How to make thighs firmer

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9-Minute To Make Your Thighs Firmer and Stronger
Video: 9-Minute To Make Your Thighs Firmer and Stronger


Losing thigh fat can be a daunting task. To be successful at this, you should combine eating in moderation and exercising regularly. However, it's important to remember here that whether you are dieting or exercising, you should not aim to lose the particular amount of fat in your thighs. Instead, you should find the right way to lose weight overall with a healthy diet while not forgetting to tone and slim your thighs with more intense training regimes.


Part 1 of 4: Losing Weight with the Right Diet

  1. The menu is clean. To lose weight, make use of calories from low-calorie but nutrient-rich food sources. Make sure your diet contains protein-rich foods (like lean meats and nuts), fruits, green vegetables, and complex carbohydrates (like whole wheat bread, beans, brown rice).
    • If possible, stay away from processed foods, such as frozen foods (frozen pizza) or pre-made meats (microwavable meat). In short, eat as much fresh and clean food as possible and limit canned, wrapped, and canned foods. These foods have been processed to compensate for the amount of nutrients they are lost during food processing to preserve them.

  2. Divide food into several small meals throughout the day. A day, you should eat about 4 to 5 small meals, instead of eating 3 main meals. This will boost metabolism in the body and at the same time suppress appetite so you do not want to eat much.
    • If you want to eat more often throughout the day, make sure to break up your portion sizes. For sure, you will never want to eat many meals with huge amounts of food and absorb more calories into your body!

  3. Limit your intake of saturated fat. Compared to unsaturated fats, saturated fats are less beneficial for your body, and they are commonly found in dairy products, meat, and unsaturated oils. Many desserts and sweets also contain these fats. So, try to curb sweets as much as possible.
    • Not only palm oil and coconut oil, but butter and animal fats like lard and solid fats also include significant amounts of saturated fat. Meanwhile, fish oil and Omega-3 essential fatty acids also contain a high percentage of saturated fat. Therefore, when consuming foods high in these substances, you should carefully read the notes on nutritional indexes on labels and limit the serving size.
    • Of course, keep in mind that you should limit saturated fat, not completely eliminate it from your daily diet. If used in moderation and correctly, the fats found in fish and nuts also provide you with many health benefits.

  4. Skip red meat and choose lean meats that are high in protein. The simple reason here is that lean protein contains less saturated fat and calories.
    • Replace beef and pork with chicken and turkey. Besides, fish also contains less fat than most red meats and is especially healthy. If possible, choose raw fish over sardines, tuna, and other canned fish.
    • Legumes, like lentils, chickpeas, and pinto beans also contain high amounts of low-fat protein. They will help you feel full quickly and provide all the nutrients it needs so that your body won't lose its nutrients every time you eat low-fat foods to lose weight.
  5. Provide the body with low-fat dairy products. Calcium helps regulate healthy fats and eliminates excess body fat. Meanwhile, low-fat products (such as milk and yogurt) may help facilitate weight loss. For women, especially those with osteoporosis, should focus on providing a sufficient amount of low-fat milk in daily meals.
    • Choose low-fat dairy products over fat-free or high-fat dairy products. This means that you should drink milk that contains about 1-2% fat a day, not whole fat / non-fat milk. Low-fat dairy products are better than non-fat varieties, but contain a lot of sugar.
    • Add more milk, yogurt, and cheese made with skim milk to your diets. These rich sources of milk generally contain less fat than hard cheeses, creams, and butter.
    • Men and women aged between 9 and 51 years old should drink about 3 cups of milk per day. Children 2 to 3 years of age should consume about 2 cups of milk per day while children 4 to 8 years old should drink about 2.5 cups of milk per day.
  6. Limit alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is an empty source of calories that you should cut out of your diet as much as possible to lose weight.To get rid of the side effects of alcohol (acetaldehyde and acetate), about 75% of your body fat will be burned if you only drink 1 or cup of alcohol. So, the amount of fat and carbohydrates you steam. Absorbed in the body is likely to be deposited into the fat layer on the body.
    • Even drinking in moderation can also increase the number of calories you absorb, decrease your motivation to exercise, and negatively affect your sleep. If you really want to drink alcohol, drink it in moderation and make sure there is also a “dry day” in the country you live in.
  7. Avoid foods high in calories. While there will be a bit of tolerance in choosing your food, certain foods and drinks will help you lose weight in the smoke. Therefore, say no to these foods as much as possible. Absorbing empty calories will not provide you with any nutritional benefits. Drinks such as sodas and fast foods like frozen chips and sugary breakfast cereals should be avoided. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Weight Loss Exercise

  1. Don't try to “lose weight in one place."It is impossible to lose fat especially in the thigh area. To get rid of the fat in this area, you must lose weight all over your body. It is essential here that you be realistic about what to expect from losing thigh fat.
  2. Increase your cardio exercise (exercise that increases the heart rate to some degree). This cardio exercise is a great way to effectively burn fat. To lose overall body fat (and of course the fat in the thigh area), you should increase the amount of time or the number of days you do this cardio exercise. Heart-specific exercises are particularly suitable for reducing thigh fat because it is often applied to the lower body.
    • Popular cardio exercises include elliptical exercise, treadmill, elevator climb, rope skipping, and brisk walking.
    • To increase the burning of excess fat, you should set aside at least half an hour a day and 5 days a week to practice.
    • Always consult with your doctor before starting a physical training routine to make sure you are in good health to accommodate moderate to harsh exercise.
  3. Practice strenuous interval. Interval training involves alternating intense, intense workouts with lighter exercises. For example, you can alternate walking and jogging together (every 5 minutes, and repeat for 30 - 60 minutes), or you can alternate jogging at a slow pace. and run at a fast speed. Interval training will help you burn a lot of calories in your body and thereby burn a large amount of fat.
    • Aim for 30 minutes or more per day to do interval training, and do this about 4-5 times per week.

