Ways to Control Your Mood

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to master your emotions | emotional intelligence
Video: how to master your emotions | emotional intelligence


Are you walking in a relaxed mood but are suddenly feeling down after meeting someone or an out of nowhere thought that suddenly appears? Are you having a good time hanging out with your friends, can an innocuous comment also make you mad? If you are constantly experiencing emotional fluctuations and it is difficult to control it, it may be time to act more positively.


Method 1 of 4: Change perspective

  1. Cultivate a positive mindset. Continual emotional change often happens when you expect something bad to happen, or in other words, have negative thoughts. For example, you are waiting for the results of a recruitment and assume that you will not be satisfied even though you interviewed yesterday. Or when your mother says she has something she wants you to know, you immediately think she is seriously ill. Such negative thoughts are often inaccurate, and they can even affect your emotions badly and make you feel very angry and sad for no "specific" reason. There are two different tricks you can try for dealing with such unhealthy automatic thinking:
    • Take time to relax. Instead of thinking the worst will come, think about other possible scenarios. That way you will find that the worst case scenario is unlikely to happen, and there is no reason to be overly bored if you don't have any more news worth it.
    • Conversely, you can also take precautions and be prepared if the worst happens. If you are prepared to accept the situation, you will be able to focus on other issues instead of dipping into the unforeseen consequences of the problem.

  2. Avoid overdoing negative consequences. Exaggerating the negative sides can make you feel sad. What about a bad date or you can't connect with your partner? You may think that means you will never find true love, or you will be cut off, but don't let a situation or conversation become the deciding factor. determine your life. Overdoing it may not be in your mood, but there is a way to cope with it.
    • Remind yourself that what happened was just a coincidence. Instead of seeing an event (such as disagreeing with a co-worker or partner) as a mirror for your relationship with that person, treat it as the usual ups and downs in each relationship relationship or an exception. You may recall what you have accomplished in those relationships or areas, and you will feel calmer and realize that you don't need to worry about it that much.

  3. Make room for the gray areas in your life. Thinking only of extreme extremes like "black and white" (eg perfection and disaster, beauty and ugliness, etc.) has been shown to be associated with sudden and constant mood swings. .
    • Over-focusing on one outcome (relative to other outcomes) greatly limits your ability to engage with the ideas and emotions you experience in social connection. If you value things in two obvious extremes: black and white, something that just makes you happy or unhappy, success or failure, beautiful or ugly, then you're gone. many other experiences.
    • Remember that the world has many other colors, not just black and white. The same thing can have many different results, not just stop at success or failure.
    • For example, your most recent business investment went downhill. Will this cause you to fail in the marketplace? Absolutely not. You have achieved many other successes, and there must be a few failures. So the recent investment just helps you to become a more realistic and comprehensive person.
    • If something goes wrong, take it as an experience. Not being accepted into the desired position does not mean you are incompetent, just that the position is not entirely suitable for you. This big world also has many other opportunities for you. Don't let letters of rejection determine who you are and leave you in a bad mood.

  4. Learn to ridicule yourself. One of the most important things you can do to manage your unusual emotional swings is learn to take a step back and laugh at yourself. People who tend to change their emotions quickly are often a bit rigid about themselves. This makes it difficult for them to entertain themselves or laugh when they recognize a bad thing about themselves.
    • For example, you are going to a meeting place and the bird "pooped" in the head. You can respond with anger, pain, confusion, or You might think "Oh, this rarely happens?" or "At least I have something to tell the kids about my first date with his mother". Of course, there are a few situations that just aren't funny. Except in those situations, joking can make you stay strong and control your emotions in bad or funny situations.
  5. Examine the situation objectively. Take some time to think. You may need to change your expectations in the direction of realistically reflecting the problem. Sometimes you may feel that a certain emotion comes up after 15 minutes of searching for a parking space at the supermarket. You may feel as though the world was falling apart right then and there, however, calm down and think about the ultimate source of what has made you so bored. Is it true that the supermarket car park is full just before dinner time of the week? Are you really crazy about something as foolish as having to find a parking space or because of the ugly remark of a rude colleague? Ask yourself if those problems really matter as a whole.Maybe the answer is yes, but it seems to be because you think the ant is as big as an elephant.
    • We often let our emotions dominate us, regardless of the source of its attack. While it doesn't help to know that your feelings aren't right now, but thinking like that will at least help you calm down and realize that things aren't as bad as you might think.
    • Think of your situation as someone else's. What would you advise yourself to do? Do you think your situation is really a big deal?

