How to cope with long car trips (teenagers)

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
13 Car Tips That Will Save Your Trips
Video: 13 Car Tips That Will Save Your Trips


A vacation with family will be the best thing in the summer, but going over the journey is another story. Luckily, there are many simple things you can do to keep yourself occupied during the long boring car ride. First of all, you need to prepare all the necessary things for the trip, including snacks, pillows and comfortable clothes. When you're done preparing, you can use a variety of activities to pass the time until you stop at the fun spot.


Method 1 of 4: Choose seats for the trip

  1. Arrange your car seat. Before getting in the car, you need to make specific arrangements with which seats. A window seat has a better view, or if you want to stretch your limbs comfortably and take a nap, you can choose to sit in the back row. During the trip, you should change places from time to time to change views.
    • Don't complain about your seat. When traveling with a large group of people, someone will definitely have to sit in the middle.

  2. Wear comfortable clothing. On the day of your departure, choose light, loose fitting clothes that you can wear comfortably for many hours. A simple t-shirt with jeans or sweatpants is always a great combination. You should also choose shoes that can be easily entered and removed when the car stops.
    • If the weather is hot outside, wear a short-sleeved shirt. If it is cold outside, you should wear a thick coat to prevent the car from getting cold.
    • Do not pay too much attention to your appearance, the important thing is that you are comfortable because no one will judge your appearance at the rest station.

  3. Bring two separate luggage bags. Put most of your luggage (including clothing, personal belongings and electrical equipment) in the first pocket and in the trunk. Things you think you will use while in the car, put in the other bag. That way, when you need entertainment, you'll always have a few options at hand.
    • Do not carry a bag that is too large, or it will be troublesome and take up a lot of room under your feet. Usually the size of a backpack, cross-bag, or handbag is just fine.
    • This second bag can be used to hold certain items such as books, magazines, specialty magazines, tablets or portable electronic devices, some small toys and other junk.

  4. Bring snacks. Packaged foods are most convenient because they don't spoil and need not be reheated to eat. Foods like crackers, granola, synthetics, chocolate and bottled water will give you the energy you need to get through the seemingly endless journey without getting tired.
    • If you have room to store, you can bring a small cooler with more nutritious snacks like fresh fruit or yogurt.
    • Sipping this or that will also keep you from getting hungry, so you won't have to stop the car to eat as often.

Method 2 of 4: Kill time

  1. Find a comfortable sitting position. It will be difficult for you to relax in a narrow car. You can place a pillow on your lap, lean forward against your knee, or prop a pillow to rest your head, let the sunlight shine on your face and sleep. If you have enough space, you can prop your feet up on the shift lever or sit sideways to stretch your legs.
    • Note, safety first. Remember to always wear your seat belt throughout the ride, even when trying to sit more comfortably.
  2. To sleep. The long trip is the perfect opportunity to take a nap, especially if you have to start early in the morning. When traveling, don't forget to bring pillows for your head in the car. By the time you wake up, you may have been gone for a couple of hours.
    • Use eye shields and earplugs to block out light and noise, and you'll have a restful sleep.
  3. Read a book. Put at least one or two books in the bag you carry with you and read them when you want to do something a little quieter.Reading is a great way to reduce boredom and help you forget the long way ahead.
    • Choose a bestseller or a popular novel that you don't need to focus on while reading.
    • Reading in the car can make many people feel nauseous. If you feel you are about to get car sick, stop reading for a moment.
  4. Bring a notebook. You can pack a few sheets of paper in your bag with pens and pencils to take notes or write down your thoughts while in the car. Long periods of time in the car are also a great opportunity to complete unfinished homework.
    • Pass the paper back and forth to friends and play some paper games together, such as checkers, hangers, or divination (Mash).
    • Try your creativity by journaling, writing a poem or short story.
  5. Play charades. Invite people to take turns finding out the number plates of the outlying province or solving difficult puzzles. The charade is a great option because the only thing a player needs to use is imagination. A few other popular games include:
    • Detective game, ”One player describes an arbitrary object in or around a vehicle and the other guesses what it is.
    • 20 questions, ”The player in turn asks 20 questions with the answer of yes or no to guess the name of a person, place or object.
    • Which one do you choose, ”One player makes two different choices and the other is forced to choose one of them.
    • Six connection steps, ”The player gives the name of any movie, then the other has to find the connection between one actor in one film and one actor in another movie until they can relate it back. back to the original actor.
  6. Chat with people. Use this time to learn more about people's lives, or to gossip to pass the time. You guys will be staying together in a small space for hours, so treat it like a normal gathering.
    • You can walk around and hear people tell a joke or an interesting story about their life.
    • Write down a few conversational questions and use them to initiate a conversation with people if you don't know what to talk about.

