How to make the girl you like to miss you

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Your Girlfriend Miss You | Make The Girl You Like Miss You Like Never Before
Video: How To Make Your Girlfriend Miss You | Make The Girl You Like Miss You Like Never Before


Not being with a girl you like is probably the hardest thing you have to do. So how do you make sure she misses you when you're away? All you need to do is let her think about you more, make her happy when you are together, and take steps to make her realize how much she likes you even when you're not around. . If you really try hard, the phrase "Out of sight from the heart" is completely not right for you.


Part 1 of 3: Make her yearn for you more

  1. Limit the amount of time you two are together. If you want her to remember when you're not around, you can't spend too much free time with her. Just meet her in moderation so she can see how amazing, funny, and enjoyable you are, but don't spend too much time with her no longer appreciating you or feeling like you two are left. to tell each other. Try to see her once or twice a week, but make sure she doesn't make up your schedule, lest she think you're there whenever she wants.
    • She should plan with you at least a few days in advance if she wants to go out with you. Don't feel as though she calls you around.
    • When you go out, don't spend the day with her, but leave to do something else after a few hours; like that, she will truly cherish your time together instead of being too full of being with you.
    • This may sound a bit weird, but here's how you can play distance.

  2. Limit phone call time. If you and her often call each other, make sure the calls are short so she doesn't think you have nothing to do but "cook the phone porridge" with you all day. You can talk to her to make a plan or to check with her for a few minutes, but don't let the call drag on to the point where there's nothing left to say. To make her feel interesting, you need to make her feel like there's always something to talk to you about.
    • Don't tell her everything you're thinking about or everything in your life over the phone. Save a few stories to tell when you go out together.
    • Make good use of the time. If you talk to her on the phone for a few minutes, make sure to do your best, compliment her, make her smile and feel special. Don't talk to her while watching sports, make her feel you value every call.

  3. Don't give up everything to talk to her. Let her miss you, don't let her feel like you will always be there when she needs it. If she texts you while you're busy, don't leave everything you're doing to send her a long message right away, unless she really needs it. Instead, wait a few hours before answering. As with calls, if she calls, you don't have to answer all calls, or don't answer the first call.
    • If she feels like you're present whenever she needs it, she won't miss you much. If it seems hard to get your time, she will appreciate it more
    • Of course, if the girl seems sad and really wants to talk to you right away, be with her instead of trying to feel distant. However, if she just calls or texts to ask, don't be in a hurry to reply.

  4. Continue to pursue your interests. Don't give up on the things you love to be with her. If you want her to remember when you're not around, take the time to keep doing what you like. Continue to practice soccer, write a novel, or learn Japanese. Let her know what you are doing to see that you are a vibrant, interesting, life-loving person who is interested in more than romantic love.
    • She will respect you and see you as an interesting person when you have your own concerns and things to improve. In addition, continuing to pursue your interests will give you more stories to tell her.
    • If she knows that you are interested in many other things, she will find your time very valuable and will cherish the moment you are with you.
  5. Continue to spend time with your friends. Spending time with friends is important, and the girl you like or are dating cannot replace your friends, even if your relationship needs building up. That is, you shouldn't stop meeting your friends to make time for her; While you can reduce your time spent with friends so you can spend more time with her, don't forget about your friends altogether, lest she thinks you've won you.
    • If she knows that you have a lot of friends to care about, she will find that you are an interesting person that everyone wants to spend time with. If it feels like you're just sitting there waiting for her to call because you don't have anyone to hang out with, she will miss you less.
    • Balance the amount of time you spend meeting her and meeting your friends accordingly. You can't spend so much time with your friends that you can't see her and make her lose interest in you, but don't spend less time with her friends to let her think of it. your only mind is her.
  6. Makes her guess. If you want her to miss you, don't always let her know exactly what you're thinking or doing. Even though she should be aware of your concern, you can't say that she is the best person in the world and you will do anything to get her; Although you can express your true feelings when she opens up to you more and spends more time with you, you should still let her fret a little about where you are in your heart.
    • You can compliment and let her know what makes you like her, but don't tell her everything you think about her, lest you put yourself in a vulnerable position.
    • You should also let her speculate on your plan. If you have to leave early to watch your brother's basketball game, you don't have to tell her where you're going.