Part 3 of 4: Exercises to Keep Your Body Firm and Healthy

  1. Do wall squats (wall squats). This is a balanced body workout that works to give your thighs a toned look.
    • To practice wall squat, you should lean your back against the wall while your knees are bent at an angle of about 45 degrees. Hold this for about 30 seconds, then get up and relax. Divide into 4 such sets and repeat 10 times each.
  2. Practice jumping in the room. This exercise has a combination of cardio and strength training. Of course, this special combination will help the body burn a significant amount of calories along with the focus on helping your thighs firm.
    • First, stand with your feet outstretched while your knees and toes are slightly out. In this pose, your hand should be touching the floor (the photo above is a frog-like pose!). Lower as low as possible in the squat position, but make sure your chest stays straight while keeping your knees straight to your toes.
    • Now use your strength to jump up and swing around 90 degrees while your legs are also jumping up. When jumping, raise your arms over your head to create force to push your body forward.
    • Then, land in a squatting position (try to lower yourself as much as possible). And keep jumping like that until you complete 1 circle (1 round will include 4 such jumps).
    • Repeat as many jumps as possible for 1 minute. Then continue repeating the same thing but in the opposite direction.
  3. Practice sitting with a pillow. You can practice this exercise in the kitchen without the help of any training equipment. Instead, all you need is a kitchen chair and a pillow on the living room sofa.
    • First of all, sit firmly on a chair (you should choose the one with no wheels below), and relax your legs on the floor while the knees bend at about 90 degrees. Then, place a pillow between your knee and your thigh.
    • When holding your pillow between your thighs, don't forget to exhale. Imagine trying your best to fit a pillow in the middle. Hold this position for 1 minute and exhale regularly while exercising.
  4. Practice lying on your side and legs. This exercise is mainly focused on muscle closure; This is a group of muscles stretching along your legs. This move not only makes muscles stronger and firmer, but also participates in burning the fat layers in the thighs when combined with regular cardio exercise.
    • Lie down and lean to one side. Your leg should be straight, with one leg resting on top of the other. You can fold your arms back to raise your head while the other hand is relaxed and placed on top of your hips. While the hips and shoulders are perpendicular to the floor, the head and spine should be aligned.
    • Now lift your spine by stretching your abdominal muscles and pointing your lower leg forward. At this point, it will be in front of the upper leg. Of course, at this point, the legs should still be straight, but the upper leg should touch the floor so that both feet are resting on the floor.
    • Lift your lower leg off the floor. Exhale and gently raise your lower leg so that it is positioned higher than your upper leg. Continue to lift your legs until your hips start to tilt or until you feel your lower back or the lean muscles stretch.
    • Inhale and rest your feet on the floor in a controlled and controlled position.
    • Then, slowly switch sides so the other can rest. Repeat the exercise using your other leg to finish the first set. Repeat the leg lifts 10 times, each side for 3 sets, and take turns.

Part 4 of 4: Learning to Love Yourself

  1. Be realistic. Realize that you are your worst critic and you are the one to notice the extra fat on your thighs more than anyone else. And then, you often ask yourself: Do my thighs need more practice? Is it only myself that I see my thighs more fat than reality? See for yourself if you are too strict with your body or not?
    • It's best to ask someone in your family or a trusted best friend for an accurate assessment of whether your thighs have excess fat. This person will help you figure out whether you should exercise to ton the area and slim down, or if you're just exaggerating.
    • To get the best view of your body's condition in the medical aspect, don't forget to consult your doctor. They will give you accurate information about the area where fat is concentrated on your body, as well as help you calculate your BMI and better understand the concepts of it.
  2. Look for strong points in your body. Maybe your thighs are more fat than you think, but in return there will be other parts of your body that are worthy of the place to feel proud. So, you shouldn't just focus hard on the "problem area". Instead, make sure to also take the time to see what other features of your body make you feel beautiful and proud of. Don't forget to honor the beauty of these areas if possible.
    • Try to find three parts of your body that you find attractive and confident. You can have strong arms, slim waist, regular teeth, or bright eyes. Whichever part you like best, make sure you know how to highlight them.
  3. Understand the value of the body. Your body is like a miracle machine and gives you many benefits in everyday life. So it's better to be more concerned with what your body can do. Remember, it is a tool, not an ornament. Understanding that, you will know how to appreciate your big thighs and understand that thanks to them, you can hold your baby or grandchild, can climb stairs easily and play hopscotch on the road. advertisement