How to Create a Cool Topic for a Conversation

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to discuss a topic in a group
Video: How to discuss a topic in a group


Meeting others is typical of our daily life. Even if you are quite good at communicating with people, there will come a time when you feel exhausted about the topic to say and don't know what to say next. By having a list of topic ideas to chat with in mind, you will no longer panic in searching for a topic. All you need to do is go ahead and use each idea and continue with your conversation.


Part 1 of 3: Learn the basics of conversation

  1. Talk about the other party. The biggest secret to being a good conversationalist is simply letting the other person talk about themselves. Why? This is a topic that is quite familiar to them and they will definitely feel comfortable discussing it. You can try the following tactics:
    • Ask the other party's opinion. You can focus on what's going on in the room, current events, or whatever you want to discuss.
    • Delve into the topic of "life stories". Ask your partner where they come from, how they grew up, etc.

  2. Prepare a few different types of chat with different levels of acquaintance. The type of questions you can use depends on how close you are to the person, or whether you know the person or not. Here are a few preface to the two types of people you often talk to:
    • Someone you know well: you can ask about the person, ask if something interesting happened to the person in the past week, or ask about the progress of the project and their learning history, ask about their children them, and ask if the person has been watching any good TV shows or movies lately.
    • Someone you know but haven't met in a long time: you can ask the person what happened to them since the last time you saw them, find out if the person is still at their previous job and still live in the same place, ask about their children and ask if the person will have an additional baby (if appropriate); perhaps asking if they recently met a friend they both knew.

  3. Remember what to avoid. You probably already know the old rule: never talk about religion, politics, money, relationships, family problems, health problems, or sexual problems with someone you're not really close to. There is a risk that you will say something that offends the other person, so be sure to stay away from them; These topics are often quite sensitive too ..

  4. Learn about hobbies and hobbies. People are complex, they have different interests and hobbies, as well as a lot of things they like and dislike. There are tons of questions you can use to learn about other people's interests and hobbies, some of which will automatically lengthen the conversation. You can ask the following questions:
    • Do you play or follow any sport?
    • Do you enjoy meeting people online?
    • What kind of books do you like to read?
    • What do you usually do in your spare time?
    • What kind of music do you like to listen to?
    • What kind of movie do you like to watch?
    • What is your favorite TV show?
    • What kind of game do you love?
    • Do you like animals? What kind of animal do you like?
  5. Talking about family. The perfectly safe topics you can use here are about the person's siblings and general information about the person's background (such as where they grew up). Be sure to respond enthusiastically to the conversation to encourage the other person to share more information. Parents can be a sensitive topic for those experiencing difficulties in childhood, those whose parents have separated or recently died. Children's topics can be quite annoying for couples who have problems with the ability to have children or disagree with the decision to have a baby, or for someone who wants to have a baby but has not found the right subject or situation . Some questions you can use include:
    • Do you have any brothers and sisters? How many people?
    • (If the person does not have any siblings) How does it feel to be the only child in the home?
    • (If the person has siblings) What are their names?
    • How old are they?
    • What do your siblings do? (Adjust questions based on their age. Are they going to school / college or work?)
    • Do you look like your siblings?
    • Everyone in the house has similar personalities, right?
    • Where did you grow up?
  6. Ask questions about past adventures. You can ask the other person where he or she has been. Even if they have never left their home country, they may be happy to talk about where they want to go. In particular, you can ask:
    • If you had the opportunity to move to another place, where would you choose and why?
    • Of all the places in the world that you have been to, which one do you like best?
    • Where did you go on vacation? How do you like it?
    • What was the best / worst vacation or travel you've ever encountered?
  7. Inquire about food and drinks. This is not an easy topic because there is a chance you will run into someone who is having problems with alcohol abuse or not drinking. Be careful not to let the conversation go astray on the subject of the other person's diet or weight loss process. This action may redirect the conversation to become more negative. Instead, you should ask:
    • If you could only eat one meal in your life, which meal would you choose?
    • Where do you like to go to eat?
    • Do you like cooking?
    • What kind of candy do you love?
    • What's the worst experience you've ever had with a restaurant?
  8. Inquire about work. This topic will be a bit difficult because the conversation can end up like a job interview. However, if you are able to handle it carefully and keep the story short and sweet, it can form an interesting discussion. And don't forget that the other person may be still in school, retired or "looking for a job". Here are a few suggested introductions:
    • What is your occupation? Where do you work (or study)?
    • What was the first job you ever did?
    • Which boss do you like most in the past?
    • What did you wish to do when you were a child?
    • What do you like most about your current job?
    • If money doesn't matter, and you still have to go to work, what is your dream job?
  9. Find out why both are in the same place. If you've never met the person before, there's a ton of things you can explore around why you were both at the same event. You can ask the following question:
    • Why do you know the landlord?
    • How can you be present at this event? (or, as appropriate) At the fundraising session? At a triathlon?
    • Why do you have time to attend this event?
  10. Give the person a sincere compliment. Try to offer compliments that are related to something the person has done instead of what they already own. This method will allow you to lead the conversation further by asking about the other person's skills. If you tell the person they have good eyes, they'll thank you and the conversation might end here. Remember to stay excited when you are complimenting others so that your compliments always seem sincere. Here are a few compliments you can use:
    • I really enjoyed your piano performance. How long have you been playing the piano?
    • You look very confident when speaking. How can you build such a great presentation?
    • Your race is great. How many times per week do you practice?

