Ways to Activate a Woman's Desire with Words

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Each girl is different and they are prompted by different things, so you have to personalize what you are going to say to her; however, there are a few suggestions that can help you excite almost any girl, provided you're dating her. You have to spend a lot of time talking to them, as the slow, seductive pace will achieve much better results.


Part 1 of 2: Warm up

  1. Speak directly. When verbally provoking a girl, it is important for her to hear your voice; Don't try to stimulate your daughter's desire by texting via MSN, IM or texting over the phone. This can be done, but words will be much more effective because she can hear the seductive rhythm of your voice.
    • Try to speak in a low voice. Research shows that men with low voices have a sexier sex partner, and women are more attracted to men with low voices. But that doesn't mean you have to lower your voice if it feels unnatural, as it won't make your girlfriend want. But if you are used to speaking in a high voice, try to lower it while flirting to pique her.

  2. Prepare your mood. When you start to speak, you have to get in the mood for the whole talk by saying things like "I can't stop thinking about you", or "I have been looking forward to hearing your voice all day." This helps create intimacy, and lets her know you feel like being intimate. Make sure the surrounding space is comfortable, sexy and with no one else but the two of you; You shouldn't provoke your girlfriend in public.
    • Other things you should say are: "Until today when you are away, I will know how much I miss you", or "You look so beautiful every day". Keep it short and sweet; A compliment that is too long may not produce the desired results or cause her to misunderstand.
    • Don't compare her to other women. Whether you want to say that she's smarter, prettier or that her presence makes you happier, avoid this kind of comparison. Your girlfriend doesn't want you to compare yourself to other women because she doesn't want you to think about them. She wants you to think only about her. If she thinks you are thinking of other women, it will distract her.

  3. Ask good questions. Ask her how she gets the chance to give long answers, like "Tell me what you did today?", Or "Do you have any interesting plans for this weekend?" This gives her a chance to talk more and also shows that you care about her.
    • Asking good questions shows you care about what she wants to say. Girls want to look "sexy" and attractive; For her, a smooth talk is a way to prepare the mood.
    • If she answers briefly, then you ask more questions, that shows that you care about her and really want to know. Make a point so she can talk about what she likes, while listening to it conscientiously.
    • Be funny or playful if possible. Girls like guys who have a sense of humor, and people who know how to joke. If you can make her laugh, it will be easier to pique her desires. Find and practice making jokes that you think she likes, or come up with jokes that are just for her when needed.

  4. Praise her when it's appropriate. If your girlfriend asks about the situation for the day, say you thought about her. Add a little extra by complimenting her looks, but don't be too vulgar. A statement like "I can't stop thinking about you and your charming smile" is appropriate.
    • Extend the conversation by asking questions about her and showing interest in what she says. Continually giving a lot of subtle compliments is a way to arouse lust in your girlfriend. Come up with something simple to say about her and make her feel special in your eyes.
    • Girls love being noticed about something about them that they also like. So if you know your girlfriend likes her eye color, compliment her eye color ("I like your eyes when you smile"). If she likes hair then you say "My hair looks so smooth and comfortable, you know how pretty it makes me look?"
    • Start offering a little more erotic compliments. If she says "Come on!" or "You're just exaggerating!" While giggling you go on to say erotic compliments. Surely you are on the right track.
  5. Start by describing the non-rude things you want to do for her. Make sure what you are going to say sounds erotic and romantic, not vulgar or dirty. Don't be too vulgar when you first start talking about what you want to do; You need to take the lead slowly so she won't be surprised.
    • First you should come up with some suggestions, for example: "If it's just the two of us, I will run my finger into your hair while you kiss. I will massage your back while you kiss the neck. will lie next to her and run her fingers through her charming curves ", etc ... Come up with other phrases! Using lots of visual or imaginative words helps.
    • Here are some compliments you can use: "I thought of you when I woke up this morning. Just as I thought about you when I went to bed last night. You know what I thought about? I thought about the two. We lie hugging each other in bed. That makes me happy. "
    • You can also say: "You give me goosebumps. Every time you touch me, I want to go crazy inside, because I know only you can do that. Just your smile will melt away. flowing my heart ".
  6. Make her feel special. In your own way, make your girlfriend feel like she is the sexiest woman in existence. Make her think erotic about you and make sure she won't stop thinking about you after the talk. This is the most important when it comes to arousing sexual desires; You shouldn't let her feel ordinary.
    • While using provocative speech, be sure to let her see that you won't talk to any other girl in this way. Show her how fortunate you are to be with her.

