How to stimulate your breasts to grow faster

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer!
Video: Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer!


Breasts develop completely naturally during puberty and can change throughout your life. They will start to increase in size when you are between the ages of 8 and 13. However, twins can also continue to grow once you reach your 20s and will easily change shape and size with age, weight, and stage of pregnancy. Although DNA is the main factor determining your bust size, other factors such as weight, muscle mass, and age affect their appearance more or less. While waiting and time will make your bust grow, you can still try a few different methods to increase their size naturally, like eating certain foods and practicing exercises. special episode.


Method 1 of 3: 8n Diet Appropriate

  1. Absorb beneficial fats. Twin mounts are usually made up of adipose tissue, so they won't noticeably increase in size until you reach sufficient body fat percentage. To help them grow naturally, monounsaturated fats are the best choice. Healthy fats include olive essential oil, nuts, cheese, avocado, yogurt, and granola nutritional foods (oats mixed with different ingredients).
    • Women's bodies will stop ovulating and the menstrual cycle if their body fat percentage is below 17%. If you are past puberty but still do not have a menstrual cycle, then the correct and healthy increase in body fat will not only help your breasts grow, but also help your ovulation and menstruation return. regular.
    • Avoid other harmful fats like trans fats and saturated fats. These typically focus on areas of the body that women want to stay away from, such as the thighs, hips, and abdomen. Moreover, they are also responsible for health problems such as increased cholesterol.
    • Control yourself from processed foods, sweets, and sodas. They can make you gain weight but are bad for your health.

  2. Eat foods rich in estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone (also known as the female sex hormone). Getting enough estrogen will help your breasts grow. Natural sources of estrogen are commonly found in pumpkin, garlic, red beans, lima beans, chickpeas, eggplants, and flax seeds.
    • Increase consumption of soy products. These products are often high in isoflavones, which help the body increase the amount of estrogen and stimulate the growth of the mountain. Soybeans are also rich in protein, helping to build and repair tissues in the body. To see tangible results, you should try drinking soy milk, soybean butter,….

  3. Stay away from foods rich in testosterone (a male hormone). The reason here is that testosterone can decrease breast growth. So to minimize the production of testosterone in your body, you should say no to foods rich in carbohydrates, like chips, crackers, white rice, and baked goods.

  4. Provide protein. Protein is one of the best ways to increase breast size. Practice drinking plenty of milk, eating plenty of eggs, peanut butter, lean fish, chicken, and nuts. In any case, you should provide your body with a balanced and scientific diet, even if you are trying to grow your breasts faster or not.
    • When you eat more protein rich foods, the curves of your body become softer and more balanced.

  5. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Vegetables will help regulate testosterone levels in the body, while the anthocyanins and antioxidants in vegetables will help build healthy tissues and protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Make sure you consume a minimum of 4 servings per day.
    • Berries like blueberries are a great choice because they're high in antioxidants.
    • Besides, dates, cherries, apples, and plums should be included in your diet as they contain higher levels of estrogen compared to other foods.

  6. Drink a mixture of papaya juice and milk every day. Many studies have shown that one of the most effective methods to improve the growth of the mountain is to drink enough juice mixed with milk. The nutrients and vitamins contained in these two ingredients will help your breasts to plump up if you drink this mixture regularly.
    • Or you can eat ripe papaya as a substitute for papaya juice.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise

  1. Do yoga or pilates. These exercises will help tone and tighten the chest area. Of course, to practice these exercises, you require chest flexibility and strength. You will have the opportunity to train the chest muscles and lower muscles in the mountainous region. As these muscles improve by practicing classic yoga poses like chaturanga, your bust will also increase in size and shape.
  2. Chest push. Choose a dumbbell that weighs about 2.2 kg for each hand. Keep them on the side of the practice mat while you lie down. Instead of using a mat, you can also use a bench to exercise.
    • Bend your knees and squeeze your abs as much as you can.
    • Then, your hands will hold two dumbbells on each side. Raise hands over shoulder. The palms should face each other as the dumbbells are lifted.
    • Slowly lower your arms until your elbows touch the floor and place them beside your waist.
    • Stop and continue to gently lift the dumbbells. Repeat 12 times. Divide into 3 reps, each repetition to lift weights about 12 times and rest about 30 seconds each time.
    • Change the position of your hand so that the palm is facing your foot, and repeat the exercise. For this new pose, you can use about 4.5 kg dumbbells for exercise.
  3. Chest tightening exercises. Stand with your feet hip width apart. Use both hands to hold the ends of the towel, then, stretch your arms as far as possible in front of you. Squeeze your abdominal muscles, pulling the towel in opposite directions with your hands. Imagine you are playing tug of war. Hold the contraction for about 30 seconds to a minute and repeat about 3 times.
    • Increase the amount of time you spend tightening on the next day of exercise.
  4. Chest pressure exercises. Prepare a bench with a slope that will allow you to lie on your side. Of course you can also use a normal seat with a slope as it will give you more solid support. Choose a dumbbell about 2.2kg and put your back on the leaning exercise chair.
    • With each dumbbell in hand, stretch your upper arms so that they are parallel to the shoulders. Meanwhile, your hands should be facing your lower body instead of facing each other.
    • Lift the dumbbells until they are almost touching the front of your chest. Stop and slowly lower them below the original position.
    • Divided into 3 times, each time performing chest compressions about 12 times.
  5. Chair lifts. This exercise will keep your arms, chest, and shoulders strong and firm, and improve the size and appearance of your bust.
    • Choose a sturdy chair. Gently squat, feet slightly in front of knees and using legs for pillars while arms reach back and grab the back of the chair or chair seat.
    • Lower yourself slowly while lowering the upper body while the elbow should not bend more than 90 degrees. Then push yourself back.
    • Repeat the exercise 10 times, then relax and divide it in more than 2 times, doing the exercise about 10 times each time.
  6. Do push ups. The push-ups will help strengthen the chest muscles, thereby making your bust more toned and enlarged. Push-ups are great exercises that help strengthen the whole body.
    • Lie on your stomach down under the exercise mat. Arm under shoulder.
    • Lift up in plank position. At this time, the body weight will be put on the arms and legs while the body will be kept straight in a straight diagonal stretching from the shoulders to the ankles.
    • If you can't put strength in the upper part of your body, try changing the pushup position so that your focus is on your knees and still in a plank position.
    • Lower as far as you can by bending your elbows. Stop lowering before you touch the floor.
    • Then you lift up your body again. Do a slow push up and spend 2 to 3 seconds with each lift.
    • Divided into 2 times, each repetition of 10 push-ups and increase the number of push ups weekly.
  7. Hand pushing exercises. This is considered as a simple exercise that you can perform anywhere and at any time. Put your hands together and try to squeeze them about 5 times like that, then release. Repeat this exercise about 10 times.

Method 3 of 3: Try other methods

  1. Round one massage. Although not scientifically proven, but according to folklore, daily chest massage will help stimulate blood flow to the mountainous region and allow natural hormones to be absorbed from consciousness. The feed is delivered to the breast tissue more efficiently. As a result, your breasts will naturally increase in size and shape.
  2. Stop wearing a bra regularly. Results of a 15-year study in France have shown that bras are responsible for the sagging and sagging of women over time. Researchers also found that letting go of breasts increases breast elasticity and helps them become full of life. This study actually goes against the previously reported results that bras improve bust shape and not make them sag.
    • This study also shows that women who never wear a bra usually have a breast about 7 mm taller than average compared to regular use.
  3. Try breast enhancement herbs. Consult with a health food stall near your area or someone familiar with natural remedies about using herbs and natural supplements for women. They will help improve your breasts and make your breasts fuller. It's better to choose products with purely natural origins.
    • For example, marshmallow root is known as a natural herb that helps to improve the size of the mountain. However, to be more sure, you should consult your doctor as this particular herb may interfere with the effects of some other medications you are taking.
  4. Ask your doctor about birth control pills. Birth control pills often contain a certain amount of the hormone estrogen that positively affects your calf size. However, see this as a last resort.
    • There are many reasons to start using birth control pills with family planning. The hormones from this medication will regulate your menstrual cycle, help ease pain during the red light day, while also reducing the common symptoms of PMS. Many birth control pills are also the cause of the slight increase in weight leading to increased breast size.
    • If you are a teenager and haven't been allowed to take birth control pills, don't forget to consult your parents and doctor about hormone monitoring. Remember, however, that weight gain is not the only reason you choose to start using birth control pills. This is also a drug, and of course there will be side effects on the body. So please think carefully before using it.
  5. Try breast pads as they won't change the size of your bust. If you want your breasts to look bigger without using any other methods, try a booster pad or pad. They work to make your double mountain look fuller than it really is.
  6. Learn patience. If you are in puberty, there are plenty of suggestions that will help you guess if your breasts are going to develop naturally.
    • Look at the bust size of mother and grandmother. If most of the women in your family have large breasts, then there's a good chance your bust will increase in size as you go through puberty.
    • Examine your mountains in front of the mirror. Pay attention to the area around the nipples (areola) to see if they stick out like a small mound on your nipples. If so, then your bust is probably still in the development phase.
    • Remember that your twin mountains may not be as full as you would like when you are past your teens or even in your early 20s.


  • Learn to love yourself at any given moment. There are flaws that you don't want them to appear, but they are still on your body by default. So, instead of just focusing on how you look like, focus more on making yourself healthier and more loving!
  • Remember, breast size is not what you imagine. Breasts come in a lot of different sizes and shapes, so there are no rules for whether you have a "flat" or a "big" bust.