Part 2 of 3: Extend conversation

  1. Keep the conversation light. You can't expect magic to happen the first time you interact with someone. All you can hope for is that you've formed a good initial relationship with your partner. You should stick to topics that are interesting and entertaining; It can also help you add serene humor to your conversation.
    • Avoid talking about problems in your life or about other negative situations. If you find that the other person's eyes become dull when it comes to the topic, the reason is because no one wants to deal with a serious situation or problem in the context of a conversation. often.
    • Most people often seek polite, interesting, and gentle topics to talk to and adding negativity to the conversation can actually spoil the moment, and form an end to the whole. process.
  2. Comfortable with silence. Silence doesn't have to be awkward - it allows you to gain opinions about the other person or think about a topic they might be interested in. It gives both time to relax and to be able to delicately pause.
    • However, silence can become awkward if you start to feel confused or try to clear the silence because you are anxious.
  3. Share common interests. For example, if you find that you both enjoy running, you can spend more time talking about this common hobby. However, keep in mind that at some point you will need to move on to another topic. A 45-minute conversation about running will make many people feel awkward.
    • Discuss who is relevant to both your interests and their accomplishments. For example, you may both know about last season's marathon winner and one of you will start to discuss his intentions further since winning.
    • Chatting about new equipment, new gear, new look, new tactics, etc. is related to your mutual interests.
    • Suggest something new about common interests that you both can try, and you can even make an appointment with the person at a specific time to try this new activity together.

Part 3 of 3: Pushing boundaries

  1. Initiate a conversation with an assumption. This process may seem strange at first, but you should try it and see how much more open the conversation will turn out. Here are a few thought-provoking questions to inspire conversation:
    • Of all the achievements you have made, which one do you think is most important to you / benefits your community?
    • If you could be rich, famous or influential, what would you choose and why?
    • Is this the best time of your life?
    • If you can only own 10 things, what would you choose?
    • If you could only eat 5 foods and 2 drinks in your lifetime, which one would you choose?
    • Do you believe that people make happiness or do they stumble upon it?
    • What would you do if you had a cloak?
    • Do you believe in free will?
    • If someone could turn you into an animal, what kind of animal would you choose?
    • Who is your favorite hero and why?
    • Who are the five people in history you chose to invite them over for an intimate dinner at your home?
    • If you win a few billion dong tomorrow, how will you use this money?
    • If you were able to become famous in a week, what area would you like to be famous for? (Or which celebrity would you like to be?)
    • Do you still believe in Santa?
    • Can you live without internet?
    • What is your dream vacation?
  2. Memorized topics get good responses in the conversation. Frequently divert conversations back to this "successful" tactic as long as they continue to be effective.
    • Likewise, pay attention to topics that make the other person uncomfortable or boring and stay away from them in the future.
  3. Find out about current events. You can learn about what is happening in the world and consult your opponent's thoughts about the big event reported by the media (remember, however, in most cases, you should stay away. political topics).
    • Memorizing a story that is fresh and funny can make you laugh and remind the other of a funny story they've recently read.
  4. Be concise. Creating a good conversation topic is part of great conversation building, but how you convey the subject of your story is also quite important. You should remember to be in focus, not "around the three countries".
    • When raising a topic, avoid getting off topic or otherwise, the other person might stop paying attention to the conversation!


  • Don't just use this list of questions unconsciously. This action will make the other person feel like they've been interrogated.
  • If this is your first time talking to the person, try to talk about a topic relevant to the immediate situation, instead of simply focusing on a random topic.
  • Show a friendly attitude and don't offend others.
  • If you're talking to a group of people, make sure everyone feels involved in the story. If you only talk to one person in the group and hope that someone else will observe your conversation, you will make everyone feel awkward.
  • Listening carefully to the other person's responses to your questions can lead you to many other relevant topics.
  • Think before you speak. You will not be able to take back your words. Also, people will usually remember the conversation they used to have with you, so don't act in an unfriendly manner unless you want them to remember you in this way.
  • A good way to prolong the conversation while maintaining the balance is to take turns asking questions. You don't have to turn this process into an oral contest or a race to see who can ask the best questions, but it's a polite way to form a fun conversation without being overly excited. in favor of someone.
  • Listen carefully, and try to get in touch with yourself. After the person has answered your question, relate their response to your own experience, or come up with an answer to the question yourself, even if the person did not.
  • Avoid "one-word answers" (such as "Yes", "No" and "OK") as they will put the conversation in a dead end.
  • If you are meeting new people, make an effort to remember their names! It sounds easy, but you will easily forget this element. Be quick to repeat the person's name five times in a row as they introduce themselves.