How to make your girlfriend want to spend time alone with you

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: If You’re FEELING LONELY Use These 6 SECRETS To FIND YOURSELF| Jay Shetty


Before you can invite your girlfriend home, you both need to have a long and healthy relationship. Building strong relationships together will make meeting each other more comfortable in any place, whether at home or elsewhere. Try to form the best of relationships to improve your time spent together wherever you choose to date.


Part 1 of 3: Relationship Improvement

  1. Discover and share interests. Finding similarities in hobbies is a great way to build a stronger bond between you and your girlfriend. By sharing interests with each other, you will discover similar interests that you both can enjoy together.

  2. Plan some activities your girlfriend might enjoy. Talk to her and get to know her hobbies and any activities she likes. Once you understand what she likes to do, you can make a plan with her to do them with her.
    • For example, if she likes to draw, you could take her to a drawing class and draw together.

  3. Communicate openly. Opening up and being honest about your needs, or allowing your loved one to express what you need, is a necessary part of any good relationship. Communicating openly will allow honesty to develop and ensure that your needs are addressed.
    • Conversations need to be honest.
    • You both need to be allowed to express feelings related to a relationship or any topic.
    • Actively listen to what the other person is saying. You must listen fairly and objectively without adding your own thoughts to it.
    • Remember to always use "English" starting statements when talking about how you feel about the relationship.
    • Avoid becoming defensive if you hear something you don't like.
    • Do not use statements that start with the subject "Em" and react to your thoughts and feelings.

  4. Spend time together. No matter where you meet, you and your girlfriend need to find the right amount of time you both want to spend together. Each couple has a specific amount of time they want to be together. You will have to learn about this.
    • You and her will have different views on the right amount of time. Some people love the independence while others want to be together more. Both should work together to determine the balance that best suits their needs.
    • Inquire directly about her needs. This is the most direct way to gauge how much time you spend together.
    • Don't forget to spend time with your friends and family. Allowing her to join your social circle is a great way to add them to a new relationship you already have.
    • Spend time together. Try to set a specific time for each other and stick to it.
    • The desire to be together will change over time. Respect your ex's needs as well as your own when considering this.

Part 2 of 3: Maintaining your relationship

  1. You need to make sure this is a healthy relationship. Some signs in a relationship may indicate an unhealthy relationship. If you notice any signs that your relationship is not healthy, you should try to improve those aspects or consider ending it.
    • You and the person you love need to have mutual respect, trust, honesty, and support in the relationship.
    • Your emotional relationships need to own the river and preserve the individual identity.
    • You both need to communicate openly with each other.
    • If you sense danger, fear, loss of trust, manipulation, control, or any other unsafe feeling, this could be an unhealthy relationship.
  2. Respect yourself and the person you love. Remember that you are both separate individuals with your own needs and wants, and they need to be respected. Never show disrespect to any of the other's needs or wants. Work together to make the relationship more trustworthy and respectful to improve your bonding.
    • Never lose your temper during a discussion or argument. Avoid calling each other by bad names or attacking each other with words.
    • Sorry and forgive. Do not get frustrated with any wrongdoing after it has been resolved.
    • Know that you can argue without quarreling.
  3. Solve problems when you become aware of them. Ignoring them will only make the situation worse. When you feel the moment has ripe, you should do your best to raise open and fair issues in your relationship.
    • Failure to immediately resolve the problem will result in discontent over time.
    • Failure to deal with old problems will develop a sense of defense and make communication difficult.
    • Discuss the issue at the right time. Sometimes you need to wait for the right time to discuss the issue. The simple rule is never to discuss important matters while in anger.

Part 3 of 3: Invite a girlfriend to your home

  1. Remember to let your partner know. Similar to when you invite others over to your home, you need to notify everyone who lives with you in advance. This is polite and allows them to formulate a plan for themselves throughout the process.
  2. Plan a few activities. This pretty much depends on what you both enjoy doing together. Make the visit more fun by doing things you both enjoy. You can try the following examples:
    • Watch a movie or TV show.
    • Let's cook dinner together.
    • Dance to some music you like.
  3. Invite a girlfriend to come home. Once you feel comfortable and you have established a good relationship with the person you love, you can invite her over to your home. Let her know when and your plan.
    • Don't expect to ask questions. The answer is entirely up to your girlfriend.
    • If she agrees, enjoy this time together.
    • If she doesn't want to come over to your house, don't be disappointed. You can suggest to meet at a different time and place.
  4. Housecleaning. First impressions are important and owning a cluttered or dirty house will make your new guest feel uncomfortable.You should clean the house before your partner comes over to make this visit more comfortable. You should clean all common areas of the house:
    • Vacuum or sweep the house.
    • Clean and dust all surfaces.
    • Tidy up all household items.
    • Wash dishes or do laundry.
    • Take out the trash as trash will make your house smell.


  • Don't be in a hurry. Make sure every step in your relationship goes through in a healthy way and that you both feel comfortable with them.
  • Open communication is a great way to improve any relationship.
  • Make your house more attractive by cleaning it up before your girlfriend comes over.