How to French Kissing

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to French Kiss | Kissing Tips
Video: How to French Kiss | Kissing Tips


  • You can also break the touch limit when the is going to kiss your partner. If you are standing, touch their arm, neck or shoulder as you move forward to kiss. If you are sitting, you can put one hand on their back.
  • Go to kiss when the moment is right. In general, act slowly to give the person time to decline, but not so slowly that the moment passes. When you begin to realize that your partner is ready to take the next step, don't hesitate. Move your body towards them until their heads are only a few centimeters away. That's when you have to tilt your head to create the best kiss position.
    • Trail. Going slowly forward creates tension for the person and helps them anticipate. Maintain the speed that gives the person a chance to agree or decline. When your opponent sees you coming, they may move to suit you, so moving slowly will help in case two people accidentally bump into each other.

  • Tilt your head slightly to one side. Not tilting your head while kissing will bring your nose together, so tilt your head slightly right or left. If you see the person going in this direction, choose the opposite direction. Don't put too much pressure on yourself about perfection. If the kisses don't tilt your head and make your noses bump slightly, then simply adjust your head to a more comfortable position so that the nose doesn't touch.
    • Unlike what you see in movies, it doesn't have to be like slow motion. You will tilt your head as you approach the person, but not at a slug, so you don't have to worry about not having enough time for the perfect kiss.
  • Gently glide your lips on your partner's lips. First, use very light pressure so that your lips are only lightly on the person's lips. This will help you both enjoy and prepare for the next step, rather than giving it a quick kiss. This is a sign that your partner will notice that you want more without being too obvious.
    • Act slowly. A series of quick and superficial kisses cannot be as compelling as the slow, progressive kiss. Act like you have unlimited time and the kiss will increase in rhythm.

  • Experience something new. After going through the tongue-free kissing for a while and preparing to move into French kissing, you can subtly allude that you are ready to take the experience to a new level. In general, if this is your first time kissing this person, you need to be a bit cautious before you initiate a French kiss, as it may be too soon. Other than that, here are some things to keep in mind when you want to signal them that you are ready to kiss with your tongue:
    • Open mouth wider. Making public outreach invites them to initiate an exploratory tongue contact.
    • Lock your lips so that their lower lip is between your lips. Then gently slide the tip of the tongue over their lower lip. Act so smoothly that the exposure lasts less than a second. If they like, they will interact with you.
    • Know when to step back. If you've tried both of the above and your partner isn't responding, simply forget about it and move on with the usual kiss. Avoid making a big deal or blaming them.

  • Explore with your tongue. If the person is interested, go ahead with a French kiss. Remember to keep your tongue in motion and just touch it lightly. First, you just slowly slide your tongue into your partner's mouth. Start by placing your tongue above or below their tongue, or more courageously swing your tongue around their tongue. But make sure your partner's tongue is also responding to your actions, so you don't just kiss a stiff tongue and the romance will last longer. Here are a few things to keep in mind when exploring French kisses:
    • A little naughty. "Touch" the person's tongue and wait for them to touch again, inviting them to take the next step.
    • The tongue contains a lot of nerve endings and as long as you touch your tongue against their tongue, it feels very comfortable.
    • Don't go too deep - pushing your tongue against your partner's throat will quickly lose inspiration. Be gentle at first and do not push your tongue deep. Wait and see how deep your tongue is, and do it accordingly.
  • Mix. Kisses are like snowflakes: no kiss is exactly the same. Once you're comfortable with the French kiss you'll want to do the same thing each time, but for your emotions to continue to flourish, you need to resist that desire. You have to find a pleasant and sweet rhythm while at the same time adding the variation over time to maintain attractiveness. Here's what you can change:
    • Speed: Changing the pace of your kissing is a great way to make a difference without fearing your partner. After you've mastered the slow kiss, try kissing faster for a few seconds, so you'll both suffocate a bit!
    • Depth: When you feel more comfortable with someone, try kissing more deeply. The key to success is keeping your pace under control. Or, if you want the kiss to be more glamorous and mischievous, switch back to shallow kisses outside.
    • Pressure: Like deep kissing, stronger kissing should only be used in situations where you both know each other well and your partner feels comfortable. Use a stronger tongue but remember to keep it in constant motion.
    • Teeth: You should rub your tongue against the back or front of their teeth. They will feel a bit tickled, but in return the kiss is renewed. You can also try biting light the opponent's lower lip. However, not everyone likes to kiss with other people's teeth, so be prepared to take back teeth!
  • Use your hands. Your hands should be in a polite position, especially on your first kiss, but you don't have to let them hang to your sides. Using your hands to gently touch your partner (but showing respect) can increase the romance of a kiss and strengthen the bond between you two. Once you've made contact with your partner, you can move your hands around from time to time without being too hasty. Here's how to use your hands while doing a French kiss:
    • The general rule of thumb is to place your hands on your partner's hips first, then slowly move them around their back or up their face and hair.
    • A sensual move for the first kiss is to gently caress the other person's shoulder. It shows that you are comfortable with them.
    • Use your hands to hold your partner's cheeks and neck.
    • Or you can choose a more classical way of wrapping your arms around your partner like a hug.
  • Practice. Like any kind of kiss, you need to practice French to kiss well. Technique will gradually improve as you practice more. In addition, practicing as much as possible with one person will make you feel more comfortable kissing them, thereby developing a kiss that is suitable for both. Just because you don't have the perfect first kiss doesn't mean your relationship will be bleak and lack of romance, be patient with a slow, gentle kiss until you catch the right rhythm.
    • You shouldn't be too serious about this. If you fail to try something, feel free to laugh, apologize and try again. If you are disappointed with a failed kiss, you will only make your partner feel more uncomfortable and not really necessary.
    • Most first kisses, like the first sex, don't say anything. Part of the joy is being able to practice better together.
  • Communication. If you really like the way your partner kisses, let them know.If you don't like something, let them know, but express it skillfully and compliment them at the same time on something you like. If she / he is honest and open with you, try not to overreact or be hurt, otherwise he or she may be shy about communicating with you in the future.
    • Even if the kiss completely failed, it was a close experience that the two of you could joke about together! It is important that you both be honest about your feelings and what you want to do to improve that.
    • You should also let your partner know how attractive they look, and how much you like them. Make it clear that you are very happy to be with them and that a French kiss will come in a much more natural way.
  • Advice

    • Be an active lover. If someone gives you a French kiss and you like it, don't just sit there, take an active part in the kiss. Interact with their actions and take turns taking initiative with each other's tongue and lips. If you don't feel comfortable with part of the kiss, don't be afraid to step back or gently close your lips. Here's how to let the person know.
    • There are no rules for the timing of a kiss. Whenever you feel uncomfortable you can stop kissing; otherwise enjoy it until either of you stops, usually both. Some people find it very romantic to suck a partner's lower or upper lip while the kiss is stopped. You may be inspired to kiss again after you both catch your breath.
    • Saliva builds up during the French kiss and it affects the romance. You should swallow sometimes are not interrupt the kiss. If you can't swallow while kissing, don't be afraid to pause. Smiling when you stop kissing will reassure your partner that you want to take a break, not be in the mood for it.


    • Remember, French kissing can infect certain diseases like genital herpes and infectious mononucleosis.
    • If you feel uncomfortable or don't want to take any further steps, step back and let them know you want to stop kissing. Rigid. Denial is normal.
    • You can still French kiss if one or both of you wear braces, but be careful to prevent the braces from touching each other. Also avoid touching the braces to the tongue as it can accidentally cut the tongue. Refer to How to kiss with braces.