Method 2 of 4: When emotions change suddenly

  1. Need to know when to leave. One thing to remember if you want to take control of a sudden emotional change is realizing a moment when your emotions are out of range, making the best option for you to get out of the situation. . If you become angry, extremely angry, or feel negative emotions that keep you from overpowering what you are doing or saying, you should apologize and move on. You can also leave without saying anything. While this won't give you the solution you want, it will help you avoid acting or saying things you will regret later.
    • When you're in the middle of an argument and the atmosphere gets tense, say something like "Sorry, I need a few minutes to sort my thoughts." After that, go to a quiet place and think about what happened.
    • When you leave and return to normal thoughts and breathing, you can gain more grounded views on the situation. You can then decide whether to go back to the discussion or stop things there.
  2. Short break for five minutes. Sometimes all you need is to take a break to calm down and take control of yourself. When you feel that your emotions are rising, whatever the cause, take five minutes to rest, focus on breathing until your heart rate is normal and until you are less angry then take a break. back to handling the situation. Remember, there is nothing shameful about taking a break to return to a calmer mood.
    • Count from 1 to 10 and take a deep breath. Counting from one to 10 if practiced for a long time before doing anything works because it distracts you and takes a short break between the event that happened and your response. This will help you control your emotions.
    • Sometimes you just need to change spaces. Maybe you've been sitting for too long and needing to go outside and breathe. Maybe you've been driving all day from place to place, and now you need to sit and rest. Anyway, taking a little rest can have a positive effect on your emotions.
  3. Talk to your friends. If you really are in a bad emotional state and you just can't get out, maybe your best thing to do is call and talk to a close friend you can trust they will keep secret. for you. You will find yourself more relieved when frustrations, sadness, and anxiety are spoken out, and you will also feel less lonely when coping with those negative emotions. Realizing that you have people you can rely on in a crisis can help you manage your mood swings, as you'll have more peace of mind knowing you can easily get it. their help, support and advice.
    • However, if each time you are sad you call someone and talk over and over about what happened, you may get angry and the situation gets worse. Be self-conscious and see if talking to someone is the best solution for you.
  4. Find a routine that creates peace. Everyone has their own way of reaching a "calm state". You need to try different ways to find the one that works best for you. For some, it only takes a little walking to clear their mind. While for others, it is sitting to enjoy a cup of mint tea or chamomile tea. One person likes to listen to jazz or classical music, another likes to play with their pets. Try to find something that makes you feel calm and in control of your emotions as much as possible, then find ways to do it when you experience a negative emotion.
    • When you see a certain emotion going high, try to do the most out of what makes you calm down. While these may not always be possible, you still need to do your best to calm down in one way or another. Bring a box of herbal tea with you if it can help you control yourself. Or to keep your cat's cute moments in your phone if you are comfortable with it.
  5. Think before you speak. This is a very essential rule for controlling emotions. If a certain emotion is coming and in the process, you can say words that hurt or make others unhappy, which will make you regret later. When you find yourself getting angry, think before you say whether what you say really helps you, or is there any other way to express your opinion or achieve your goal. Just a few seconds spent thinking can help you to control yourself better.
    • Saying something you didn't really mean to do when you said it could only worsen the situation, and can make your mood drop too.
  6. Eat. Many people find that they become irritable, angry, when their blood sugar is low and they need to eat something. Recent studies suggest that basic physiological needs (such as dietary needs) may affect the way we perceive certain problems. Moreover, ignoring those needs can make us feel a threat in the environment even though those things are not really important to everyday life.
    • Remember when your last meal was; you may have skipped a meal or eaten for a few hours without even realizing it. If you feel a bit of a drop in your mood at some point, eat a snack like an apple, a cashew nut or a cup of yogurt so you can see your mood improve.
    • It is best to be prepared to avoid an emotional decline from hunger. Carrying a banana, an energy bar or a bag of nuts will help you maintain your blood sugar throughout the day.
  7. Go for a walk. Walking has been shown to help people combat bad moods. 30 minutes of walking and getting some fresh air can help reduce pressure, lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and some forms of cancer.
    • Go for a walk every day and when you feel the mood. When you walk, focus your attention on your body rhythm and breathing, and you'll quickly find yourself dismissing your existing moods.
    • You can also be in a bad mood all day worrying about the problems you are having. Going for a walk also helps you realize that besides the problems you have, there are many other things, many other people worrying about their lives.
  8. Logging. Journaling can help you review the emotions you used to have and think about how you can help keep your feelings from settling in certain situations. In your journal, you can write about the past day with your own feelings, what times are you happy, sad, worried, restless, so you will better understand your emotional charts. Dear. You may find that you often feel your mood at night or when you meet someone. Keeping track of your thoughts and feelings can make you more aware of your emotions, and can help you control your mood.
    • Try to keep a daily diary. This will help create a habit of sitting back and thinking, which means limiting immediate action.
  9. Find ways to reach out to what triggers your moods. Everyone has a source of mood stimuli. If you are aware of those causes, you can make a plan to cope.Great if the cause of your immediate mood swapping is something you can avoid, like a friend or a particular place. However, there are times when what you need to deal with is something you need to worry about. Therefore, it is very important to learn adaptive skills to control such causes, it will help you to manage your emotions the next time you come.
    • For example, if you get frustrated when you're stuck in traffic, try playing classical or jazz music. If a co-worker makes you angry, find ways to avoid or minimize your contact with them. Like physical training, this is a way to train with your own limits and not over-push yourself.
    • If you can't limit your exposure to the source of your mood, because it's your boss, for example, use moderate exposure. Try to put the cause in perspective by telling yourself what you can and cannot control. If your boss is rude or creates uncomfortable situations, you can find ways to ease the situation, for example finding a new job, talking to your supervisor. respond to the problem directly to them. However, keep in mind that you can only control YOUR own actions, not what others do or say.

