How to befriend a girl who rejected you

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Girl Want You Back After Rejection (WORKS LIKE A CHARM)
Video: How to Make a Girl Want You Back After Rejection (WORKS LIKE A CHARM)


Being rejected is not easy, but just because a girl refuses you doesn't mean you can't be friends. With a little effort and perseverance, you can develop a new and lasting relationship. However, keep in mind that accepting friends will make you lose your chance to see you as your ideal partner.


Part 1 of 3: Dealing with rejection

  1. Be polite when denied. While being rejected is never fun, you need to admit it if you want to maintain your friendship. Even if she's not being kind, be a more mature person and accept her rejection.
    • Just end a simple conversation and say "Yeah, let's talk later", or something similar.
    • When you see her again, just smile and say hello.
    • Don't repeat the rejection, at least for a while. She has made her decision and you will only bother her by reiterating your feelings.
    • Never offend or threaten her. She has the right to decide who she wants to date, and she doesn't deserve the disgrace of refusing your confession.

  2. Allow yourself to feel a little sad. Rejection is always painful, and it's normal to feel sad. Don't try to suppress your feelings of disappointment; instead, let yourself show your emotions for a few days. After going through the painful process, you will feel confident again.
    • Everyone has their own feelings, and it's normal to feel sad for a while. However, if you can't overcome it or have been depressed for a while, you may be suffering from psychological problems. Consider talking to a counselor or mental health doctor to get the help you need.

  3. Think about rejection. Things always seem more serious than they really are when they first happen. Rejection may be a big deal, but think about it for a moment. How does being rejected dating affect your life? Probably not much impact.
    • Remember that being rejected has nothing to do with who you are. You are not a bad person or a bad person because a girl did not accept your confession. All good qualities are still part of who you are. Once you realize that, it will be much easier to move on.

    John Keegan

    Marriage and Love Specialist John Keegan is a marriage and love expert and inspirational speaker living in New York. He runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his knowledge of marriage and love, attractiveness and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and organizes conferences on marriage and love internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.

    John Keegan
    Specialist in Marriage and Love

    Expert judgment: Unfortunately, we have to accept rejection in life. The most important thing is to learn how to overcome those feelings so that you can love and accept yourself.

  4. Forget about rejection with other activities. Doing nothing when you're sad will only worsen your mood. This makes your brain think about the problem you are having. Instead, distract yourself. You can watch movies, go out for a walk or bike ride, go to the mall with friends; whatever activity you enjoy and that keeps your mind occupied.
    • It's especially helpful when you're doing activities that you're good at. This will rebuild your confidence. For example, if you're good at basketball, just randomly play with a group at a park. Having a good ball play will help you improve your mood and confidence level.
  5. Try to be a friend of hers only after you've gotten over the rejection. If you still feel pain, you will not be able to focus on becoming a friend. You will still wonder why she turned you down, do you have a problem, etc. This will make you angry or angry with her. It's better to overcome your feelings of rejection before moving on, otherwise you may endure unnecessary pain. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Becoming friends

  1. Avoid ulterior motives. Before making an effort to build a friendship with her, ask yourself about your motives. Do you really want to be friends with her, or are you hoping to turn it into an opportunity to go further? Even if you still love her, don't be friends just because you hope to stay in relationship with her. This will cause you to be rejected again if she is in another relationship or still does not want to love you.
    • Besides, if she realizes that you have a different motive, she will reconsider about being friends with you. Ask yourself "Do I really want to be friends with a girl who turned me down?"

    John Keegan

    Marriage and Love Specialist John Keegan is a marriage and love expert and inspirational speaker living in New York. He runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his knowledge of marriage and love, attractiveness and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and organizes conferences on marriage and love internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.

    John Keegan
    Specialist in Marriage and Love

    Expert judgment: Ask yourself honestly if you want to be her friend, or if you just hope that she will love you in the future. If you still want to be her lover, it's not a good idea to be a friend. However, if you can forget that romantic feeling, the two of you can become true friends.

