How to make any guy fall in love with you

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You
Video: How Men Fall in Love: 5 Steps to Make Him Love You


There's really no way to make sure every guy on earth is infatuated with you, but there are a few things that can make it happen. almost Any guy has a crush on you. The key here is to show who you are at your best and to love yourself inside and out. This wikiHow article will give you some tips on how to attract a guy and capture his heart while still being himself.


Part 1 of 4: Be yourself

  1. Love your look. When a guy falls in love with you, he has to love your whole being, from the inside out. However, your looks will be a great place to start. If you love and take pride in your looks, that guy will too. If you aren't satisfied with your looks, you should take the time to learn to love yourself before trying to seduce a guy.
    • Choose clothes that make you feel beautiful and comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable or inferior in tight clothes, your lack of confidence will show.
    • Do not apply too thick makeup. True love will not like that. He will love your natural beauty.
    • Take good care of yourself. Exercising, eating healthy, brushing your hair, getting a manicure, and applying cool scented lotions will make you more attractive to him and will also make you feel better about yourself.

  2. Radiate positive energy. It is much easier for any guy to fall in love with you if you love what you do and have an optimistic attitude in all aspects of your life. If you show that you are happy pursuing hobbies, interest in school or career, he will want to get to know you even more.
    • If you are in school, do not complain about the class and the teachers. Focus on the things you love and why they make you happy.
    • Enjoy your extracurricular activities and hobbies. Don't whine about ball training; instead, tell me how excited you were at the game last weekend. Who wants to be with someone who doesn't like whatever they do?
    • Have an optimistic attitude. Every time you talk about your weekend activities or the events of the day, talk about five positive and negative things. Sometimes it's okay to complain a little, but complaining all day is boring.

  3. Love yourself. You can't make someone fall in love with you when you don't love yourself. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you have to love who you are and be proud of who you are. To love yourself, try the following strategies:
    • Understand your strengths. Think about the five points that make you stand out, write them down if needed, and make use of those strengths. Enhance your qualities by showing them as much as possible. For example, if you know you have a sense of humor, show off your wit in front of him.
    • Identify your shortcomings. Loving yourself doesn't mean you feel perfect - in fact, if you are aware of at least three points that need improvement, you will love yourself more as you work to perfect them.

  4. Develop confidence. As you learn to love your appearance, love what you do and who you are, your confidence will also increase. If you are confident and comfortable with yourself, your guy will also feel confident in you. To show confidence, learn to speak clearly, stand up for yourself, and be comfortable you can laugh at yourself from time to time.
    • Remember that there is a difference between confidence and pride. If you brag about how great you are all day, that's no good.

Part 2 of 4: Catching his attention

  1. Happy. If you want a guy to love you, you have to be an interesting person. Whenever you are with him, you should smile brightly, play freely, talk and giggle with your friends. Interesting people have always been a magnet for people, and many people will want to be with you knowing that you'll be giving them good times.
    • Try adventure. Interesting people can comfortably step out of their comfort zone for great moments. Are you afraid to climb on a unicycle, learn a dance or go hiking? Then turn that fear into positive energy, and you will have more experiences in your life.
    • Don't be afraid to appear stupid or dumb. You don't have to be a great model to make your guy go crazy. Show that you're not too serious by wearing funny t-shirts, fun costumes at themed parties, and even telling stories that make people laugh.
    • Be happy. Attract everyone at the party with a lively, friendly, and enthusiastic gesture every time an old friend enters the room. If you sound like the happiest person at the party, your guy won't be able to ignore you.
  2. Pay attention to your posture. Body language is a powerful tool to attract a guy's eye. Your posture captures him even when you don't say a word, so it's important to do this well and not send him false signals. Here are a few tips on how to attract a guy with subtle gestures:
    • Don't be afraid to make eye contact. Catch his eye, let him know you see him, then smile and look away. Don't stare - make enough eye contact with the guy to notice him. You could also try lifting your eyes at him for a second to let him know you're there.
    • Don't fold your arms across your chest. Put your hands on your sides or gesture with your hands. This posture will make you look open and approachable.
    • Stand up straight. Having a good posture shows that you are confident and comfortable with being yourself.
    • Head tilt. Head tilting is an interesting gesture to talk and let him know that you care and listen ..
  3. Be cute. Don't be afraid to blush. Blushing is caused by blood rushing to your cheeks, making your face flush or red. This is fascinating because it resembles the body's response to sexual activity and is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation to attract the opposite sex. You can try this effect with a hint of blush or red lipstick. However, you should only wear moderate makeup so that it is not flashy ..
  4. Flirting with the guy. If you want a guy to fall in love with you, you have to show your affection by flirting with him a bit.You don't have to be too strong to be playful, teasing, and mischievous when you talk to a guy.
    • Keep fun. If your guy responds quickly with a humorous sentence, don't just laugh - respond with such a funny and cute comment. Then you can smile to show him that you enjoy the conversation.
    • Tease him. If you and your guy are starting to get comfortable with each other, you can tease a bit about one of his hobbies - such as a passion for dogs or a guitar - or even have Can a little joke about the outfit he's wearing after showing him how cool he looks.
    • If you want to flirt, sometimes gently touch his shoulder to make it more intimate. Many boys find the light touch very charming.
  5. Show him what makes you special. If a guy has a crush on you, he probably finds you special in some way. If not, why does he love you and not someone else? Show him what makes you unique and deserves to be loved.
    • Be yourself. Show him who you really are, whether you think you are a bit dumb, shy, or shy about opening up to others. He won't be able to fall in love with you without really knowing about you.
    • Open. Reveal a little about your dreams or fears. However, you should only do this once you get to know him better. If you've always wanted to be a baker or an event organizer, let him know.
    • Talk about your interests. Tell him what drives you to wake up this morning - whether it's an English lesson, volunteering at a homeless charity, or just having fun with close friends.

