Ways to Treat a Girl

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Treat A Girl  | Relationship hacks
Video: How To Treat A Girl | Relationship hacks


Have you had the wonderful girl of your life and you want to treat her exactly what she deserves? It is not difficult! The bottom line is that you need to treat her like a human being. Treat her with respect, just like you would anyone else.


Method 1 of 3: Show Romance

  1. Do things that make her happy. Treat her by doing things that make her feel good.Don't do it either in return or just because you want something from her. Instead, do it because you think that's what she deserves and because you really want her to be happy. She can tell the difference between what you do for wanting to get what you want and what you do because you love her.
    • For example, you can change and learn how to knit she a scarf to remember forever.
    • Try to do things that make her happy according to what she cares about and is important to her. For example, if she's a fan of indoor rock climbing, you could make her a special bag for chalking.
    • Be polite. Some women will want you to keep the door open and pull the chair for her. Some people find this behavior offended. You need to get to know your girl about how she wants you to behave, but there are some rules of polite behavior to follow. Don't burp or gas around around her. Hand her over when she's wearing high heels. Help her carry things when she has full arms or when she is heavy. This is a basic courtesy, and it's something you should do with anyone else, not just women.

  2. Spend time with her. Loving each other means being together. If you are not willing to spend time with her during the day, what does that say to her? Make time for the week to go on a date, even if it's not exciting. Text her and spend some time talking on the phone with her. She should be at the top of your priority list, important enough that you can cancel your friends to go to the movies with her.
    • While you should let her feel like she has some private time with just you, you can also make her feel like you notice her by taking her out with your friends. As long as she cares about her while you're with others, she will always feel like she's having a great time with you.
    • Of course, what's important to her is that she also has time alone. Independence is very important. Don't take up all of her time and let her have time to hang out with your friends and socialize with friends often.

  3. Encourage her to pursue things that make herself happy. Encourage her to do things that make herself happy. This is one of the most important roles in a relationship: we support each other and help each other become better people. When you do that for your partner, and show them how important it is for her to pursue her own dreams, you actually behave properly.
    • For example, she might all mention wanting to write her own song. Encourage her to create a Youtube channel so she can share those great songs with the world.

  4. Think of her. When you open your heart to think about her, she will see and feel happy, feeling loved. Let the events remind you of your partner, think about the other person when you hear about events that might interest her and feel excited about remembering what you did. together. When you do these things, your feelings will be shown through such small things.
    • For example, if you are walking down the street and a picture in a store reminds you of the time two people walked on the beach together. Buy it and give it to her, tell her what it reminds you of and how happy you feel. She will be deeply moved.
  5. Pay attention to her feelings, thoughts, and opinions. When you pay attention to her feelings, thoughts, and opinions, she will feel respected and appreciated. This is how you treat a girl, which is to make her feel happy and grateful for your relationship.
    • Ask her how she thinks about things. Not just broad topics like music or television but ask her how she feels about recent events, politics and what's going on in your life. It helps her feel respected. Asking her about problems in your life can have the same effect.
    • Pay attention to her feelings and learn how to treat her when she's sad, tired, angry, or happy. Once you recognize those feelings, share them as needed and let her talk about things that make her feel good or excited. Comfort her when she's upset, even if you just keep quiet and lean her shoulders. You could say things like, "You must be having a hard time. I don't know what makes you sad, but I hope you understand that I'm here to listen if you want to share."
  6. Appreciate what she does for you. People are very easy to take their lover lightly. But that will ruin your relationship. Whether you are together for five or five years, you should never assume that the other person "should" do something for you. When she does something good for you, thank her. Never expect her to do anything for you and show gratitude when she does good things for you.
    • For example, show off when she prepares dinner for you. Don't just complain about the taste. Instead, thank her and volunteer to wash the dishes.

