan to use.
  2. Place 3 - 4 tomatoes and 1 banana in each bag. Depending on the size of the bag, you can add more tomatoes and bananas (or less).
  3. Store in a warm-humid place and away from direct sunlight. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Use a paper bag - to brew a few tomatoes

  1. Open the paper bag and place in the bag a ripe banana and some tomatoes that fit the bag size.
  2. Store in a warm, humid place away from the sun.
  3. This method is useful if you don't have a lot of room and only a few tomatoes. advertisement


  • Bananas used to brew tomatoes need to be "ripe" - bananas work best when they're golden, but the ends are green. Every ripe fruit produces ethylene gas, a gas that is responsible for the ripening of the fruit. Bananas are not the only fruit you can use, but they produce more ethylene gas than other fruits, making them the best source of gas for ripening. Furthermore, unlike tomatoes, bananas are very ripe after cutting.
  • For the best taste, eat tomatoes as soon as they are done. Tomatoes will gradually lose flavor after a week of storing in the refrigerator.
  • This method also works to cook green bell peppers (capsicums).
  • Humidity is also an important factor in indoor fruit ripening. Too high a humidity can speed up rot (and even nasty fruit flies); too low moisture will dehydrate the tomatoes. You should carefully watch the ripening process and adjust accordingly.
  • This is a great science experiment for children and also a way to ignite their enthusiasm for the joy of harvesting vegetables in the garden.
  • Remove some tomatoes that are too green from the tree for several weeks before the frost comes to help the rest of the tomatoes ripen faster, because the plant will concentrate more nutrients on the rest.


  • The tomatoes that suffered the first frost were not good either; Pick these before the frost comes!
  • Don't waste time with sick tomatoes or stung by insects; save only good quality greens.
  • Although tomatoes will ripen when used in any of the above methods, their flavor and texture will never be as sweet and / or fleshy as the ripe fruit on the branch.
  • Do not expose tomatoes to light. Only the tomato plant (especially the leaves) needs sunlight; Tomatoes can ripen best in the dark.

What you need

  • Green tomatoes, fresh from branches (except for the method of leaving the stems intact)
  • The method of using jars: one banana for each jar, 1 large jar to brew 3 medium sized tomatoes; The jar must have a lid
  • Cardboard box method: Large cardboard box for brewing more tomatoes, ripe bananas (optional) - multiple fruits per box, depending on the size of the box
  • The method of using plastic bags: Plastic bag (large, clear, kitchen type), 1 ripe banana per bag
  • Paper bag method: Paper bag (lunch bag is ideal), 1 ripe banana per bag
  • Methods for ripe tomatoes on branches: shovel to pluck, wire to hang plants