Method 3 of 4: Build a balanced lifestyle

  1. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the reasons why you cannot control your mood. The lack of sleep often makes you feel dull, sluggish, irritable, and difficult to control your mind and body. While everyone's sleep needs vary from person to person, in general most people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day. Once you know how much sleep you need each day, make an effort to meet that amount of time, and also make a habit of going to bed or waking up at the same time each day.
    • If you drink too much coffee, you probably won't realize how much sleep you lack. By limiting your coffee and sleeping more, you will feel better about your emotions and people.
  2. Reduce pressure on yourself. The first step in reducing your stress is to realize your own level of pressure so you can take the other steps outlined in this section. Human emotional function is a kind of indicator for us to recognize that something is physically or mentally wrong, so it is important to figure out which factors in life make you feel overwhelmed. Force, anxiety, and anger are very important to finding solutions to improvement. There are steps and ways to reduce stress and lift your spirits.
    • If your schedule is too dense, consider and eliminate events and activities that are not too essential or need to be prioritized. Research has shown that the amount of time you spend with family and friends is inversely proportional to the level of pressure and performance of your work. Therefore, it is very necessary to allocate reasonable time to rest and relax with loved ones.
    • If there is a certain relationship in your life that puts you under pressure or stress, then you need to reconsider that relationship. Whether it's a stressful relationship with a parent or someone important, you should put the issue on the scale as soon as possible.
    • Take more time to rest. Resting can be yoga, hanging out with friends, enjoying a bath or meditating. Meditation is one of the simple yet effective ways to reduce blood pressure as well as symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.
  3. Limit excessive coffee consumption. If the amount of coffee you consume per day is greater than the average, ie more than 2-3 cups, then perhaps this is one of the reasons why your moods and emotions are "sagging" because they will cause anxiety. and / or your blood pressure goes up. Like anything, the amount of coffee each person can consume per day is different, one person can have 4 cups a day, another can see the difference when drinking to the second cup. If you give that coffee is the cause of your mood swings - like the fact that you feel your mood change rapidly after drinking coffee - then you should reduce the amount of these stimulants in your diet, you will surprise with myself and better mood control
    • Switch to tea instead of coffee. Some people believe that the caffeine in tea affects them differently than the caffeine in coffee. However, green tea contains less caffeine than black tea, so you should try different teas to find the one that works for you.
    • When using tea or coffee, drink it slowly. If your coffee or tea cup has dried up in just 10 minutes, you are more likely to experience a mood change.
    • You should also avoid energy drinks. These drinks will make you feel restless and anxious and can cause your mood to change erratically, even for those who are less likely to experience it.
  4. Avoid drinking too much alcohol and alcoholic beverages. You will be more prone to mood swings if you drink more than the equivalent amount of a glass of red wine per day. Drinking alcohol, especially before going to bed, will make you sleep tired and you wake up feeling sluggish. Try to drink as little alcohol as possible and quit completely if possible.
    • In addition to alcohol, you should also stay away from banned substances. Not only do they make you unstable, but they also have many other consequences physically and mentally.
  5. Increase exercise. Make exercising and sports a regular habit because exercise will help you burn excess energy and help your emotions and mood be more balanced. While 30 minutes of exercise a day doesn't give you complete control over your mood, it can help you feel more in control of your body and mind. Physical exercise has real benefits, both physically and mentally, as it helps to lower your pressure levels and blood pressure levels.
    • Choose an activity that's right for you. Running, yoga, dancing, swimming, or any other physical activity may be an option for you. Start with the basics if you are new to beginners. When you practice, try to do whatever you can, but don't overdo it as it can cause injury. It is the slow, gradual practice that will help you feel more comfortable.
  6. Find an emotional outlet. It can be anything that can help you turn negative, extreme emotions into another form of activity. Photographing, writing poetry, and making pottery are some of the most helpful pastimes in relieving emotions. Find something for yourself that makes you feel at peace or that can help you get out of your daily troubles. Doing this doesn't mean you "run away" from your emotional ups and downs, but instead it helps limit your emotional change by making you enjoy your time doing what you do. favourite.
