How to Control Hunger Quickly

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
9 Strategies to Stop Overeating
Video: 9 Strategies to Stop Overeating


Hunger control is a useful skill to have. Because an always hungry stomach can make you frustrated and difficult to maintain your weight or diet. Often, "hunger" comes mainly from boredom, not physical need. However, if your stomach starts to squeal and you're really hungry, there are a few things you can do to reduce your hunger quickly.


Part 1 of 2: Managing Hunger Quickly

  1. Self-examination. When you feel hungry or have an appetite, stop for a minute or two and ask yourself. This will help you determine the best thing to do to curb your hunger cravings.
    • We often feel hungry when our bodies are not really hungry, but only because we are bored, thirsty, upset, stressed or just crave some delicious snacks. There are many different causes of hunger to eat, so asking yourself can help.
    • Take a minute to think: Is your stomach crying? Do you feel an empty stomach? When was your last meal? Do you feel stressed, anxious or angry? Feeling bored? Answering these questions can help determine if you are truly hungry.
    • If you are really hungry, eat a prepared snack or wait until your next main meal. You can also apply some tips to reduce hunger.
    • If you are not really hungry, find something to distract you until you forget your cravings.

  2. Drink water or tea. You often feel hungry and have cravings, but actually just thirsty. Signs of hunger and thirst are often similar and easy to confuse.
    • Water can fill the stomach to help prevent hunger. Besides, it sends signals to your brain that you are full.
    • Drink 2 full glasses of water if your stomach starts to squeal. Or you can bring a bottle of water to drink throughout the day. This will help you avoid dehydration.
    • Warm or hot water will make you feel more satisfied. The taste and warmth of the water make you feel like a meal. Hot coffee or tea is the best option. However, if you want to maintain your weight, choose the sugar-free one.

  3. Brush teeth. This is the fastest way to cut an appetite in just a few seconds. You will have less cravings for snacking after brushing your teeth.
    • The taste of toothpaste will help cut the cravings immediately. Plus, you won't feel any appetite after brushing your teeth.
    • Bring a travel toothbrush to brush your teeth when you are hungry, in case you have to go away from home.

  4. Find an interesting activity. Pay attention to the symptoms of hunger. If you think you are hungry but you are not feeling hungry, then you are craving for another reason.
    • Eating out of boredom is very common. Change your mind by participating in another activity. This distracts thoughts for a moment and makes the cravings disappear.
    • Go for a walk, chat with friends, read a good book, do housework or surf the web. One study found that you will have less appetite when playing a Tetris puzzle.
  5. Chew on gum or suck on mint. Some studies show that chewing gum or sucking on mint will reduce hunger immediately.
    • The chewing and sucking sensation along with the taste of the candy will tell your brain that you are satisfied with your appetite and this is why this trick works so well.
    • Choose sugar-free gum and mint. Overall, these two are low in calories and are a great way to stop hunger pangs while you're on a diet.

Part 2 of 2: Managing Hunger of the Day

  1. Have breakfast. While there are many tips to help you manage your hunger quickly, eating a regular breakfast will reduce hunger throughout the day.
    • Skipping breakfast will make you feel more hungry throughout the day. In addition, according to results of one study, people who skip breakfast tend to eat more calories. People who regularly skip breakfast will experience increased insulin levels, leading to weight gain.
    • One study found that a breakfast high in fat, protein and carbohydrates reduces hunger throughout the day.
    • Examples of a hunger-free breakfast include: scrambled eggs with low-fat cheese and whole wheat toast, whole-wheat honeycomb with peanut butter and flowers. fruit or oats served with nuts and dried fruits.
  2. Eat enough protein. Protein has an important role for the body. However, one thing worth noting about protein is that it keeps you feeling full for longer compared to other nutrients. Furthermore, protein also helps reduce cravings for high-fat and sugar-rich foods.
    • Choose low-fat sources of protein (especially when you're managing your weight) at meals and snacks. This will help you ensure that you eat the right amount and give you a feeling of satisfaction with eating throughout the day.
    • Low-fat proteins include: seafood, poultry, lean beef, pork, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes and tofu.
    • Remember to eat protein foods within 30 minutes of exercising. Protein makes the muscles absorb for energy and grow.
  3. Choose foods rich in fiber. Studies show that people on a high-fiber diet feel more full and satisfied than those who consume less fiber.
    • There are various inferences for fiber's filling effects on the stomach. One is that high-fiber foods require a lot of chewing, so it will slow down the frequency of food intake and help you feel more satisfied. Fiber is often coarse and will help make the body feel fuller.
    • Whole vegetables, fruits and barley are often rich in fiber. These foods keep you fuller longer than others.
    • Salads or vegetable soups are particularly effective because they are high in fiber but low in calories.
    • Fiber also helps regulate blood sugar and control hunger.
  4. Satisfy your cravings in a healthy way. Normally, your body will not be really hungry, but you will still crave something. It's okay to indulge yourself from time to time, especially if you go for a healthy way.
    • Lots of healthy foods can substitute for sweets or snacks. Make smart choices when you have cravings.
    • Eat fruit to satisfy your sweet cravings. An apple or orange provides fiber and vitamins along with sugar to help satisfy your sweet cravings.
    • Eat some salted nuts if you crave something salty and crispy.
    • Eat raw vegetables dipped in sauce or hummus mashed beans when you want to chew something lumpy and spicy.
  5. Don't skip meals. If you don't want to deal with hunger, it is important to eat regularly throughout the day. When you skip meals or the gaps between meals are too far, you will have more cravings.
    • For long-term results, create a meal plan that's right for you. Some people report feeling less hungry when they eat 3 meals a day. Others become hungry faster because they need to eat 5-6 meals per day.
    • If meals are 4 to 5 hours apart, you will need a snack. This will help you control your hunger and cravings.