Part 3 of 4: Hold his heart

  1. Meet other guys if you're not on your own. One way to keep yourself attractive to a guy is to show that other guys find you attractive as well. This doesn't mean you should mess with other guys in front of him or try to make him jealous, but keep meeting other guys if you're not engaged with him.
    • If your guy complains because you're dating other guys, let him know that you'll be willing to date him alone if he wants to be in an “exclusive” relationship with you. But don't stop seeing other guys until you know he stopped seeing other girls too.
  2. Interested in him. If you want him to keep the flame of love with you, you can't just make him worship you. You must show concern for who he is. In the end, you still want to have a love, don't you? Follow this hint to show that you really care about him:
    • When you get to know each other, ask about his personal life. Talk about his childhood, his family and his knowledge.
    • Show interest in his job or research. If he is really passionate about science or history, talk about them instead of dismissing them.
    • Ask for his opinion. Ask him what he thinks about a lot of things, from the dress you just bought to international news. Show that his outlook is really important to you.
    • Understand his mood. Learn how to give your best support when he has an unlucky day.
  3. Praise him. You don't have to touch your guy with flattering words to make him feel special, but give him sincere compliments from time to time. You can directly compliment, send text, or jot down a few messages on his desk or on his drawer. This gesture will show that he is wonderful in your eyes.
    • Try complimenting him on his outstanding work. For example, you might compliment things like, “Dinner was delicious! You are a great cook! ” or “I really enjoyed your show last night. You are such a talented musician! "
    • Only praise if you really think so. Don't give fake compliments just because you think it will make him like you more.
  4. Create charisma. If you want to nurture his feelings, not only should you let him know that he is special in your eyes, but also make him admire your intellect and know that you can talk to you about a problem. any topic. If he is only physically infatuated with you or interested in your humor, his feelings will probably not last.
    • Try playing board games together. Intellectual and challenging games such as board or chess games will make him enjoy you.
    • Update ongoing events. Many guys love to talk politics and read newspapers, so you should do this too so you can chat with him.
    • In general you should read more. Reading opens up your mind and gives you lots of information to talk to.
    • Never get bored. Only boring people are bored. Enjoy life and the world around him, then he will just want to be with you more.

Part 4 of 4: Keeping the Flame of Love

  1. Keep your independence. You may think that he will maintain affection for you if he is with you every minute. However the truth is the opposite. Your guy's chances of keeping your love for you are much higher if he sees you with a life of your own, your own friends, and that you're happy to be alone.
    • Don't try to arrange a schedule like him. Keep playing your favorite sports, socialize with friends, and pursue hobbies. If you give it up just to be with him, you may not seem to appreciate your own goals.
    • You and your guy don't have to have mutual friends. Keep going to girls-only events and letting him go to men's parties - your relationship will be better if the two of you don't always hang out at social events. .
    • Keep busy. He will find you more attractive if he knows that you are not always free and wants to see you all the time.
  2. Keep everything fresh. If you want him to be infatuated with you, you have to stir up time from time to time. Don't just keep up with the routine every day, otherwise he will start getting bored with the old routines. Try to stay fresh and interesting, no matter how long you've been together.
    • Together, pursue a new hobby. You can choose a new hobby to join him in, whether it's learning how to make delicious pastries or striving to be great tennis players. If there's a new activity to do together every month, you'll always feel fresh.
    • Let's explore new places together. Don't just go to a familiar restaurant every Friday night. Find a new place to enjoy your dinner and make it fun.
    • Step out of your comfort zone with him. You should both do something challenging - whether it's surfing or overcoming your fear of spiders.
    • Find new ways to tell him how much you love him. Don't just say "I love you" all the time - be creative in showing your love to him.
  3. Know when to retreat. When the feelings are bland or feel no real vibes, it doesn't help if you try to force something that doesn't exist. It will only cause both pain. It's better to cut it off knowing that it's going nowhere than letting the relationship die in pain.
    • Be frank. If you feel inside that this relationship is going nowhere, you two should sit down and talk about breaking up.
    • Do not give up. Most people don't just fall in love once in a lifetime, and you have a long life ahead of your heart sobbing again in front of a guy - and one day, your man will emerge. show.


  • Be happy. Don't stress if he doesn't talk to you for the first month. In fact, it would be even better, because that means he really pays attention.
  • You just need to be yourself and love yourself. If he doesn't like you for who you really are, then he doesn't deserve it.
  • Make sure you spend some time together. However, give him time to be alone or with his friends.
  • Do not be impatient. Take a good time to build up your feelings.
  • Be funny, show your guy that you're funny, and that you have a good life with great friends. Don't let him see you all day gloomy and sad.
  • Don't hang around him too much. Your guy also needs manly time.
  • Make sure he knows that you like him by sending clear signals.


  • Don't make a complete change just to make someone fall in love with you. You can lose your identity and feel lost if your plan goes bankrupt.