How to Deal with Vaginal Dryness

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Vaginal Dryness  – Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Clinic
Video: Vaginal Dryness – Mayo Clinic Women’s Health Clinic


Vaginal dryness is a common problem for many women. The condition is usually benign, and can be caused by certain medications, menopause, or a hormonal imbalance. There are many treatments for this type of illness, from medications and creams to hormone treatments. You should talk with your doctor about this to determine the method that works best for you.


Part 1 of 3: Using creams and lubricants

  1. Use lubricants. If vaginal dryness causes problems during sex, using a lubricant will provide temporary relief.
    • You can find lubricants online, at pharmacies, and at stores that specialize in sex products. Lubricants in condoms will also help relieve vaginal dryness during sex.
    • Lubricant needs to be applied directly to the vagina before sex. They are only temporary solutions, so if you are looking for a permanent cure, choose something else.

  2. Use a moisturizer for your vagina. Vaginal moisturizers are creams that are applied directly to the vagina. Most non-hormonal vaginal creams are widely available and do not require a prescription.
    • You can also find vaginal creams at a supermarket or drugstore. In Vietnam, this type of product is not yet popular.
    • Consult with your gynecologist before using any new remedy. Although most products are safe for use, some can increase the risk of infection or adverse reactions, such as hives or ulcers.

  3. Use an estrogen supplement. Estrogen supplements are creams applied directly to the vagina that contain low levels of the hormone estrogen. This cream is available by prescription only.
    • Usually, at bedtime, estrogen cream is inserted directly into the vagina through a special applicator or with a clean finger. Depending on your medical history, your doctor will tell you about how much and how often you need to apply estrogen cream.

Part 2 of 3: Finding medical treatments

  1. See a gynecologist. There are many causes of vaginal dryness. If this happens suddenly, you should see a gynecologist to determine the cause.
    • The cause of vaginal dryness is usually benign. Menopause, childbirth, and breastfeeding can all change hormone levels and cause vaginal dryness. However, sometimes vaginal dryness is caused by a more serious problem such as having a cancer or a certain immune disorder. This is why it's important to see your doctor quickly when you notice any changes, as early intervention is essential for these types of conditions.
    • Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks healthy cells. This pathological condition will cause dry eyes, dry lips, and also dry vagina. Your doctor will do blood tests to determine if you have Sjogren's syndrome.
  2. Learn about hormone replacement therapy. If you're entering menopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can ease symptoms of this process, including vaginal dryness.
    • Hormone replacement therapy not only improves vaginal dryness, it will also help ease other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes in the body. Usually, you will use an oral patch or pill that contains low levels of estrogen and other hormones that your body lacks when you enter menopause.
    • Hormone replacement therapy also carries some risks. Oral hormone pills that contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone have been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke. You should consult your doctor about these risks and find out if they affect you.
  3. An estrogen ring is placed. The estrogen ring is a form of hormone replacement therapy that many women find easier to use than oral medications.
    • The gynecologist will place a small, soft ring on the wall of your vagina. The estrogen cycle releases estrogen in a specific cycle. This ring type needs to be replaced every three months.
  4. Consider the medication you are taking. Usually, vaginal dryness is caused by a side effect of certain medications. Anti-decongestants, in particular, are often found in many cold or allergy medications, which can cause vaginal dryness. If you think this is the cause of your vaginal dryness, talk to your doctor about alternative medications. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Using natural remedies

  1. Try natural remedies. If you are concerned with options that do not involve too many medications, there are quite a few homeopathic remedies that are effective for women.
    • Soy contains a substance called isoflavones with effects similar to estrogen. A diet rich in soybeans will help reduce vaginal dryness.
    • Black cohosh is an herb that many women use as a supplement and will help with vaginal dryness. However, its effects have yet to be proven. Some people experience side effects from taking this herb, including joint pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness, diarrhea, and stomach pain. You should not take celiac disease if your liver is damaged, or you are sensitive to hormones, such as some form of cancer or fibroids. You should also not take this herb if you are pregnant. You need to consult your doctor before proceeding with any herbal treatment to make sure they are safe for you.
    • Many women use wild yam creams as supplements, but there is no evidence that these creams are effective, and that they can also damage the vagina.
  2. Do not douche the vagina. Cleaning the vagina with a store or home remedy can disrupt the balance of chemicals in the vagina, cause vaginal dryness and increase the chances of infection. Do not douche because the vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism, and you do not need to wash it too thoroughly.
  3. Make time for "foreplay" during sex. Foreplay is any activity, such as massage, cuddles, kisses, oral sex, and other forms of sexual intercourse, that can occur before sexual intercourse. Increasing the amount of time spent in this process increases the sensation of irritation, and in turn improves vaginal dryness. Talk to your partner about any problems you are having in dealing with vaginal dryness and discuss increasing the amount of foreplay time you spend with your partner during sex. This method will help you alleviate the problem.
    • In general, a strong sex life will help keep you lubricated and avoid vaginal dryness. Talk to your significant other about how important it is to have regular sex to the physical and emotional aspects of the relationship you are having.
  4. Masturbate. Regular self-gratification, especially for older women, can have many health benefits, including reduced vaginal dryness.
    • Female masturbation comes in many different forms and techniques, but the stimulation of the clitoris, urethra, and vagina can increase lubrication. If you're experiencing a change in hormones or any other change leading to vaginal dryness, regular self-gratification may help.


  • Many women feel ashamed of having vaginal dryness and do not want to share this with their doctor. You should do your best to overcome this feeling. You should let your doctor know, as sometimes vaginal dryness can be a sign of a more serious medical condition.
  • Never attempt to moisturize or lubricate your vagina with products not specifically formulated for this purpose. Conventional creams and lotions will irritate the vagina and make the problem worse.
  • Vaginal dryness is often associated with physiological changes that take place in the vaginal lining when estrogen levels drop.


  • Consult your doctor about the risks involved in estrogen therapy, whether it's topical or systemic. Research has shown that hormone therapy can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots, breast cancer, and stroke. Similar to other drugs, be sure to consult your doctor and carefully compare the risks and benefits of this remedy.