Method 2 of 3: Talking Like a Gentleman

  1. Talk with respect. When you talk to her, talk with her respectfully. Never criticize her in a rude way or say things that demean her. It's just like you can't accept when someone says these things to you, it's also unacceptable if you say those things to her. Try not to think about how you feel when someone tells you these things, but think about how your experience might make her feel about what you said.
    • For example, only call her the little girl if she is. But what if your girl is over 20 years old? At this point you should call her a woman or a lady. When you call her a little girl, you're making her feel like a baby, and implying that she can't do anything for herself, can't think and act like an adult.
  2. Understand her. Understand who she really is, not just what you think of her or want her to be. Ask her about herself. Let's dig into it. Pay attention to what she says, what she does, and what she wants. She will realize that you are mindful of these things and show her that you are not only interested in her, but that you are also respectful of who she is as a human being.
    • Ask her about her religion, political opinion and how she will grow up and what she wants in the future.
    • You can also ask common questions like her favorite colors or foods, but such information needs to go with a deeper understanding of who she is.
    • Listen to what she says. When she talks, listen. Don't be distracted by the reason she "talks too much". Pay attention because you can learn a lot more about her that you never knew before.
  3. Discuss when you are having problems. Instead of arguing and insulting each other when arguing, say everything. If you really want to treat both her and yourself in the right way, talk about problems that upset you when they happen or very soon after. Stressing everything and "taking revenge" will only make two people more miserable.
    • You also shouldn't talk badly behind her. It is usually easier for people to complain about their girlfriend than to the other person, but that is unfair to her and it is not helpful to you either.Solve the problem instead by talking to her calmly and working out a solution together.
  4. Praise her properly. Of course you should praise your girl a lot, but if you really want to treat her the way she deserves, you need to pay attention to how to give compliments. With a little understanding, you should be able to deliver compliments that get her heart racing.
    • Don't compliment her all the time for no apparent reason as it will take the compliment away from you.
    • Focus on complimenting her when it's something important, like when she worked really hard or did something very well.
    • You should pay attention to the language you use. Sometimes men mean to say good, but unintentionally say something hurting.
  5. Pay attention to what you say. You have to be careful in the way you speak because it reveals a lot about the way you think and can make the woman with you uncomfortable. Don't be too vulgar, tell ridiculous jokes, or act deliberately impolite (like deflating in front of her). You also shouldn't be rude about other people or talk about how attractive other women are. All of these can make her feel uncomfortable or hurt, and that's something you don't want at all.
  6. In general, be honest, but if you have to, then you should wisely lie. When you talk to her, always be honest. Lying to her, even well-intentioned, won't do you any good and won't help you build a relationship based on trust. Don't tell her you will support her with taking care of her sick grandmother when you really don't want to take care of an elderly person with her. This type of behavior is disrespectful and creates bad precedent. When you know that telling her the truth will not only hurt her, but it is also in vain, try to lie to her by telling only part of the truth instead.
    • If she asks you vulgar questions like, "Do you look fat?", Instead of answering the question unnecessarily hurtfully, pay attention to the words and tell her the truth. . You could say to her something like, "I like this dress because it can flatter you but I think the yellow dress would be more adorable."

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Common Traps

  1. Don't see her as different from you. It's easy for people to think that girls are a different creature and you just can't understand them. However, the girls are not really that different from you. They have the same desires, problems and feelings as you do. When you realize this, it will be easier to see how you should treat them: treat them the way you want you to be treated.
    • To make it easier to imagine, think about how you would like someone else to treat the woman you love. Treat a girl the way you would like your father to treat your mother. Treat a girl the way you want a guy to treat his sister.
  2. Stop attracting other women. You always want to look cool at all times. That is also easy to understand. Who wouldn't want all the women falling in love with me whenever they entered a room? However, if you already have a girlfriend or like a girl, the act of trying to attract other women is disrespectful and rude to the woman you like. Just how attractive you are to her is enough and not too much care about what other women like.
    • For example, don't flirt with a girl other than your girlfriend. You should also not show off your body to other women.
  3. Listen when she says no. When she says "no" it doesn't mean "maybe later". It doesn't mean "I'm shy". It also doesn't mean "You're driving me mad". It means "no". Don't continue to bother her after she has told you not to. She knows what you want and she will let you know if she changes her mind.
    • For example, if you ask her to wear certain clothes she doesn't like, don't continue forcing her to wear them.
  4. Respect her privacy. She is allowed to have secrets you do not know, just as you are allowed to have secrets that she does not know. Both of you have the right to have your own time and things that belong to you. Don't compromise her privacy with behaviors like following her on Facebook or checking her messages.
    • You might get a strong urge if you find her still logged in to the internet browser or something like that, but you should still be consistent. That is how to behave politely.
  5. Tell her how you feel. Lots of men worry about being manly. You don't want to look weak, do you? Because of that, they didn't tell their girls how they felt. This is a big mistake. Let her wonder if you care how selfish behavior really is. You don't want her to do the same to me, do you? When you care about someone, you should always tell them. Talk to them when you care about them and show your concern in small everyday ways.
    • Don't hide it from others. Your brothers may make fun of you, but they really do understand: they also have a girl they like so much. Take those jokes and make your girl happy by holding her hand when everyone is around. It will show her that you are not ashamed of your bonding relationship.
  6. Trust her and become a trustworthy person. Trust is paramount in a relationship. You cannot have a happy relationship if you don't trust each other. That means you shouldn't give her a chance to be suspicious. Don't worry if she wants to hang out with her friends instead of hanging out with you. From my point of view, don't do anything that would give her reason to not trust you.
    • Don't tell other people what you and your girl did while together, even if it was your best friend. This is an invasion of her privacy, and this can be deeply damaging. All that action brings is just an argument with your best friend and the secret you share has been posted online for everyone to know.


