How to Unlock the Chakras

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (POWERFUL!)
Video: The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA Energy! (POWERFUL!)


According to Hindu and / or Buddhist beliefs, chakras are vast (but closed) energy areas in the body that control our spiritual attributes. It is thought that there are seven chakras in total; the four chakras in the upper body control the mental properties, and the three chakras in the lower body, control the instinctive characteristics. That is:

Muladhara chakra (root) Svadhisthana chakra (sacrum) Manipura chakra (sun tufts) Anahata chakra (heart) Visuddhi chakra (throat) Ajna chakra (third eye) Sahasrara chakra (crown)
According to the Buddhist / Hindu teachings, all chakras have an effect on a person's well-being and well-being. Our instincts are often associated with our feelings and thoughts. Some chakras are often not fully opened (that is, they function just as we were when they were born), but some are overactive, or even nearly closed. If the chakras are not in balance, we will not achieve inner relaxation.

Read on to discover the art of chakras awareness as well as a very effective way to uncover them.


  1. Understand that if you are opening up the chakras, you will not need to try to control the overactive chakras. They merely compensate for the inactivity of the closed chakras. Once all the chakras have been cleared, the energy will be adjusted and become balanced.

  2. Opening the Root Chakra (red). This chakra is based on physical awareness and comfort in many situations. When the Root chakra is open, you will feel balanced, clear, steady, and secure. You do not doubt the people around you without cause. You can feel reality with what's happening in that moment and be closely connected with your body. If this chakra is not working, you are often frightened or nervous and it is easy to feel like you are not welcome. If this chakra is overactive, you tend to be materialistic and greedy. You feel like you're always safe and don't adapt to change.
    • Be physically active and aware of it. Practice yoga, walk around the neighborhood or clean the house. These activities will help you feel your body and strengthen the chakras.

    • Grounding. This means you connect to the ground and feel it under your feet. Stand up straight and relaxed, feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly slack. Move your pelvis slightly forward and keep your body level so that the weight is evenly distributed under the soles of your feet, then lower the center of gravity forward. Hold this position for a few minutes.

    • After connecting to the ground, sit cross-legged as shown below.

    • The tip of the thumb and index finger touch each other in a gentle motion.

    • Focusing on the Root chakra and its meaning, this chakra lies at the point between the genitals and anus.

    • Repeat the "LAM" sound over and over again, speaking softly but clearly.
    • During the practice, you need to relax your body, thinking about the chakra, what it means and how it works or how it affects your life.
    • Continue until you are completely relaxed. This can give you a feeling of "cleanliness".
    • Picture a closed red flower. Imagine a very powerful source of energy emanating from it: a flower blooming with four energetic petals.

    • Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, hold your breath, and relax.

  3. Opening of the sacral chakra (orange). This chakra is responsible for sensation and sexuality. When the sacral chakra unfolds, your sensations will be released and manifest outwardly, but not excessively. You will be open to intimacy and at the same time be able to be passionate and sociable. You also won't have a problem with sex. If this chakra is inactive, you are often passive and emotionally lacking, and you are not really open to anyone. If this chakra is overactive, you will always be sensitive and emotional. You may also have a very high sexual desire.
    • Get on your knees, keeping your back straight, but relaxed.

    • Place your hands on your lap, hand on top of the other, palms up. The left palm is placed below the outside of the fingers of the right hand, the thumbs lightly touching.

    • Focusing on the sacral chakra and what it means, this chakra is located at the sacrum (lower back).

    • Repeat the "VAM" sound over and over again, speaking softly but clearly.
    • During the practice, you need to relax your body, thinking about the chakra, what it means and how it works or how it affects your life.
    • Continue practicing until you are completely relaxed. This time you will also feel "clean".
  4. Opening of the umbilical chakra (yellow). This chakra controls confidence, especially when you are in a group. When the Navel chakra opens, you will feel more in control and a sense of your true worth. If this chakra is inactive, you tend to be passive and hesitant. You may experience fear all the time and it is not in your favor. If this chakra is overactive, you tend to be domineering and aggressive.
    • Get on your knees, keeping your back straight, but relaxed.

    • Place your hands in front of your stomach, slightly lower than the sun bun. Fingers are clustered together and out of body. Two thumbs crossed and fingers stretched (this is important).

    • Focusing on the umbilical chakra and what it means, this chakra is located on the spine, slightly above the navel.