Part 2 of 2: Increasing heat

  1. Say you want her. You should say simple sentences when you want to increase the heat, such as "I want to have you". You can add a little extra, but this will make your girlfriend understand that you want to be physically close to her, and possibly arouse her desire. Make eye contact with her to show that you are not shy about what you want and need. Here are other things you can say:
    • "Now I really want you".
    • "I want you all day long".
    • "I never wanted you so much".
    • "The dress I'm wearing makes me look sexier than ever."
  2. Compliment something about her body. To push the story to the climax, you can compliment your girlfriend's body in a more gentle way. As long as you are sure that she is accepting and responding to compliments about non-facial body parts, you can go a step further by complimenting the parts of her body that make you want. Make sure you don't offend her and that your compliments are being accepted by her. Here's what you can say:
    • "Your breasts look so beautiful in that dress."
    • "How charming your legs look".
    • "I like the way you shake your waist".
  3. Say what you want to do with her. Now that you've complimented your girlfriend's body, you can go a step further and say what you want to do with her body. You can be a little more specific if you want to, but in general, just say enough for her to picture your hands caressing her body, which is more than enough to arouse lust in. her. Here are the things you can say:
    • "I want to rub my hands on your thighs".
    • "I yearn to kiss you on the back of your neck".
    • "I want to cuddle and kiss you everywhere".
  4. Say what you want her to do for you. While using your girlfriend's stimulant language, you can say what you want her to do for you.This will create a erotic image in her mind and immediately make her lust. Make sure she has done these things before, of course, to avoid surprising her or losing her interest because it sounds too obvious or blunt. Here are the things you can tell her:
    • "I want you to take off my shirt".
    • "I want you to kiss my chest and shoulder."
    • "I want you to climb on top of me and start kissing my neck."
  5. Describe how she makes you feel. If you want to make your girlfriend lust, don't be ashamed of expressing your desires when you see her. She will be aroused only by the thought that you desire when she is around. Here are some ways for you to express how she feels about you:
    • "As long as you are by my side, I want to make me want."
    • "You make me so hot".
    • “My whole body throbbed every time I saw you. I don't know how you make me like it ”.
  6. Revealing fantasy images. Another way to provoke a girlfriend is to let her know what you imagine when you are with her. This may involve playing someone else's role, about the naked things you want to do for her or want her to do for you, or about a place where you've always wanted to have sex. Don't be afraid to tell her what you often dream about, and see if you can make it come true together.
    • You should also let your girlfriend say what she fantasizes about. This will make you two want each other more.
  7. Consider sending your girlfriend a text to keep her provoked. While talking directly is the best way to provoke a girlfriend, you can keep that feeling in her after saying goodbye by sending her a erotic text at the end of the day to let her know you are okay. Think about her and her body. Keep it sweet and short, but make sure it's content enough to make her lust and ready for the next meeting. Here are the things you can say:
    • “I can't stop thinking about what happened last night. I just hope to see you again ”.
    • "When I close my eyes, all I see is your jade body".
    • “I had a great time with you last night. I just hope to continue to hold you in my arms ”.


  • Don't repeatedly show this behavior. She will find your flattering behavior simply shows you want to have sex, and this can easily ruin the relationship.
  • Let your girlfriend feel that she is wanted by you, and that she is interested in you. If you see your girlfriend quiet, ask romantic questions while holding her hand, but you can be more creative. Remember that sexual perceptions can ruin a relationship.
  • You can avoid moments of silence by taking it slow, and only increase the heat when she is ready.
  • Don't praise your girlfriend too much because it will make her feel like she needs to be wary of what you intend to do, and will find that you are trying to pull her away.
  • You need a confident and charismatic voice to do this.
  • If, after complimenting or saying erotic things she didn't say anything for a long time, you might have scared her out of seeing your over-eagerness, or because she was indulging in your words. You must evaluate this for yourself. (If you can't read what she thinks, move on. Touch in some way but absolutely avoid sex until you know what she wants.)


  • If at any time you make her lose her mood and the talk is a dead end, stop. You can try again on another occasion.