How to start a bright new year

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bert Jansch - Bright New Year
Video: Bert Jansch - Bright New Year


After the New Year's Eve, it's time to start making new year resolutions! If you're looking for a way to start a bright new year, consider changing your look, cleaning up your life, and setting new goals and plans.You can try things like getting a hairdresser, donating any more weary clothes, starting an exercise routine or doing a random good job. Planning is also important to help you complete your work, enjoy a perfect day and stay optimistic, thereby helping you feel happy and then spread to others and make them feel. similar bliss. Small changes can have a positive effect on those around you, so be skillful in your choices. Whichever method you choose, it would be great to start the new year with a sense of freshness and focus so that you are always ready to welcome the new year.


Method 1 of 4: Refresh appearance

  1. Change hairstyles to refresh the face. Make an appointment with your hairdresser before the new year. You can trim your hair for a gentle change or choose a bold new hairstyle to completely change the look. This way, you will feel refreshed in the new year.
    • For example, if you have long, straight hair, consider a shoulder-length cut and layered styling.
    • If you have a short hairstyle, consider cutting the sides short for a gentle change. For example, if you're wearing pixie hairstyles, you can make them even shorter.

  2. Refresh your appearance with something new and different. Refreshing your appearance will help you feel confident entering the new year. You can try bold lip color, facial piercings, or change the style of glasses you're wearing. Find what fits your style and budget and choose something new!
    • You can also dye your hair brightly, shop for new clothes you like, or invest in new shoes.

  3. Start an exercise routine. Think about your current health and comprehensive fitness goals, then plan to improve your fitness based on your current circumstances. For example, you could start walking about 20 minutes a day after work or training for a marathon in the fall. Start as simple and slow as you can to maintain your goals.
    • If you are new to exercising, find a gym around where you live and start going to the gym about 3 times a week. To get started, walk on the treadmill for about 20 minutes at a time.
    • If you are a sports lover, set a goal like improving your BMI or reaching your six pack abs by the end of the year.

Method 2 of 4: Change of attitude

  1. Practice gratitude every day so that your life is always a good thing. Practicing gratitude can boost your overall mood and improve your outlook on life. Every day before you go to bed, write down 3 things for which you are grateful. Also, don't forget to show gratitude to the people in your life by telling them how much you value them.
    • For example, you could write things like, "I really appreciate my good cat," or "I'm so grateful for today's rays of the sun."
  2. Include positive affirmations in your daily routine. A positive affirmation is meant to be a simple, concise statement that you can use as a reminder for a day. Using positive affirmations will increase your self-esteem over time, and it can be helpful to kick off a bright new year. To form positive affirmations, find a phrase that suits yourself, like "I absolutely deserve it," or "I dare take a challenge." Say this first to yourself in the morning and throughout the day when you begin to feel suspicious.
    • Adjust your affirmation to suit your life and specific circumstances. For example, if you are trying to be a friend who always helps others, your affirmation should be "I am a cheerful and loyal person."
  3. Works well randomly and frequently. Random good deeds are doing small and purposeful actions that bring everyone happiness. Do these actions without the pursuit of repayment, but simply help brighten someone's day. This is a great way to start the new year with an optimistic and loving commitment.
    • You can do things like generously praise someone, smile at strangers, and volunteer for charities.
    • Picking up trash on the side of the road, helping the elderly cross the street or giving food to the homeless.
    • You can also pay the next person for coffee or give the waiter a large tip.

