How to get your ex back to your side

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get your ex back when they don’t have feelings for you
Video: How to get your ex back when they don’t have feelings for you


Breaking up is difficult, but it's great when your ex wants to be with you. The resumption of the old love will begin after the two of you just broke up. However, what you do can either help or hurt the relationship. By taking the time to look back at your relationship, your efforts on your part, and the right ways of communicating, you can win over your ex's heart.


Part 1 of 2: Prepare to conquer her

  1. Try not to contact her. Make a plan not to have contact with your ex for a while. This includes phone calls, texting, social media interactions and face-to-face meetings. You will not initiate contact or express any response. This is a way to give both of you time to acknowledge and heal your emotions.
    • The non-contact period will last for 21, 30 or 45 days. No matter what time frame you choose, be consistent with your plan.
    • Not being in touch will give you both time to heal your emotions and give your ex-girlfriend time to miss you.
    • If the relationship has ended badly, this time can help you calm down and overcome your negative emotions.

  2. Stop interacting with her on social media. Even if you are no longer in contact with your ex, seeing the pictures and knowing what she is doing will make you want to contact her. Continually updating her on social media will make it harder for you. In addition, you will also accidentally know some information that you should not know, such as she is dating someone else.
    • If necessary, you should unfriend or block your ex on social media. You shouldn't let your ex know that you are planning to conquer her.
    • Also, don't write about how you feel sad or depressed after you break up.

  3. Looking back on your relationship. Since you are no longer in contact with your ex, you will have time to think about your past relationship. Recognize the pros and cons of the relationship. Think about what you did well and not. Besides, think about what you can change if you get the chance to be with her.
    • Better yet, write a list of pros and cons. This will help you look at your old relationship.

  4. Take care of yourself. You need to be the best version of yourself. This will make you more attractive when you contact your ex. Eat healthy and exercise. Also, spend time with people who love you, like friends and family. Try doing things you didn't have time to do while you were with your ex, such as volunteering, playing video games, reading, etc.
    • If you don't like hanging out a lot or meeting lots of people, that's okay. Do whatever you need to heal your emotions after a breakup, such as meditate, write a journal, or spend some time watching a movie by yourself.
    • If there is a personality trait or problem you have experienced in a previous relationship, such as anger, jealousy, insecurity, disregard for her feelings or over-control, try to find ways to reform good that.
    • Write about the type of man you want to be and work on improving each side.
  5. Avoid talking about her in a negative way. After breaking up, it's easy to say bad things about your ex. You can say something you don't want. Saying bad things about her to her family, friends, or friends isn't going to help. If your ex finds out that you slander her, you will lose your chance to get back to her.
    • Try to keep everything related to your relationship private.
    • Avoid writing about your relationships on social media. This includes hidden messages, such as lyrics, songs or quotes.

Part 2 of 2: Reaching an ex

  1. Contact your ex. Once the quiet period has passed, you will resume contact with your ex. You can email, call, write or send a message. If you email or send a letter, you will make it clear that you have accepted the breakup, apologize for your mistakes, and tell some interesting things about your life after the breakup.
    • If you're sending a text, make sure to create something that triggers the conversation and flirts somewhat, but without any negative feelings.
    • Try the message "Hi, I'm watching TV and this program suddenly reminds me of you :)". You can also text a memory between you two. For example, "I remember when we went to eat at a restaurant ...".
    • You should not mention the issue of resuming your old love or you miss her or are still in love with her the first time you contact her.
  2. Admit your mistake and apologize. You have had time to reflect on your relationship. Now is the time to admit my time wrong and apologize to her. Here's how to let her know you've grown up and think a lot about your troubles. She is also starting to realize you're trying to be a good man.
    • You can meet her in person or call her. Better yet, you should not text too long and contain a lot of emotions.

  3. See you soon. After you and your ex have resumed contact, try asking her if she wants to date or hang out. Try to speak calmly and politely when asking questions. Don't take this seriously. Try saying, "Would you like to go for coffee or milk tea?" or "Let's meet!". You can also use the word "hanging out" instead of "dating".
    • If she is hesitant, you can say, "It's just going to have coffee. You don't need to worry."
    • If she doesn't want to see you, don't push on. Give her some space. You can say "I respect your decision, but if you change your mind please let me know. I'd love to see you again".

  4. Flirt with her one more time. In order to win over your ex, you have to do things you used to do before to get her interested. If you've ever sent flowers or sweet notes, start over. See this as an opportunity for a new relationship. You should try to "knock over" her one more time.
    • Even though you want to impress, don't stick around or beg her to reunite. This only makes you look insecure and weak. You want her to come back because you are a good man, not because she is sorry for you.
    • Don't say "I can't live without you".

  5. Avoid talking about the past. You and your ex are starting over. Focus on the positive things that made the past relationship good. If you conquer her with humor, keep making her laugh. If she likes what you cook, you will prepare a delicious meal for her.
    • Focus on creating new memories with her. She wants to see the difference when she gets back to you.
  6. Start slowly. When you get back together, the two of you cannot continue from the previous stop. Let's start out as a new relationship. Take the time to get to know each other one more time. However, don't overwhelm her or pressure her to come back to you. You should only focus on building a strong friendship.
    • Don't text or call her every day.
    • Make an appointment with her and do a few things together. Find out about her habits, likes and dislikes again.
    • Avoid intimate contact at this point and only spend a lot of time talking.
  7. Know when to quit. If your ex has completely rejected your efforts, respect her decision. If she wants to be alone or she wants to forget about her old relationship, do the same. The act of clinging or being stubborn will make you worse in her eyes and destroy any chances of bringing her back to you.
    • If she has a new boyfriend, respect her new relationship. Don't try to get her to break up with your current boyfriend. Be patient and wait to see if her new relationship is serious or just temporary.


  • Breaking up is heartbreaking, but you should be strong. Talk to her and if she doesn't want to go back, accept and forget about it.
  • Always be patient because the time it takes to get back together is usually longer than you expected.
  • If you want your ex back to be with you, you must always be the man she has always wanted.
  • Even if the two of you can't get back together, you'll be fine.