How to cry on the spot

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Cry on Cue: Pro Acting Coach Will Have You Crying in 90 Seconds, Guaranteed
Video: How to Cry on Cue: Pro Acting Coach Will Have You Crying in 90 Seconds, Guaranteed


Whether you are an actor or need a few tears to make your fluffy story more convincing, knowing how to cry on the spot can be a useful skill. With a little practice, you will soon be able to cry as you like.


Method 1 of 3: Create tears

  1. Keep your eyes open for as long as possible. When it has to be opened continuously, the eyes will dry out and begin to shrink. Over time, dry eyes will trigger your tears to rise, so try not to blink until you feel your tears begin to form.
    • If you have a fan nearby, try to stand with the wind blowing in your eyes to stimulate your tears.
    • Tears will appear even faster if you can stare into strong light.

  2. Eye injury. Close your eyes and gently rub your eyelids for about 25 seconds, then open your eyes and stare at something until your tears start rolling down. It may take a little practice to do this, but once you get used it can be very effective. When you rub your eyelids, you will make the skin around the eyes red, but remember not to rub it too hard or it will damage your eyes.
    • Gently touch the index finger on the pupil in the eye. This will irritate the eyes and may lead to watery eyes. However, you need to be careful not to accidentally poke your eyes.

  3. Bite the inside of the lips. The slight pain often causes tears to spring up, and you can take advantage of this if you want to cry on the spot. This trick is especially helpful if you are biting your lip while thinking about something sad.
    • Try holding your breath as you bite the inside of your mouth, which can help you focus on the pain sensation.
    • You can also manually manipulate sensitive parts of your body such as the thighs or the skin between your thumb and index finger.

  4. Apply under eye a tear irritant. You can imitate movie stars, use the menthol to create tears to gently apply under the eyes. This method can sting your eyes, but it looks very real. However, you need to be very careful, do not apply it in the eyes.
    • You can also use eye drops to pretend your face is fading away. You just need to put the eye drop in the corner of the eye so that the medicine drips down your face as it really is.
  5. Cut onions. Cutting an unwashed onion is a very effective way to stimulate watery eyes. This method is probably best when you're acting, but in reality it's hard to make people believe your tears are real if you take out an onion and cut it before the tear starts. down!
    • If you can escape to another room for a while, grab a few slices of onion and bring it close to your eyes. When your tears start to flow, return to where the people are talking.
  6. Try forcing yourself to yawn. Yawning causes tears to come up, and if you yawn enough, you can shed tears. You can use something to cover your mouth when you yawn. You can also yawn without opening your mouth for a more realistic look. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Think about things that make you want to cry

  1. Think about when you felt really emotional. If there was a time when you needed to cry, recalling a sad moment can put you in the mood to cry. For example, you might recall the passing of a loved one or a painful breakup to find your feelings.
    • Other emotional factors can include things like: you lost something so valuable, ran into trouble with your parents, or lost something that you worked so hard to achieve. .
  2. Imagine you are weak and have nowhere to hold your back. Many people have a fear that they are not as strong as they think they are. Visualizing that you are small and weak can bring out a sense of vulnerability that makes you truly shed tears.
    • Once you touch the emotion, let the feeling of weakness flow into tears of fear.
    • For example, a common exercise in drama classes is to imagine yourself as an abandoned child.
  3. Visualize sadness with your imagination. Sometimes, flashbacks of past sad experiences can lead to real feelings that are difficult to overcome. In this case, try to imagine something dramatic could happen instead of thinking about personal events.
    • For example, think about puppies that have been left on the roadside. You want to save everything, but you can only hold one child. When you hold the puppy you have to save in your arms, look back at the remaining puppies you cannot hold.
  4. Tears of joy if you don't want to feel sad. Imagine tears of happiness filling your eyes, like when you were given a meaningful gift by someone, like the moment a veteran is reunited with his family, or when someone else is adversity conquered.
    • As long as you don't smile, no one will know whether you are crying from happiness or sadness.

Method 3 of 3: Improve crying techniques

  1. Make a real crying face. This technique involves closing your eyes and frowning slightly - just imagine yourself feeling emotional by recalling the expression on which you were crying. If you don't know what your face was like, look in the mirror, pretend you're crying, and notice how your facial muscles feel.
    • Lower the corners of the lips a little.
    • Try to raise the inner corners of your brow slightly up.
    • Wrinkled his chin like someone was about to burst into tears. This facial expression can look artificial if you overdo it, so try to be a little subtle.
  2. Focus on your breathing. Breathing is the part of acting that makes people believe you're emotional. Start sobbing by crying out loud, while taking deep breaths. Breathe in repeatedly as if you are going into a quick breath. Hiccup a bit sometimes to sound real.
    • If no one sees, run in the spot for a few minutes to appear short of breath. It also makes your skin look the usual smudge when people cry.
  3. Bow your head or cover your face for a more realistic look. Once you have created tears, played a crying face and started breathing quickly, you can add a few more expressions such as hiding your face in your hands, lowering your head on the table or bowing your head so it looks sad. .
    • You can also bite your lip as if you're doing your best to stop the flow of tears.
    • Look away, try to pretend you didn't cry for your real purpose!
  4. Add moans to sound like crying. The vocal cords will stretch when you cry. This will result in a hoarse sound or groan if you try to speak while crying. Try to act as if you're choking on words and inhale for a long time to create more effect.
    • This is fundamentally like using your mind to overwhelm your body, and the more you show it out, the more your body will obey the will to produce the desired effects.
  5. Get rid of what's going on around you. If you want to cry the way you want to cry, you need to relax, take a breath, and focus on the reason you are crying. By letting go of distractions, you can dig deeper into the emotions you are expressing.
  6. Hidden face in and palm laugh if you don't feel sad. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if someone is smiling or crying if they do it the right way. While covering your face, shake your shoulders and try to make your eyes a little red by rubbing your eyes against your hands and not smiling when you remove your hands from your face.
    • This works best when you're acting on stage and the audience isn't sitting close enough to see your tears or seeing every detail of your face.
    • Make sure there is no sound, or you will be exposed as laughing! If you ever burst into laughter, immediately follow up with a cry like a sob or sob, but don't exaggerate.


  • Stay hydrated. If you don't have enough water in your body, you won't be able to produce tears.
  • Trying to stop the tears. If you find it difficult to cry, sometimes don't cry but act as if you're trying to hold your tears better, especially if you are often "tough". This can also be more credible, as you appear to be even more vulnerable.
  • Try crying while watching a scene where an actor is crying to practice.
  • Try blinking quickly; Sometimes this can cause tears.
  • Don't act overly or too revealing because you can make the person you're trying to convince doubt. Show yourself that you don't want to cry in front of them and be a little embarrassed. You might even apologize for crying!
  • Do not exaggerate, people may think you are crying pretend.


  • Don't try to make an unfamiliar expression that makes you feel uncomfortable; instead, relax the muscles in your face.
  • Never look at the sun to try to make tears - most of the day, the sun emits enough radiation to destroy your eyesight!
  • If you use a tear stick or any other tear fluid, don't get in your eyes to avoid damage your eyesight!
  • If you wear dark eyeshadow, your tears will almost certainly ruin your eyeliner, and you will have to put on makeup again, but on the other hand, a smudged mascara can help.
  • Do not cause excessive eye irritation. You can damage your eyes if you are not careful.