How to get rid of porn addiction during puberty

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Escaping Porn Addiction | Eli Nash | TEDxFortWayne
Video: Escaping Porn Addiction | Eli Nash | TEDxFortWayne


Like any other harmful behavior to your daily life, watching porn can become an addiction. Here are some ways to find out if you have a noticeable problem, how to understand the problem you are having, and some tips to help you change your habits to help ease your addiction. Don't be afraid to seek help from an adult or a psychologist, they are valuable resources that can help you solve your problem with black film.


Method 1 of 3: Understand porn addiction

  1. Identify the signs. Is it normal that you watch black movies or have started to become noticeable? The following signs will help you see how porn has affected you:
    • Even if you try to quit, you cannot stop watching or engaging in pornography.
    • You feel angry or upset if you are forced to stop watching porn (even if you force yourself).
    • You hide from your family and friends from watching movies.
    • Feel as if you are living two lives because you hide from watching porn.
    • You continue to watch movies even though you know the consequences, such as problems at school or in relationships.
    • You wasted a lot of time because you were completely immersed in watching black movies.

  2. Know the potential consequences of porn addiction. To understand what you are going through, learn about the potential risks. Sure, it's okay to convince yourself that everyone watches porn and that you have no serious problems, but you need to understand the effects of black film addiction to see the potential dangers :
    • Relationships that have broken down or go wrong
    • You find it difficult to maintain interest in relationships and dating
    • Feelings of shame or guilt are always present
    • You have problems with work or school, such as failing grades
    • You are more likely to engage in dangerous or unhealthy sex activities, and at high risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases.
    • You cannot stop arousal even when you are in an environment completely unrelated to sex

  3. Stop stressing yourself. Since this addiction involves indecent cultural products, you may view yourself as an impure, corrupt or immoral person because you make yourself addicted to porn. However, feeling repentant or constantly blaming yourself will make it harder for you to find the confidence to fight cravings and focus on other things.
    • Common methods like pinching yourself every time you watch porn have the "forbidden fruit" effect and make it harder to quit watching black movies. Furthermore, you will have very negative thoughts about your sexual orientation, which will only complicate the matter.

  4. Learn about triggers. Triggers are the things that make you feel like you want to see perverted culture. It could be a particular part of your daily schedule, like when you're getting ready for bed, or the little-dressed models in an advertisement. Knowing what excites you is important because like this, you will understand the problem and the more you try are not see more. You can do something different instead of continuing to watch until you've stopped craving porn on your own.
    • For example, if you see an ad that makes you want to watch porn, play a game of video games. You can't avoid the ad entirely, but you can replace watching porn with less harmful habits.
    • After a while, you won't need to work too hard to avoid the stimuli or constantly do other things to avoid pornography. However, when you try to give up watching altogether, it can be difficult for you to successfully distract yourself in moments of temptation.
    • Avoid irritating things entirely if possible. Doing so will make the initial cut easier. However, you should also be careful not to avoid them for too long, assuming if the stimulus is a certain type of music or a few friends. If you let those stimuli come back into your life after a complete hiatus, you will be more likely to get addicted again.

Method 2 of 3: Make permanent changes

  1. Gradually reduce watching movies slowly. Instead of cutting out porn entirely, slowly cut back until you stop watching. Set goals for each period, depending on whether you want to stop watching porn altogether or if you just want to be a casual viewer. This will make the detoxification process easier because you only need to change yourself in small steps at the right pace.
    • For example, let's say your goal is to watch movies only 3 times a week. You can start by reducing the number of views down to once a day at times when you most want to see them, like before you go to bed.
  2. Cut out porn sources completely. Eliminate temptation to go beyond your goals. It can be helpful to limit or completely eliminate your exposure to pornography. Here are some specific ways you can apply depending on your daily viewing habits:
    • If you often watch pornography on DVDs, scratch the discs with a pen or paperclip before throwing them away.
    • If you read pornographic magazines, tear them up page by page and throw them in the shredder or recycling bin.
    • If you use the network to watch porn, use extensions or other software to limit the websites you can access. These Internet censors, such as StayFocused or NetNanny, act as parental controls on electronic devices - you can slowly block websites of your choice. These software also manage how long you have viewed any website.
    • If you are on a personal computer, you can block the sites you visit frequently by editing the hosts file on a Windows (or even Macintosh) system.
  3. Change your environment. You can change your surroundings to make it harder to watch porn and help you to be less tempted. Start with your computer or phone if you also watch porn on your phone.
    • Clean up your computer by removing viruses or removing malware that displays pornography. Remember to delete all the files you are storing in your device.
    • Try to use the computer in places that are not private, for example, you can put it in common areas of the house. This is only a temporary measure once you have started getting used to watching fewer movies than before. Everyone in the house may be a bit surprised, but they'll understand when you tell them you're trying to cut down on your time alone in the room.
    • Avoid interacting with people you share with and encourage watching a lot of porn.
  4. Keep track of your progress. Take note of your achievements so that you are always motivated to strive, especially in difficult times. Detoxification is a process that requires a lot of time and effort: temptation is inevitable at times. So having an overview of your accomplishments will make you feel more positive about your efforts and not be too hard on yourself, especially if you have difficult cravings. control.
    • Manage the time you watch with the browser extensions you are using to control access to porn resources. If you watch on DVD or read pornography, you can control usage by marking a daily schedule or a calendar every time you watch.
  5. Put your attention on other things. Try something you've never done or a new habit of instead of watching sex. If you don't do anything during the time you spent watching porn, resisting temptation will be much harder. Try to find a way to always have a job, you won't have time to watch black film. Try something you've always wanted to do but haven't had, like an art or a sport. You can also spend that time improving yourself, like reading a book, volunteering, or dedicating yourself to life in some way.
    • Another thing to keep in mind is to choose an activity where you can talk to others about it. Do something you'll be proud to show off to your parents or friends, like exercise or learn to play an instrument.
    • If you do not drive a car, you can ride a bicycle or travel by other means. You will be free to leave the house instead of sitting there and watching porn.
  6. Connect with old friends. You can try something new with your friends or precious friends to keep busy all the time. After that, it is your responsibility to keep doing so so that the friendship doesn't break, not to mention your chance to get to know your friends better and you can talk a lot about topics. newer. When you truly connect with the people who are always there for you, porn stops being an urge, and you will also remember that there are so many other great ways to pass the time.