    • The emotional outlet doesn't have to be a creative activity or requires talent. It can be any kind of activity, from volunteering to watching classic movies. The problem is which activities you enjoy, which activities are really helpful in pulling you out of the negative emotions you have.
    • An emotional outlet can be something you want to do when you are under stress or have mood instability. for example, if you feel like you are about to get into some kind of mood, you can write poetry, draw or anything that distracts you and wants to work.
  7. Spend time with family and friends. Spending time in social relationships can help you limit sudden emotional changes and improve your mood at the same time.While there are relationships that will make you feel negative, it's really helpful to be around your weak ones who make you happy because they will make you feel more calm and comfortable. You may feel anxious or sad if you think you are isolated, so spending time with others will help you feel more connected to them. It is best to see visiting friends and family several times a week as a goal to achieve, you will find yourself much happier and more confident.
    • Enjoying alone time is also important. People who feel they have no time for themselves and are overwhelmed by all they need to do are also people who can easily change their moods. So make sure to always make time for yourself, like journaling time, walking, sitting alone and thinking.
  8. Maintain a balanced diet. A balanced diet helps your body and mind be more balanced. Eat at least 5 servings of fruit and fruit a day, limit excess processed and starchy foods, and cut back on sugary foods. Eating enough carbohydrates, protein, fruits and vegetables throughout the day will make you feel more balanced and less depressed. Here are a few foods that can help improve your mood:
    • Omega 3 Omega 3 in foods such as salmon, soybeans.
    • Folic acid. Studies have shown that people who are frequently anxious are mostly low in folic acid, so you need to get enough folic acid every week, green leafy vegetables are high in these nutrients.
    • The protein. Stay healthy with protein from eggs, fish, turkey breast, tofu or other protein sources. Remember to balance your protein and carbohydrate intake.
    • Be careful with juices and cocktails. Only a few canned fruit juices are 100% fruit juices, most of which contain sugar or other types of water that your body doesn't need. At the same time, these drinks also do not contain sufficient nutrients and lack chemicals derived from fruit, so it will be difficult to have a effect in improving your emotions, even making you feel worse.
  9. Add to your diet with herbs, vitamins, and supplements. Some herbs, vitamins, and supplements can improve your mood, but remind you that experts are not fully agreeing on the positive effects that herbs or supplements have. bring. It's best to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Here are a few ways you can improve your mood with herbs and supplements:
    • Use grass board. Ban grass is one of the most popular herbs for improving mood. This yellow flower plant contains many substances that have medicinal effects. Remember you right Consult with your doctor before using this herb as it may negatively interact with other medications you are taking, such as birth control pills, anxiety relievers, blood thinners, or medications. HIV. Ban grass is currently on the market in many forms, from capsules to tablets, essences and teas. You should consult your doctor or expert about the dosage you should use, usually a dose of bananas is between 900 and 1200 mg a day, and this herb usually has results after at least 1-3. months of use.
    • Take SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine), an amino acid derivative available commercially as a protein source, a substance that has been extensively studied for its mood-enhancing effects, and Very popular in Europe. SAMe supplements are usually available as tablets with the usual dosage for people suffering from anxiety is 800 to 1600 mg per day for 6 weeks. SAMe has a few side effects to consider if you currently have a medical or medical condition, such as diabetes, anemia or an anxiety disorder.
    • There are also a number of other herbs and vitamins that can help you control your mood better, but not as effective as the two above. Lavender, for example, is commonly used as essential oils, teas and in aromatherapy practices to improve feelings of relaxation and alleviate anxiety. Many people report valerian to help them fall asleep and control anxiety. You can also take a multivitamin to make sure your body has enough B vitamins to help keep your nerve cell membranes more balanced. One study has reported positive effects of vitamin D in treating seasonal depression, but more research is needed to confirm its true effects.