  2. Contact her naturally. For a short time after she refuses, she may feel shy about seeing you or talking to you. Show that you're through and you're okay. Do not speak awkwardly or behave shyly. Chat about school, music, TV shows, and everyday topics that you chat with other friends about. This will help her feel more comfortable with you and see you as a friend instead of being the subject of her rejection. If you really don't want to be a friend of hers, don't let her see you like any other friend. Don't be afraid to decline friendships with her and pursue friendships with other girls if they give you the chance to find out.
    • It's okay to worry about talking to her the first few times after being rejected. Try reading the Talk-with-a-girl article for some ideas on how to get over anxiety and start a conversation.
    • Start a conversation about common points. For example, two classmates are in the same class. Talking about a teacher or an upcoming test is a great way to start a conversation. This will help you overcome your feelings of embarrassment and show you are someone she can talk to.
    • Do not repeat the denial. This will upset her and won't want to talk to you.
  3. Find out her hobbies. Any friendships require common interests. When you talk, make an effort to learn about her habits and interests. You will probably find out that the two of you like the same band or team. This will give you a topic to chat with when you meet her, and may also suggest you where to hang out with her.
    • In a conversation, you can naturally talk about the band or the show on TV last night. Pay attention to her response and see if she cares. If she doesn't like the subject, take this as her chance to ask her what she likes.
    • Getting to know one of her hobbies will help the two of you have more in common and build a friendship. However, you should only pursue one hobby if you really like it. Doing something just because she likes it means that you are not being honest with her or yourself.
  4. Started hanging out with her in a group. After being rejected recently, don't invite her out on private. Perhaps she thinks you are just trying to date me. Instead, ask her to hang out with your group of friends. She can also go with her friends. She will feel more comfortable with her friends and friends too, and you can talk like normal friends.
    • Movies, sports games, Bowling, and eating and drinking are all great activities for a large group of people.
    • If your friends know about the rejection, make sure you ask them not to bring the incident up while she's around. An unintentional comment from one of her friends could upset her and turn a good time into an awkward situation.
  5. Offer to go out with her slowly. This will take time, and probably never will. It's simply because she isn't comfortable meeting you privately, and you have no choice. You two can still be friends even if you haven't met her in person.
    • If you invite her out on private, make it clear that this is not a date. Let her know that you just wanted to meet her as a friend.
    • Meeting in public to make her feel more at ease. She will misunderstand if you invite her to watch a movie at your house.

Part 3 of 3: Respect her private space

  1. Don't touch too much. Constantly calling or texting her will make her think that you still like her, and then you will annoy her again. Treat her the same way you would your friends. Do you call other friends 3 times a day? Probably not. Remember that treating her naturally is a way to be friends.
    • There is no clear rule as to how much communication is too much, so it depends on the circumstances. Paying attention to how she responds will help you realize if you're going too far. If she responds curtly, responds slowly, and is mostly alone, these are signs that she is not really interested in talking to you. Consider the amount of time it takes to get in touch with her.
    • If she says bluntly that you are communicating with her too much, seriously consider and limit yourself.
  2. Observe the limits when talking. There are some limitations when you can chat with her. Avoid mentioning her love life, her current love story, her rejection of you, and any romantic topics. Let's chat about safe topics.
    • Of course you could talk about these topics if she mentioned them first. Let her take the first step to show that she's comfortable talking about more personal topics with you. Until then, don't cross the line or risk making her uncomfortable.
  3. Respect her current relationship. Although it's hard to see who she loves someone else, this is something you have to accept. You are not her lover and who she loves has nothing to do with you. Lack of respect for her love affair is an indecent act towards her and her partner.
    • Don't offend your partner or compare yourself to him / her. In fact, it was best not to mention her lover unless she talked about him first. This will help the conversation avoid embarrassing moments.
    • Sometimes people talk to their opposite sex friends less often when they are in a loving relationship. You may find it difficult to accept this, however, it is normal and you must respect her choice. Don't be disturbed when she avoids you after a relationship. If you are already very close friends, and she stops talking to you, you can tell her straightforwardly that you are disappointed when your friendship is damaged. However, if you are just normal friends, let it go.
    • Never again confess when you know she has a girlfriend. This is irrelevant after you have been rejected, and it is also really rude behavior when you learn that she is in a relationship.
  4. Only confess your love one more time if she shows you affection. Maybe after being friends for a while, she starts to fall in love with you. If that happens and you still like her, congratulations. However, stop confessing until she shows interest in you. This can ruin the friendships you have worked hard to develop. advertisement


  • Don't put off your love life hoping that she will like you. Perhaps never will, and you will miss out on life-changing opportunities.
  • If a girl finds out that you like her, she may start asking you to do things in her favor. Don't let yourself be taken advantage of. You should just do the same things for her as you would any other friend.
  • If you feel stressed, seek psychological help.