How to give your girlfriend space

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Give Your Girlfriend Space & Let Her Come To You
Video: Give Your Girlfriend Space & Let Her Come To You


You may be in a relationship or are dating a girl you really like and enjoy spending time with. Things can go well in your mind, and therefore, if she asks you to pause, it may overwhelm you a little. Or maybe your relationship has been shaky for some time, because of which the girl may have a need for personal space. Keep in mind that pause can sometimes help people get even closer to each other. To give her freedom, change the way you communicate, enjoy your own life, and develop a relationship when the time is right.


Method 1 of 3: Change Your Communication

  1. 1 Grant her request. If a girl asks for personal space, it is important to grant her request, even if it is not easy. You don't have to constantly initiate a conversation or ask for a meeting. Take a little distance from her so she can miss you, and learn to enjoy life away from her.
  2. 2 Define "space" in your relationship. Once she asks for personal space, define what it means and how it looks in your relationship. Perhaps she is studying for exams and just needs a little time away from you to concentrate. Or maybe she begins to feel that she is losing herself in a relationship, and she wants to have more constant freedom to develop her interests and self-knowledge. Clarify the timing and metrics of this space to see if you are comfortable with that situation.
    • Suggest not texting during the day, but only calling once in the evening.
    • Notice how often she wants to see you in person.
  3. 3 Get in touch from time to time. Chances are, you are used to talking to a girl very often during the day, and it can be difficult for you to live without such communication. However, do not get in touch more than once a day unless absolutely necessary. It's okay to answer her calls and messages, but don't be the initiator of the conversation every time.
    • Call a friend when you want to connect with a girl, go for a run, or get distracted by something else.
  4. 4 Disappear from social media for a while. If she posts on social media very often, consider shutting down her accounts for a while so you don't be tempted to chat with her during her break. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe from her for this period.
    • Consider unfollowing her friends as well.
  5. 5 Practice positive self-talk. You may have been a little discouraged by the change in your relationship. However, this negativity can be countered by engaging in positive and constructive internal dialogues over time. Don't let your self-esteem collapse just because the girl needs some space.
    • You can repeat to yourself things like, "I'm amazing," "Everything will be okay," or, "I don't need to talk to her right now."
    • Consider also referring to yourself by name in these mantras. In difficult moments, say to yourself: "Petya, everything will be fine."

Method 2 of 3: Enjoy Your Own Life

  1. 1 Spend time with friends and family. The news that a girl needs space may shock you, but use this time to have some fun. There is no need to sit and mope as there are many other people to spend time with. Visit your family, hang out with friends and make plans for the future.
    • Avoid socializing with other girls during this time. Yes, you two took a break, but if you are not in an open relationship, or if you have not made an agreement to date other people, respect the girl and stay true to her.
  2. 2 Focus on work. Taking a break in your relationship will give you the perfect amount of free time to truly commit to your work. Consider taking on a few new projects, working overtime, or helping a colleague with a task. This is a great way to constructively use the break in your relationship to improve your skills and career.
  3. 3 Plan your time. If you used to spend a lot of time with a girl, now you will have a lot of free time at your disposal. Do not sit back, but rather have fun, take up a hobby, or even devote time to the TV series or movies you wanted to watch.
    • Consider asking your girl out on a date at least once a week so that the two of you don't drift apart.
  4. 4 Take care of yourself. During this time, do not allow yourself to forget about caring for your body and mind. Go to the gym with friends or go jogging around the area. Get a haircut or even buy some new clothes. Eat right and keep your environment clean.
  5. 5 Try new things. Perhaps there are some things that you wanted to try lately, but the girl was not interested. Whether it's a new Indian restaurant opening on your street or horse riding, start exploring your new interests. Developing hobbies outside of a relationship will benefit you and make you more active.
    • As a result, the girl may want to try these things with you.

Method 3 of 3: Build Your Relationship

  1. 1 Analyze the relationship. The pause will have no effect unless some rethinking is done during it. Consider what you could do to make the girl feel like she needs some space, and consider if you can prevent this from happening in the future. If it’s not you, think about her life in the moment and what she might need. The urge to pause may have little or nothing to do with you, so don't take it too personally.
  2. 2 Reconnect more consistently when the time is right. As soon as the girl has a little more free time or when she begins to communicate with you more often, contact her and find out if she still needs personal space. If not, spend some time together. And if she needs more time, give it as much as you can.
    • You could say something like, “I wanted to know if you still need a break in your relationship. It's okay if yes. I just wanted to make sure before I get in touch with you more often. "
  3. 3 Find a way to be happy together. Ask if something has cleared up for her during this time, if she liked being at a distance, and if she wants to increase the pause. Say you have learned, too, and reaffirm your desire to continue the relationship if you still feel it. Discuss how to avoid the need for personal space in the future, or how often to be alone with yourself.
    • For example, you may have accompanied a girl when she was having dinner or going to the movies with friends. Find out if she wants to spend this time without you.
  4. 4 Let go of the relationship if need be. After the two of you spend some time away, both of you may find that you enjoy being apart more than together. It can be sad to realize, but you have to understand that it is time for everyone to go their own way. Let go of the relationship and wish her all the best.