Method 4 of 4: Determine the cause

  1. Causes of mood swings can come from many sources. Anyone's mood fluctuates from time to time. A bad day at work, arguing with a friend can affect your mood and emotions. However, if you experience frequent and high levels of mood swings (i.e., your moods can quickly change from high to low) and you cannot find the direct source of this. There (you have a good day, free of fuss and no chipped relationship), perhaps this is a sign of a psychological or physiological turmoil.
    • If you always want to knock all the other cars off the road you are on, or are constantly dissatisfied with your coworkers and unable to complete a task, these are probably signs that you have problems. need to focus on solving.
    • It should be noted that there are many physiological instabilities associated with severe mood swings. Therefore, talk to your doctor or medical professional or psychologist to determine if you have any medical problems. Furthermore, identifying clearly and accurately the source of the mood swings will help determine the best way to adapt and control your own moods and emotions.
  2. Be aware of physiological conditions that can cause emotional changes. There are many physiological states that are intended to affect the changing mood of a person. These are conditions and states that arise from good things like lifestyle, age, hormone status in the body, and side effects of medications. A medical doctor, such as a general practitioner, would be the best person you should turn to to get more information about these conditions as well as to gauge their correlation with the change your mood swings. Some of the typical physiological conditions are:
    • Head injury or brain tumor Damage to parts of the brain can affect hormone regulation in the body and have negative effects on your moods and emotions. If you think you may have had a major head injury, or you have some reason to think that you have a brain tumor, immediately consult a doctor.
    • Media content of entertainment programsThe genre of music we listen to or what we watch on TV can easily change the mood. Worst of all, affected people may experience nausea, fainting, feel extremely angry and hostile quickly. Red flashing lights can cause some people to have a seizure. Many people feel frustrated after watching TV programs or dramas about unusual activities or mental or spiritual actions.
    • AllergyAllergies can cause a sudden change in your mood. The place, sound, and smell of any allergen can cause you to instantly transition from calm to anxiety.
    • Artificial scentThere are many chemicals used to create odors in detergents, candles, waxes, soaps or even perfumes that can cause allergies, and lead to mood swings.Some typical names of this type may refer to benzene derivatives, aldehydes, phtalates and some poisons that may be hidden under the generic name "odorants". These substances have been known to cause nervous system disorders, and can cause not only mood swings, but also psychological health problems.
    • Poisoning from foreign objects: Chemicals in food, ingredients used in construction, insect repellants, animal hairs can keep you from staying in your original mood. Lead and many chemicals that can affect the brain are the main "culprits". Your doctor can use a variety of tests to determine if your mood swings are caused by foreign objects. Medication use can also cause similar problems.
    • Dementia Dementia occurs due to sudden changes in mind, physiology, this also causes changes in mood and emotions. If you are over the age of 40 and experience some of the symptoms, such as severe dementia, immediately see your doctor.
    • Pregnant Pregnancy can cause immediate and prolonged changes in hormone levels and the chemical reactions that occur in the brain, and can therefore cause significant emotional and mood swings. Even in the case of miscarriage or abortion, mood swings can continue due to hormonal, physiological changes in the body associated with pregnancy and after pregnancy. See your doctor if you can't control your mood and have reason to believe you are pregnant.
    • Puberty If you are just entering adolescence, the rapid changes in your body can affect your moods and desires. Understanding these changes are natural signs of growth and puberty. However, if your condition is severe, such as a change in mood leading to self-harm or other harm, you should consult your doctor.
    • Menopause Similar to changes in other stages of your life, menopause can cause both a dramatic change in mood and a variation in your influences and needs. If these changes cannot be controlled, see your doctor.
    • Under pressure for a long time - The overwhelming pressure from this ordinary life can overwhelm you at one point or another. And this repression can lead to mood swings. It is best to manage all sources of stress as early as possible to limit long-term changes in the physical and chemical processes in the brain.