    • Repeating the "RAM" sound, speaking softly but clearly.
    • During the practice, you need to relax your body, thinking about that chakra, what it means, how it works or how it affects your life.
    • Continue practicing until completely relaxed. You will have a feeling of "pure" (with all chakras).
  5. Open the Heart chakra (green). This chakra revolves around love, care, and affection. When the Heart Chakra opens, you tend to be compassionate and friendly with people, always maintaining intimate relationships. If this chakra is inactive, you are usually cold and unfriendly. If this chakra is overactive, you tend to "love" people too much to make them claustrophobic and possibly perceived as selfish in this regard.
    • Sit cross-legged.

    • The thumb and index fingers of both hands were clustered together.

    • Place left hand on left knee and right hand on chest below sternum.

    • Focusing on the Heart chakra and what it means, this chakra is located on the spine, at the same level as the heart.

    • Repeat the "YAM" sound, speaking softly but clearly.
    • During the practice, you need to relax your body, thinking about that chakra, what it means and how it works or affects your life.
    • Continue practicing until you are completely relaxed, and a feeling of "cleansing" comes back and / or intensifies strongly in your body.
  6. Opening the Throat Chakra (blue). This chakra is based on self-transmission and expression. When the Throat Chakra opens, it becomes easier to express yourself, and art is a great way to do this. If this chakra is inactive, you are usually quiet and classified as the timid type. If you lie frequently, this chakra can become clogged. If this chakra is overactive, you tend to talk too much and annoy people. Then you too may not be able to listen.
    • Kneel down like the above step.

    • The fingers of the hands interlocked inside the palm, minus the two thumbs. The thumb tips are touching and pointing up slightly.

    • Focus on the Throat chakra and what it means; This chakra is located at the back of the throat.

    • Repeat the "HAM" sound over and over again, speaking softly but clearly.
    • During the practice, you need to relax your body, thinking about that chakra, what it means and how it works or affects your life.
    • Continue practicing for about 5 minutes and the feeling of "cleanliness" increases again.
  7. Opening the Third Eye Chakra (indigo). As its name implies, this chakra controls insight. When this chakra unfolds, you will have outstanding clairvoyance and often dream. If this chakra is not working well, you tend to rely on others to think for you. Because you depend too much on beliefs, you get confused very often. If this chakra is overactive, you tend to live all day in the fantasy world. At the extreme level, you may experience delusional dreams, even hallucinations.
    • Sit cross-legged.

    • Place your hands on your lower chest. Two middle fingers stretched, fingertips touching, facing out of body. The other fingers are folded, the top two knuckles are touching each other. The tips of the thumbs touched and turned towards the torso.

    • Focus on the Third Eye and what it means; This chakra is located between the ends of the brow and slightly higher than the brow.

    • Repeat the "OM" sound again and again, speaking softly but clearly.
    • During the practice period, the body's relaxed state naturally occurs. Continue thinking about that chakra, what it means, how it works, or how it affects your life.
    • Continue practicing until the feeling of "cleansing" seems to return or become stronger.
  8. Opening the Crown Chakra (purple). This is the seventh and most sacred chakra, the chakra of wisdom and harmony with the universe. As the crown chakra unfolds, prejudices will disappear from your to-do list, and you seem to become more aware of the world and the connection between you and the world. If this chakra is inactive, you are usually not very spiritual and may be rigid in thinking. If this chakra is overactive, you tend to be philosophical about everything. Spirituality always seems to be the first thing that comes to mind, and if this becomes overwhelming, you can even ignore all the body's needs (food, water, and shelter).
    • Sit cross-legged.
    • Place your hands on your stomach. The tips of the little fingers touch each other, up and away from the body, the remaining fingers are interlocked, the left hand thumb is under the right thumb.

    • Focus on the Crown chakra and its meaning; This chakra is located on the crown of the head.

    • Repeating the "NG" sound, speak softly but clearly. (Yes, this sound is as difficult as it is written.)
    • During the entire period of practice, you need to be completely relaxed and calm, but be constantly focused on the crown chakra.
    • This meditation posture lasts the longest, no less than 10 minutes.
    • WARNING: Do not use this meditation position for the Crown chakra if the Root chakra is not strong or open. Before practicing with the final chakra, you should have a strong "foundation", and the exercises for the root chakra will give you this.


  • If you are a beginner, try not to meditate too much.
  • Try to meditate every day, even when you don't have a lot of time. You can meditate for as long as you want.
  • When activating the "third eye", gently squeeze around the area of ​​the third eye in a circular motion.
  • Sit in a quiet and warm place, practice these exercises like meditation. In summer you can sit in the field or in the garden. In winter, a warm room with no distractions is appropriate. If you have a sauna, it's also a great place to sit and clear your mind, though few people do.