Part 2 of 3: Make her think about you

  1. Check with her once in a while when you are away. If you want her to remember when you aren't around, let her remember your presence sometimes. Text her with greetings or inquire about how things went wrong, or make a brief call to tell her about your situation. You can also email or text when you're out with friends on weekends. Make sure to keep the conversation just enough so she doesn't forget you, but don't choke her on you.
    • If you are not together, make sure you are not the first contact. You can call or text from time to time, but don't let her diminish your appreciation for you and think you'll always call even though she's not taking the initiative.
    • If you know she has an important event going on, such as a job interview or a sports match, ask her questions and wish her luck. If that has happened, you should inquire about how it was going. This shows your concern and attention, even when you're not around.
  2. Be the last person she thinks of before a nap. The secret to making her miss you is to make sure she thinks about you when she gets ready for bed. You can either send her a sweet text or make a few calls to chat with her late at night; That way, she will think about you when she goes to bed and even dream about you in her sleep. Maybe when she wakes up she will think of the night's wonderful conversation and miss you more.
    • Chatting with her before bed will give you a chance to hold her interest. At this point, she will relax and be able to focus more easily on you instead of talking to you with a million other things in mind.
    • Of course, make sure she can talk to you late at night - you don't want her to get into trouble with her parents.
  3. Give her something reminiscent of you. Another way to be sure to make her miss you is to give her something to keep you on mind. It could be a necklace you gave her for your birthday, a letter you wrote specifically for her, a familiar scented sweater you lent her, or a book or a CD. You think she will love it. Gifts are like your presence in her life, and she will miss you more when you're not around.
    • You can give her a souvenir for a date. Play a game to win over a teddy bear and give her or give her a souvenir from your trip to give her something reminiscent of you.
    • You don't need to spend a lot of money on that gift. It is important to get her to think about you, not the value of the gift.
  4. Write a sweet note for her. Another way to get her to miss you is to use a sweet and sincere text to show how much you like her. There is no need to write in length or detail, but you do have to show her care for her. You can text her during an appointment or email her while you're away. She will keep the message and even read it over many times to remember you. Sending her a note of concern can make her miss you more.
    • Don't just write her down to make her miss you; Make sure everything you write is sincere from the bottom of your heart. If you calculate too much, she will realize that.
  5. Ask questions to show interest in her life. If you want her to miss you and care for you more, ask questions about her, even in person, talking on the phone or writing a letter. You don't have to pry or ask too many questions to show interest. When you are with her, ask about her family, pets, weekend plans, friends, or hobbies. Text her, ask her about a big event in her life or ask how things were going for the day.
    • The truth is, if you really care about the girl you like, you have to show her care for her. This is far more important than being the coolest or most interesting man; because after all, the girls only want a man who really cares about them. If she feels genuinely interested in you, she will miss you more when you are away.
    • Make sure you don't forget her answers to your questions. If she has to repeat the answers to you over and over again, she may feel like you don't really care about you.
  6. Be nice to her when you two meet. You don't have to be too polite around her. If you want her to remember when you are away, try to impress her when you are together. Make sure to appreciate her, make her smile, make her feel special, and show her that you really care without being too obvious. You want her to remember you as a caring, wise, interesting person; so make good use of the time you spend together, especially when you don't have a lot of time.
    • Be attentive. Pay attention to make sure she has a great time and doesn't need to ask for more, like preparing a glass of water or changing the scenery.
    • Make her laugh. Don't worry about being romantic; Relax and be a little "dumb" around her - she will appreciate you more for it.
    • Let her talk more. Make sure you don't talk more than half the conversation. Don't let her feel like you're preaching or brag by talking too much.
  7. Stop the conversation at the right time. When you are around a girl you like, make sure you don't stay longer than you're welcome. Instead, wait until you have an interesting conversation and then say you have to leave; As long as you don't plan to hang out with her for a long period of time, this won't affect her feelings. When the conversation is at its peak, and she is also appreciating you, it's time to make a positive impression on her when you are away.
    • If you are together for too long until you both don't know what to say, she won't remember you like a funny talker. Instead, leave when you have something to talk about; Like that, she finds it interesting to continue the conversation next time.

Part 3 of 3: Don't go too far

  1. Don't try too hard to make her jealous. While there are some motivational strategies you can use to make her miss you more, don't try to make her jealous and then feel like you shouldn't bother you because you're a playboy or Because she doesn't want to fight for your feelings. While you don't have to always tell her where you've been, don't talk too much about other girls or flirt openly with any girl around you unless you want to upset her.
    • While flirting gently with other girls may make her think you are a very attractive person, don't go too far to let her think that you are not interested in her.
    • If she thinks that you are always reaching out to other girls while away, she won't miss you much.
    • If you meet her outside, build up your courage and wait a minute or two before approaching her. If you pretend not to see or act like she's not attractive enough to you, she won't be jealous of the people you're talking to and think you're a bad guy.
  2. Don't become another person to conquer her. It sounds theoretical, but after all, being yourself is very important if you really want to conquer a girl. Don't try to act or be the man you think she wants to be; instead, make an effort to show the good side and take the time to talk about your different interests. Even though you don't need to act like when you are with her, you shouldn't act, because she will find out the lie in the end.
    • If you really like and want her to miss you, make sure the person she remembers is who you really are, not the person you have worked hard to be.
    • Although it may take a while for you to open up and show her who you really are, try to be as honest as you can when you are getting to know each other.
  3. Don't use too many tricks. Certainly reducing the time you spend talking on the phone or the time you spend together and distance play can make her like you better and will miss you. However, if you go too far, you will confuse her - and even make yourself confused during the conquest. If she feels like the whole relationship revolves around a game of wits and she doesn't really know who you are, her patience will subside quickly.
    • If you are kind and affectionate but suddenly become cold and keep your distance, she will quickly be disappointed. Even though you don't have to give everything for her, if she feels like she doesn't know what you're thinking, she will begin to walk away from you.
  4. Don't be afraid to express your feelings for her. While making her look forward to and miss you more is important, don't go too far with distance, as she won't know if you really care. Even if you are a bit shy, say you like her and that you want to spend more time with her. Don't let her take the initiative, lest she get tired of thinking you don't really like her.
    • You should also make an effort to actively meet her. If she has to chase you too much, she will choose a guy who will express more of her emotions.


  • This will take time, but it is well worth it.
  • Each girl has different likes and dislikes, you need to understand her personality before applying the steps above.