How to make a guy you like to like you too

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO GET A GUY TO LIKE YOU - 5 Tricks to get HIM to want you!
Video: HOW TO GET A GUY TO LIKE YOU - 5 Tricks to get HIM to want you!


Unfortunately, love spells aren't real, so getting someone to reciprocate your love can sometimes take a lot of effort. Always be confident and be yourself - men often like someone who has personality! You can get to know the other person as a friend, and then gradually chat and spend more time with the person. Next, invite the person to hang out with the group and just the two. As he learns more about you, he may also begin to fall in love with you!


Part 1 of 3: Becoming friends

  1. Always confident and be comfortable with the person. When you are in love with someone, it can be hard not to be overly enthusiastic in front of them, but try to be calm and remember that the person is just a normal guy. Don't be afraid to make eye contact and smile at your ex.
    • However, don't look explicitly! If you keep staring, he will feel annoyed. In general, change your gaze after 4-5 seconds.

  2. Appreciate your concerns and interests to show off your unique personality. It's perfectly okay to have your own opinion and like anything you're passionate about, even if you don't feel like it's "cool". Don't pretend to care about things you don't like just to impress someone. Men can get out of your sham.
    • It is okay to give different comments or disagree with the guy you like. When discussing a topic in class, don't be afraid to speak your mind. That will help you become a righteous person and very interesting.

  3. Be friendly with the person's friends. Maybe the guy you like will like you too if his friends find you interesting. Don't be afraid to talk to them in the classroom, in the hallways, at lunchtime, or when participating in after-school activities. Find out their interests, swap homework, and mention common ground between you, like your favorite books or movies.
    • When you make friends with someone, you often find common interests and start talking about it. Always be friendly, smile and ask questions about them.

    Warning: Be careful lest you accidentally flirt with your ex's friends. That could create a misunderstanding or even make one of his friends fall in love with you!

  4. Show sense of humor and your happy self. Be ready to seize opportunities and do new things, even if you feel scared or anxious. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself or say funny things in front of the guy you like. The sense of humor coupled with the mischievous cuteness is really fascinating!
    • For example, if your teacher needs someone to volunteer to do something in class, don't be afraid to do it in front of the class.
    • If you do something that makes you embarrassed, just laugh and turn it into a joke. This is how you can show that you are comfortable with yourself.
  5. Put open-ended questions to get to know the person better. Talking about yourself is easy, but when you want to get to know someone, ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions often help you get a more detailed "yes" or "no" answer and encourage others to share about yourself! Try the following questions:
    • What do you think about the book we have to read in English class?
    • How does it feel to have to practice soccer for many hours during the summer?
    • What do you like to do on the weekends?
    • Which TV program are you into right now?

    Advice: Do not use your phone while you are with the person. In an age when everyone used to use the phone, not using the phone so you can focus on what the person said was a way to help you express your feelings.


Part 2 of 3: Flirting and spending time together

  1. Praise His personality, intelligence, and appearance. Compliments are your way of showing interest. Just giving a brief, direct compliment is enough. The person will either say "thank you" or smile at you.
    • For example, you could say "You did a great job today in class."
    • To compliment the person's appearance, simply say "Your new hairstyle looks great", or "That jacket highlights your eye color."
    • For a little more flirting you could say "You always know how to make me laugh!"
  2. Break intimate barriers to see how the person reacts. Trying delicate touches, such as touching your arm or shoulder, is a great way to predict how he feels for you. If the person smiles and doesn't shy away, it means he feels comfortable with your intimacy. If he kept his distance, the other side probably still wasn't enjoying the closeness.
    • Gentle touch, even just friendly gestures can help you become closer
  3. Ask for his phone number and message to chat more after school. With the first message, you can write something like “Hi Nam, this is Mai. What are you doing?" To initiate a conversation, you can ask what the person thinks about the class that day, whether he has done his homework, or what he or she plans to do that night.
    • If the guy replies briefly or doesn't reply, don't send a lot of messages all the time. Leave it on until the person texts you or you have a good reason to keep texting.

