How to better understand others

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Secret to Understanding Humans | Larry C. Rosen | TEDxsalinas
Video: The Secret to Understanding Humans | Larry C. Rosen | TEDxsalinas


Relationships are an important part of our lives. From friends to people you keep an eye on, from coworkers to people you've just met for the first time, you can feel a connection with someone and want to get to know them better. But how to deepen a relationship without seeming too overwhelming or imposing is sometimes not easy. You can get to know the person better by attracting attention, being open-minded, and strengthening your relationship.


Part 1 of 3: Attracting attention

  1. Actively chat. Chat is one of the best ways to learn more about a person. Getting someone's attention through a conversation is the signal that you want to get to know them better.
    • Use different means of communication. You can meet the person face to face or send text or email. Find a way to gently talk and ask a question for them to answer. For example, you could step up and say “Hi Suong, I like your presentation very much, especially the chart.How you do that?" If you send a message or email, you can write “Your presentation today is great Suong! I love your charts very much. Can you tell me more about how to draw your chart? ”
    • Remember to keep the conversation casual and not cover personal topics. Private things are only suitable when the two sides get closer, but they can also make many people misunderstand that you are flirting with them.

  2. Show who you are best. Usually, people will want to be closer to you if you have an upbeat attitude and a decent appearance. This shows you respect yourself and your friendships.
    • Take care of the looks, but don't overdo it. Wear clean clothes, brush your hair neatly, and avoid heavy makeup or heavy perfumes. This means that you are showing that you are someone who is more accessible and willing to get along with them.
    • Keep a positive and encouraging attitude. Everyone has bad days sometimes, but no friends like to be with people who are always pessimistic and sad. If it's been an unfortunate day, tell your friends and say, "But now I'm going out with you guys, I'm happy again."

  3. Show a friendly attitude. Everyone likes to be around confident and comfortable people. An optimistic, kind, friendly, and open-minded attitude toward the person you want to learn more about will help you draw them closer.
    • Maintain eye contact with the person and use open body language to show interest and friendliness Smile, face the person you're talking to, and tilt your head towards them.
    • Avoid saying negative things about others, as this can be annoying to the person you are trying to get closer to. Negative comments can make people think, "What is this person going to say behind my back?"

  4. Please be patient. Getting to know one person can take a long time. The gradual interaction between the two parties demonstrates mutual respect and concern. It also allows each person to fully express their true personality and self, thereby fostering a stronger relationship. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Interacting with that friend

  1. Talk about the things that each side is interested in. During conversations, talk about what the other person is interested in. When you know what the person likes and dislikes, you will learn more about their personality.
    • Pay attention to comments about the person's interests and take them into the conversation. This can stimulate the conversation and help you get to know the person better. It can also lead to activities that both parties can do together. For example, you could say “You said you like Thai food? I have never tried it. What foods do you like? "
    • Ask about the person's interests. For example, if you want to be more intimate with the person next to you, ask “The picture on your desk is so beautiful. Where did you shoot?"
    • Talk about your interests in conversation. This can help your friend get to know you better and show that you enjoy talking to them. You can consider using the other person's interests to talk about yours. For example, when chatting about food, you could say “I love learning new cuisines, but Thai food I don't know much. Tell me more about your favorite foods! ”
  2. Pay close attention to the person. To get to know the person's interests and personality, you need to listen and observe what they say and do. This shows your interest and provides a topic for you to talk about or invite them to join in an activity.
    • Alternate between serious topics and funny stories to learn more about your friend's personality. You could talk about fun topics like pets, for example, "What kind of dog do you have / like to have?" On more serious topics, choose something that is not controversial at first so that you don't upset the person. You could say, "Do you believe the presidential race is getting bad now?"
    • Ask about the person's opinion to show them that you want to get to know them better.
    • Find something from your friend to compliment. This is a great way to keep a conversation going and to show interest in them. For example, you could say “You are good at coping with problems! How can you do it so gently? "
    • Notice the person's habits. Does your friend keep the door open for everyone? This shows that they are polite and thoughtful.
  3. Maintain independence. When you want to get to know someone and make friends, you may want to spend a lot of time with them, but it's important to keep your independence. This shows your respect for the person and for yourself, and can help you get to know them better.
    • Continue to affirm your opinion. This can lead to more meaningful conversations. Show the friend that you have the power to give an opinion. Conversations and exchanges will keep your friendship fresh.
    • Avoid being present. This shows that you are not a clingy person, and that you are able to maintain other relationships.
  4. Spend time with that friend. One of the best ways to learn more about a person is to participate in activities with them. This can help you see other aspects of their life or personality, and also shows that you want the relationship to deepen.
    • Consider starting by asking them to do something you both enjoy. For example, you might suggest going to dinner at a restaurant you both want to try or cook together.
    • The time you spend with that person should match the level of intimacy between you two. For example, you shouldn't book a vacation with your friend if you've only known them for a few months. Instead, organize a day trip to enjoy hobbies you both enjoy.
  5. Accept the positives as well as the negatives. We humans are no one with only one-way personality. When you get to know someone, you should understand that everyone has a good side and a bad side. Gently accepting the other person's strengths and weaknesses can help you get to know the seller better and help strengthen the relationship.
    • Keep the interactions between you as positive as possible. Start with good news or something positive happens to you. This can relax your mind and allow you or the other person to start talking about negative issues, and this will help you learn more about their personality.
    • Show sympathy when your friend seems to be having a bad day. Negative things cannot be avoided, and observing how the other person handles the problem can help you get to know them better. If you want, you can discuss their problems and offer to help.

Part 3 of 3: Strengthening the relationship

  1. Show that you care about the person. There is no harm in telling someone you want to get to know them and get closer to them as a friend or have romantic feelings for them. When the two of you have a good conversation, you can say, "I really enjoy talking with you and hope that our friendship will become closer in the future." Remember to emphasize pure friendships by mentioning "friendship" to avoid misunderstanding. If you have affection for the person, let them know. “You know, we spent a lot of time together, and my feelings for you are not just friendship. I hope you have feelings for me too, but otherwise I understand. " These statements express your feelings, but don't put pressure on the other person.
  2. Share information and feelings. When you have the opportunity to get to know the other person more deeply, you can begin to talk about your feelings and personal information. This will show the other person that you want to get to know them more and help you build a reliable bond between you two.
    • Avoid sharing information and feelings that are too private. Rely on the level of intimacy between you two to consider what you confide in them. For example, don't talk about your sex life or ask them about their "it".Things like this should only be told to very close friends, not to the person you are trying to learn more about. Instead, you can share things like "I'm going to have knee surgery" or "My husband just got a promotion, but his company wants us to move elsewhere."
  3. Invite that person to a gathering. Many times, your friends may have an interesting perspective on the person you are trying to understand better. Inviting the person in activities with other friends can help you see how they behave with different people, even other aspects of their personality.
    • Remember to consider how close you are to the person when inviting them to group activities. For example, avoid inviting someone new to evening cocktails. Instead, consider inviting them to dinner with a few friends, where everyone has the opportunity to chat and get to know each other.
  4. Spend more time together. As you and the person get closer, you might consider spending more time with the person. Regular meetings or vacation trips will help the two sides get to know each other better.
    • You can arrange regular “dating” sessions with dinners or going for cocktails. So you can talk more about each other or talk about the problems that happened in each other's life.
    • Plan day trips or travel trips. Spending time with your loved one on a relaxing trip can help you get to know him or her. Remember, this is okay if you want time to pamper yourself on vacation.