Method 3 of 3: Seeking psychological help

  1. You can get treatment. A therapist can provide solutions to help you overcome your porn addiction. If you do decide to go for treatment, don't worry, you will not be judged or scolded at all. The truth is, the more honest you are about the problem you have, the more information your doctor will have to help you solve the core of the problem.
    • One great benefit of psychotherapy is that the doctors will help you with past problems that may have contributed to your porn addiction.
  2. Get help from family members. Asking for help from a family member can be very embarrassing, especially when it comes to porn addiction. However, you have shown that you have the ability and power to identify and solve problems in your life. If you don't want to go into too much detail about why you need help, ask them to refer you to a psychiatrist, you don't need to explain clearly why "Lately your child / child don't feel like myself anymore "or" I / I / I feel like I really can't connect with anyone ".
    • If consulting your parents makes you uncomfortable, seek help from a school counselor or another trusted adult.
  3. Ask your doctor if your addiction is related to a health problem. In some cases, you can easily become addicted to porn because the amount of hormones in the body increases the sex drive. If you find that your black film addiction doesn't go away no matter how you fix it, you are probably having an underlying problem that your doctor can diagnose.
  4. You can join teenage support groups. Many people your age are also having trouble with porn addiction, joining support groups will help you realize that you are not alone. This is especially important because the fact that everyone hides from watching porn has made many people addicted even more addicted. Support groups will help you form accountable for your goals, where you can share stories, small successes, or detailed problem-solving tips. Try joining detox groups on a 12-step program; If you are residing in the US, the Sex Addicts Anonymous and the Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous are two groups for porn addicts.
    • There are plenty of groups out there if you can't take part in real-life meetings in person.
  5. Calmly deal with relapses. You have a complete right to be disappointed in yourself if you find out you watch sex more than you allow yourself to. In fact, relapse means that you need to pay more attention to practice problem-coping skills, you need to seriously pursue a lifestyle that helps you stay away from relapse. However, don't because of the emotions that come from relapse that you start watching porn uncontrollably. Remember that the following are signs that you have made a lot of progress even if you relapse:
    • Your cravings aren't too intense; for example, you might try to find pornography online but quickly turn them off instead of starting to watch out of control
    • It takes a long time for you to do this once
    • You are likely to recover yourself from such a sudden craving using the methods listed above or your doctor's solutions.


  • This is not a day or two process, so keep reminding yourself that you are making progress.
  • Naturally craving to watch a movie is very common, relax and maybe even watch a little if you only get cravings every now and then.
  • Talk to people you trust and can understand. You can ask them to control your behavior.
  • You can also use your cravings as a way to ask yourself "should I do this?"
  • Block porn sites.
  • Start dating someone! If you start a relationship, you probably won't be craving pornography like before.
  • Stay away from pornography sources like turning off computers, etc.
  • If you don't want to talk about your problems in person, write them down and keep them in a safe place.
  • If you are religious, you can pray.
  • You can completely stay away from pornographic resources if necessary.
  • Use computers in public places, like the library. This will make you less likely to want to watch porn.
  • Don't punish yourself too harshly if you don't hold back from time to time. Remember the goals you have set and learn from your experiences so you can better deal with your cravings later.