Method 3 of 4: Use technology to keep yourself busy

  1. Listening to music. Sync the songs you love to your iPod or other mobile devices so you can listen to them on the go. You can also use a number of other applications like Spotify, iTunes or Pandora to listen to unlimited music. If you turn on music loudly, you should choose music that everyone likes.
    • Be sure to keep a pair of headphones in your bag, otherwise you may have difficulty enjoying the music or will sometimes disturb your companions.
  2. Watching movies or entertainment TV programs. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, you can now watch your favorite shows from anywhere. Simply use your smartphone or tablet to find shows online on Netflix, Hulu, or other similar applications. You can even play a little movie show together with the people in the back seat!
    • Make sure everyone has a chance to choose the shows they like when they watch them on one device.
    • If you have problems with network traffic or internet access, you can invest and bring a portable DVD player.
  3. Message friends. Send messages to friends at home and share with them your trip situation. This will help you stay connected with people while away.
    • You can only text when you are in an area with good telephone coverage.
    • Don't forget to bring your power bank (or better yet, your car phone charger) so you can charge your phone at any time.
  4. Share experiences on social networks. You can get information about the trip for everyone by sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Spend some time each day posting photos, updating statuses, writing reviews about restaurants, museums, or famous stops. This is also a great way to both document your journey, while connecting with people while you are away.
    • Pick a unique hashtag and use it on all vacation related posts.
    • Don't forget to enable location settings on your mobile device. This helps your viewers keep track of all of the places you visit.

Method 4 of 4: Enjoy the ride

  1. Design a dream journey. Make a list of things you want to see and do when you arrive at the fun place. Then choose one or two of them and try to make them happen. With just a little thought, you will be better prepared to make the most of your vacation.
    • Don't limit yourself, your great vacation can include anything from swimming with dolphins to attending a music festival or climbing the highest nail of a mountain range.
    • Take into account the cost and length of your trip when planning. You may not have enough time or money to paraglide, snorkel, learn to climb or tour the entire city in just two weekends.
  2. Take a photo. Start recording your experiences on the go. You may notice interesting landmarks or beautiful scenery along the way as the background when taking your photo. If you don't like it, you can take some naughty selfies with friends or siblings, which will be fun later later.
    • If you are into photography, you can invest in a camera to take high-quality photos and print them later.
    • Create a soft album to record travel memories and share favorite moments with family and friends when you get home.
  3. Find out in advance about your destination. If you are on vacation in an unprecedented location, you can take time to learn a bit about its history, geography and culture in advance. You will find a lot of interesting information from travel brochures, street maps, travel brochures, or simply from searching the internet.
    • Take note of what you learn and use them to quiz friends or family.
  4. Visit the landscape along the way. You can explore some of the local landmarks nearby and plan on stopping to visit a few spots along the way. There are many beautiful terrains, miraculous natural phenomena and attractive stops everywhere on earth. Visiting a few such places with your own eyes will make your stay a lot more memorable.
    • Consult the travel literature to see what are nearby and where you can visit.
    • Please note that you should not stop too many points as this may delay the main journey.
  5. Suggest the driver to stop if you start to feel too uncomfortable. Pausing every now and then will give everyone in the car a chance to go to the toilet and relax their limbs. It also helps people feel refreshed and ready to face the rest of the way.
    • You should stop at the rest stops rather than taking a break when stopping at a gas station. At the bus stop you can eat something or buy extra supplies. In addition to the toilet seat, you don't have many other options.
    • You should go to the toilet whenever the car stops, even if you feel it is not necessary. You will not know when the car will stop again.
  6. Enjoy the ride. Try to keep a positive attitude about riding. Sitting on a long bus ride isn't fun for many people, but it'd be bad if everyone on the bus was in a bad mood. Anyway, you also have the opportunity to enjoy an enjoyable vacation with the people closest to you, what's more wonderful, right?
    • Don't always try to break the silence. Sometimes people want a little bit of peace and quiet.


  • You should rest a lot the night before departure. Taking advantage of sleeping on a swaying car cannot be better than a good night's sleep.
  • Take advantage of every possible opportunity to charge electrical appliances.
  • If you plan to drive for certain sections, you will need a valid driver's license.
  • If you feel about to be car sick, try to look straight ahead.
  • Always drink enough water.
  • When you feel sick, try to breathe evenly. If it still doesn't work and you may vomit, have a vomit bag handy.
  • Downloading movies and shows on Netflix before you go will save you quite a bit of mobile traffic.
  • Bring plenty of junk food so you don't get hungry.
  • Don't talk too much, someone might be trying to get some sleep, and the driver and other passengers may also want peace and quiet.


  • Try not to disturb the driver and everyone in the car. Trouble makes their mood unhappy.
  • Control the amount of water you drink on the road. If you drink too much, it is imperative that you stop often,