How to Get on a Safe Highway

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


  • Joining the freeway at the same speed as other vehicles will ensure you do not create a dangerous situation when there are high-speed vehicles behind.
  • Look in the mirror and watch for other vehicles as you accelerate. You may have to wait a beat or two before increasing to the required speed if you see traffic coming too fast in the lane you intend to merge.
  • Please turn on the request to enter. Turn on early to let other drivers know what you're up to. This gives them time to make the necessary adjustments. However, remember that you are the merger, you do not have the right of way. Other drivers don't want to be run out of their lanes, they'll stay at the same speed instead, and it all depends on whether you adjust your speed and merge safely into the lane.

  • Find a gap in the lane. If the traffic on the expressway is too busy, you will have to find some space to merge. Watch the road, but look in the mirrors and behind you to see when it is safe to move in. At the same time maintaining the proper speed will allow you to safely blend into the flow of vehicles.
    • Look in the rearview mirror in the car, followed by the mirror on the driver's side.
    • Make a glance to make sure there are no vehicles in the blind spot (right behind you in the lane you are merging into).
    • Check to see if anyone is slowing down or stopping at the ramp / merger in front of you.
  • Join the highway if it is safe. When you see a gap, drive in. Then you should drive at the same speed as the other vehicles on the road. Watch for vehicles around you as you merge; You will need to react quickly if someone brakes in front of you or tries to squeeze into your lane
  • Part 2 of 2: Practicing Good Habits for Joining Highways

    1. Pay attention to the "body language" of other vehicles. Technically, vehicles on the merging lane are traveling at the same speed, and it is the responsibility of the person wishing to merge to find a space and then enter. However, each driver behaves differently, so it's important to pay attention to what's going on and make a decision based on the realities.
      • If you see a vehicle behind you that appears to be slowing down, the driver may be trying to "let you in"; Please speed up and get their support. The same goes for when you see other vehicles exiting the lane into the freeway to make way for you.
      • If you see a vehicle speeding, let them pass before you merge.
      • Sometimes other drivers will wave to let you in.
      • Never assume others will go at the correct speed. It all depends on how you react to what happens.

    2. Create space in front of and behind you. When you merge onto a freeway, you want to maintain a reasonable distance from the vehicles in front and behind you. This will create a buffer in case the vehicle in front of you brakes, forcing you to suddenly slow down. Practice accelerating at the appropriate speed, you will not accelerate too quickly or slow down the vehicles behind you.
    3. Never mix in suddenly. Do your best not just to get your vehicle into the lane you are trying to merge. Other drivers may not see you. Be sure to turn on the signal and make eye contact if possible.
    4. Do not stop in the lane joining the expressway. If the traffic is too bad and you can't see any gaps, you may want to find a parking space. But this is not a good idea, as it will take the car a long time to accelerate from 0 to 65; when you try to move again, it will endanger both you and other drivers. By properly signaling, accelerating at the speed of other vehicles, signaling visually to the driver behind you, you can create space for yourself.
    5. Be polite when you see other people joining the freeway. Release the gas a bit if someone is also trying to merge into the express lane in front of you, or speed up if it's a safe option. Stay alert and try to give other drivers a chance - it will make highways safer for everyone. advertisement


    • Always turn your head to look, don't just look in your rearview mirror because you won't see cars in blind spots.
    • Pay attention and don't be distracted by other things.
    • Look at the flow of traffic on the freeway as soon as possible to help you identify the opening you want to accelerate into.
    • It is your responsibility to join the vehicle flow. Vehicles on highways have the right-of-way. You have to speed yourself up and blend in safely!
    • Always observe how long a lane merging with a freeway is. Freeway merged lanes can have very different lengths even if they are on the same highway.
    • Make sure you walk fast enough to mix safely into the road.
    • You may need to slow down and move to the back of a vehicle next to you. Do not try to "speed up" to overtake the previous vehicle. You may not have the way to do it.
    • Try to merge with the vehicle flow with the distance between the vehicle in front and the vehicle behind your vehicle as long as one vehicle.
    • When you cannot safely join a freeway - if you want to stay in the lane joining an expressway because it immediately “becomes an exit” get out - “do not” stop on the “lane speed up / exit ”. You can simply loop around on the frontage or local road and try again later.
    • If you're really stressed out and there are lots of other people in the car, ask them to be order so you can focus.
    • Remember to check if you can stay in the lane you just entered. In some major cities, the right lane is a residential lane that is only open during certain hours.


    • Watch for vehicles merging into your lane. Many of the entrances to the highways are also exits to the road you just entered.
    • Don't forget to turn on the signal. This is the best signal for vehicles in the lane joining the freeway to know what you are going to do next.
    • Bear in mind that people behind you are also trying to blend into the freeway. Try to give them space to blend in by moving to another lane if possible.
    • Sometimes, there is no joining the expressway at the end of the ramp. It will be clearly displayed with signs like "No room to enter" or "Curve". In this case you will have to slow down or even stop to make sure that you will merge into an empty space in the next lane.