  • If she's sad or angry, make sure she confesses her feelings to you. Talk about her problems, but don't try to control and fix everything. You could end up making things worse for her. While she still needs to solve the problem on her own, if you allow her to pass it on to you, she will find that you really care about her. She will appreciate and appreciate you, and the more she goes through the tough times, she will realize who she needs to share with. This action helps build trust and loyalty between the two.
  • While most young women aren't too focused on analyzing things, when you start dating, she will judge you: what you did, what you wore, the date you dated, and so on. . Take this into consideration and dress appropriately for each situation because if you know how to balance it will impress her. It's useless if you dress well to impress and then take her to a cheap restaurant. It's like going to a restaurant in your home attire.
  • Hold her hand, especially if you see her letting her hand go hidden behind her. But be careful not to cling too much on her. Not all girls like the feeling of "bonding love" when holding hands, and so do boys.
  • Taking her to places that spend too much money is also unnecessary. Take her to the park, you can buy her ice cream along the way; That way you are communicating with her.If you two go to the movies, plan to have coffee or dessert later (that is, a lighter, less expensive snack - which is a plus!) So you can talk about it. what the two of you just watched.
  • Arrogant men can't attract all girls, but confident men can, that's a huge difference. Women are less likely to perceive visually as men, so even though you're not the sexiest man in the world, your confidence will show you as someone who deserves to be around and your personality reinforces. that. Plus, if you are kind and warm when communicating with her and others, she will see your worth without having to look good like a movie star. Just behave and dress like a gentleman and everything will be sweet.
  • Show that you've been impressed by her, but don't forget to leave an impression of her different things often. Show that you are different and sometimes crazy in life. Show her what you only have.
  • If she's trying to get into a new sport / hobby / activity, and you already know it, show it to her. She will admire your magnificence and be impressed by your skills.
  • Do not lie! Lying is useless and she WILL realize. Be yourself. If you lie, it will haunt you until you have to tell the truth!
  • Make eye contact with her when you talk to her or when she talks to you. But don't overdo it. Staring is not considered a sign of care, it is odd behavior.
  • If your date is coming to an end, tell her how happy you were. If she chuckles and responds, she might be happy too. If not, change the subject and it's best not to ask her anything right away.
  • When she's up to a challenge, be mindful of what she's doing and wish her luck. Or can you even explore that challenge with her? Make it interesting.
  • When you're at the restaurant, sit across from her (unless the table is too long, in that case sit next to her). Let her sit facing the room and you sit facing the wall. This way leaves the impression that you don't need to see anything but the beauty of your partner.
  • Avoid the urge to idealize or make her a monument to admire. She is just who you are, and the more willing you to accept it, the less likely she is to disappoint you.


  • If she talks to you about a personal problem, don't turn it into a task that you have to take on and solve. Just listen to her. (There are a few exceptions as well). If she starts to cry, that is the clearest sign that she has feelings for you; It shows that she trusts you enough to show her hurt to you. The appropriate action now is to put an arm around her. Don't say "Don't cry". Say, "Come on, everything will be all right". At this point, even if you don't want to take on everything, you should still ask, "Can I help you?" - let her answer "You don't need it" or "Yes, hug me" or whatever, and then continue from here.
  • Don't turn the cute, sweet conversation into a dirty one. Girls hate that.
  • NEVER lie to her. If you lie, she will automatically lose confidence in you.
  • Don't lose control! The girls don't want you to keep talking about some issues with nothing to say.
  • If something scary or unexpected happens to her while you are dating, like the zoo robot that should have broken but suddenly moves and makes her dizzy, try to reassure her. She is definitely by your side. It will make her feel protected. The girls are all happy to know that their boyfriend has the ability to protect themselves.
  • DO NOT underestimate her existence! She's not someone you can take advantage of, and then she will find out that she deserves to be treated better.
  • If you exaggerate compliments or are not honest a girl might see it.
  • Make sure she doesn't discover you tried to make her laugh by reading articles online, at least until your one-year anniversary. That way, she will be completely fond of you and small things like that won't hurt, even though you might be teased a lot.
  • Make sure you are yourself. If you act like a gentleman when you are alone with her and turn into a bad guy with your friends, she will come across and you will be in trouble.
  • Using words or phrases she doesn't understand will make her uncomfortable. For example, when you work in computer technology and everyone in your industry uses "Computer Geek-Speak" (IT slang) to make fun of each other in the office. Calling her a "n00b" (novice, inexperienced chicken) won't make any sense! Likewise, using slang that you and your coworkers create will make her feel confused and isolated - don't use the "secret jokes" type. In other words, if you're creating a kind of "club" or a slang jokes that only insiders can understand, she won't understand and appreciate your humor. Make sure you give her enough cue to "enter" the story and understand what you are saying or never use those slang or jokes with her.
  • There are many things that can frighten her on a date. It may seem strange, but girls become more vulnerable to "fragility" in dates. It might be for the sake of being closer to you.