Method 3 of 4: Clean up your habitat

  1. Start early spring cleaning to rearrange your space. Before the new year, clean up rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and / or the basement. Clean up any cluttered areas, dispose of trash and rearrange messy items. This way, you will welcome the new year with a neat and tidy feel.
    • Cleaning the car is also helpful. For example, disposing of trash, and rearranging the center console and glove box.
  2. Rearrange your clothes and throw away items you don't wear often. The New Year is a great time to run a wardrobe inventory and throw away clothes that are too tight or no longer suited to your style. Take clothes from each drawer, and then sort them into a pile of clothes that will keep and a pile of clothes to give away. Then, fold the clothes neatly and store them in a drawer or closet. This helps you free up space and refresh your style.
    • After you categorize a pile of “let-down” clothes, consider giving these items to a friend or family member, or giving them back to a charity or consignment store.
  3. Paint the walls to refresh your room. Consider repainting the walls in the house before the New Year. Cover floors and furniture with fabric coverings, and use a paint roller tool to paint interior walls. For example, you can choose a new color to change the familiar wall color.
  4. Buy some new decorations to refurbish your living space. Visit thrift stores or home furnishings, and pick out a few new items to redecorate your home. For example, you could buy 2-3 new decorative pillows, a rug, a lamp or a bookshelf. Decorating some new items will make your home bright and new.
    • You can also consider small decorative items such as paperweight, vase, and magnets.

Method 4 of 4: Set goals and intentions

  1. Set a goal to try something new every month. In addition to your New Year's personal commitments, it can be really helpful to try to step out of your comfort zone at least once a month. You can plan to do something new every month or choose a few and do it when the time comes. Whatever it is, choose something you've never done before or learn about something completely new to broaden your horizons and cultivate knowledge that will help you improve yourself.
    • Try something new that can be as simple as enjoying a dish you've never tried before.
    • You can enjoy exciting activities like boating, horseback riding or parachuting.
    • Other ideas include taking a language class, joining a yoga studio, or planning a camping trip.
  2. Make a list of 20-50 goals that you will try out next year. Before the new year, sit down with a notebook and write down a few things you want to do for the year. Choose goals that are simple and easy to follow like "eat a lot of green vegetables" or concrete and realistic goals like "going back to college". Add as many goals to your list as you feel you need to, and tick after these goals for the year are fulfilled. This list provides you with a visual reference, and can be helpful when trying to set a goal.
    • You can use this list to generate ideas about new things to try each month.
    • A few ideas for the goal list might be visiting New York City, picking pumpkins yourself, adopting a puppy, taking cooking classes and traveling on the beach.
  3. Updates Updates resume to be ready to welcome new opportunities. Before the new year, open up your resume, read through, and find a way to refresh it. For example, if you just started a new job at the end of the year, add the job to the “Jobs” section. You can also update the date again to show the new year. That way, if you want to apply for another job, you are always ready if the time comes.
    • You can also update your contact information or address.
  4. Try to improve the habit of going to bed early. When the new year comes, enjoying a better, deeper sleep will be a great goal to add to your commitment list. You can aim for deeper relaxation before bed, such as taking a bath, drinking chamomile tea, and reading a book. You can also get into bed and wake up at the same time each day to get used to your circadian rhythm. The results of improved sleep will help you feel focused and energized for the year.
    • You can also apply white noise or natural sounds to help you fall asleep.
    • Consider taking melatonin supplements if you find it difficult to sleep. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain that helps regulate the sleep cycle. By taking about 1-3 mg per day, you can enjoy better and deeper sleep over time.

Advice from an expert

Start the new year bright with a few simple steps that can change your life:

  • Reflect on the past year. Think about your position and what goals you have fulfilled or not completed. Let that be the premise for you to set new year's goals.
  • Make a plan for yourself. Write down a timeline to capture the changes and milestones you want to achieve next year. Be realistic with the scenarios you set for yourself and manage your expectations.
  • Help me. After setting a goal, don't be afraid to ask for help. Never think that people will refuse when you ask them for help. Support and accountability will always be helpful as you make a change.


  • Ask a close friend to do some of the things on this list with a friend. This is a good way to make New Year's commitments interesting and exciting.


  • Avoid setting too many goals. Sometimes, trying to accomplish too many goals at once can be overwhelming instead of inspired. Conceptualize your life and start with simple goals so that you can accomplish them well!