    • Illness or infectionFeeling unwell due to a cold or severe infection can have negative effects on your psychological health. When you are sick, your mood will also change easily.
  3. Understand physiological and social conditions that can affect mood. Studies have found that there are a number of psychological and / or social conditions associated with acute mood swings. Such conditions often occur due to a biological composition similar to those outlined above, but should be evaluated based on the psychological and social needs associated with daily life. friend. To assess whether these conditions affect your emotional changes, you should see a psychologist or a mental health professional such as a therapist or counselor. tablets. Below are psychological and social conditions that can affect your mood:
    • Substance abuse - The overuse of any drugs or stimulants has the potential to change unpredictably the amount of hormones and biochemical reactions occurring in the brain. If you have faced such problems in the past or in the present moment, there is no reason why you should not seek help from medical professionals or volunteer support groups.
    • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) - Psychological disorders related to the inability to focus, mood instability and emotional changes.
    • Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is characterized by rapid emotional changes when faced with a situation that does not require such a reaction, especially the fluctuating fluctuation between feeling extremely happy and extreme. miserable period. A person with bipolar disorder can become extremely happy when someone praises him, and can become angry at the person who complimented him a minute later. Only specialists who have been trained in mental health can determine whether a person has bipolar disorder or has another disorder.
    • Depression - Prolonged depression can be accompanied by a change in mood, either negative or positive. If you have been depressed and suddenly feel happy or excited, pay attention to the subsequent changes in mood and desires as that way you can better understand the implications of this. changes in your emotions and depression and your daily life.
    • Suffering When you lose a loved one, you may have an unexpected overreaction in a situation that didn't bother you before. For some people, this is a part of being always present in a mood of grief and loss. However, if your mood swings become uncontrollable or put you in danger, talk to your doctor or a mental health professional so you can find a way to improve that problem. An example of a miscarriage may be included. The feeling of stress and loss after losing a baby in the womb can make the mother unbearable, and can also cause other changes that are impossible to hear or hear.
    • Obsess - Each person has their own phobia and fear. We will experience a sudden emotional change, when every mood turns to fear when what is always haunting us occurs.
    • Injury - Many people with traumatic experiences, such as being raped, abused, victim or accused of a crime, can become very angry when it comes to issues related to their experiences. . Soldiers or victims of catastrophic events easily feel sad.
    • Stress from important life changes Events like moving houses, changing jobs or having a baby can lead to psychological changes that you cannot foresee. If, after these events, you find yourself experiencing emotional instability, that is perfectly fine. However, as has been repeated many times before, when you have a condition that you cannot control your emotions, you should see a specialist to get a diagnosis of any mental potential problems. physiologic.
  4. Seek professional help depending on your situation. If you find that you have one of these physiological conditions, talk to a professional. When problems arise at work, see your GP. If you think that a certain psychological problem is constantly affecting your emotions, see a mental health professional (sometimes you need a recommendation from your family doctor).
    • When you feel that you are powerless or have become a puppet of emotional change, it is important to meet and discuss with a specialist.
    • It's not like saying that a doctor or medication is always helpful when you have emotional turmoil. But if the problem is moderate to severe, it is best to seek help from multiple sources yourself before dealing with the problem yourself. There are many people diagnosed with non-pharmacological mood disorders that have somewhat improved their condition.


  • Mood instability can happen for many reasons. Actually, our mood swings each day depending on the events that happen that day.However, frequent imbalance in your mood can be a sign of a physical and / or psychological problem. You should consult your doctor if you frequently experience this problem without a specific cause.