    Advice: If you feel shy about asking for his or her phone number, make an excuse to exchange assignments. You can say “Can you give me your phone number? That way, I can ask you some questions when doing homework. ”

  4. Encourage the person and remember important information. Pay attention to the milestones in the person's life, such as an important exam, a sporting event or a competition, or something to look forward to like a vacation. Mention these when you meet him. If you have his phone number, you can send a message of encouragement.
    • For example, you can text "Good luck in tomorrow's game!"
    • Ask them about the important events. For example, try asking “I hope you had an interesting game over the weekend. How was the situation that day? ”
    • Before the exam, you can write down the message “Good exam! I know you can do it. ”
  5. Make a plan for tutoring so you can meet separately. The two can study together when there is a free period or after class at either their home, at the cafe or library. Text or meet with your crush after class to schedule tutoring. Try to be relaxed and relaxed when asking questions, even if you feel nervous.
    • You can say "Hai, would you like to study with me on Wednesdays to prepare for the History exam?"
    • If the person agrees, then the next time and place to meet. If the person refuses, you don't have to let it go. Perhaps they are busy or have no intention of reviewing.
    • This is also suitable for other activities outside the classroom. Joint activities such as singing, acting, sports, or team activities all give you the opportunity to meet up to practice or plan together.
  6. Schedule a group outing for a chance to meet. Going out with a group is a great way to spend time with the guy you like and let him know more about you in the casual setting. Make an appointment with a group of friends to go to the movies, party and play sports, or do some fun activity like a campfire or a game of werewolves. Try asking the person to join you and don't forget to tell them to invite some more friends.
    • Try saying “Minh, me and a few friends are going to have a picnic this Friday night. You and your friends will also join. I will text you. "

Part 3 of 3: Keep going

  1. Text your crush after the day out to guess how they are feeling. This is a great way to try it out after you meet the guy you like, whether it's in a group study together or just being at an event. Don't text the person as soon as you see the person - instead, wait 24 hours so you don't sound too warm.
    • You can send a text like “It was great to see you that night. I hope you had a good time. ”
    • Or, you say bluntly like “I was so happy going out with you over the weekend. Hope we will have another day out soon! "
  2. Say that you enjoy being with the person. This is less risky than saying "I like you". This is both a skillful compliment and a way to express your love for that person. No one is bothered to hear other people say they like their presence!
    • After your outing, just say “It was fun today.I love to be with you ”and smiled.
    • If the person asks for an appointment, you can say, “This is very interesting. I would love to go out with you. "
    • You can also send a brief message saying, "I enjoyed studying with you the other day."
  3. Make an appointment with your partner so you can get closer. If the person agrees to spend time with you and enjoys being with you, continue to meet him and talk often. Perhaps he or she will come and make a date with you before you realize how close you are.
    • Carefully observe if the person likes to flirt. Maybe he is meeting many people who also have feelings for him. You need to protect your heart and not put yourself in a situation of unilaterally chasing people in vain. If you feel he is not serious, stop and wait to see if he comes after you. If the person doesn't, take this as a sign to give up.
  4. Be patient and don't stress if things seem to be going very slowly. Remember that getting to know a guy you like and determining if he has a crush on you will take weeks or longer. Humans often need time to develop a romantic relationship. Focus on being your ex's friend and keep a positive attitude.
    • If you are impatient and need to express your feelings for the other person to know how the other person feels, you can do that. Be prepared to accept the person's reaction, whether positive or negative.
  5. Always remember self-worth no matter what happened. Hopefully, after a few weeks or months of spending time together, the guy you like has feelings for you too and the two of you can move into a more serious relationship. However, if this doesn't happen, remember that yourself, your personality and appearance are not at fault. Sometimes it's just two people who aren't meant for each other for no reason.
    • If your feelings are unrequited, take a few weeks to really focus on yourself, your interests, and your friends. It's okay to feel your sadness, and over time you will return to your normal feelings as well.


  • Don't be afraid to proactively date a guy you like to hang out with or say you like him! You don't have to wait for the person to take the initiative first.
  • Remember that you don't need to have time all the time. If you have other plans or friends, you will show others that you are a very interesting person.